
Board of Directors approves results as at 30 September 2024

Improvement continues in economic performance; revenue and Adjusted EBITDA both up

  • Consolidated net revenue € 705.8 million, an improvement of 3.8% versus € 679.9 million at 30 September 2023;
  • Adjusted EBITDA € 133.3 million, improving by 3.1% versus € 129.3 million at 30 September 2023;
  • Group net profit positive for € 59.3 million versus € 66.3 million at 30 September 2023. Adjusted net profit € 63.2 million, essentially stable compared with € 62.8 million at 30 September 2023;
  • Solid cash generation confirmed with LTM Ordinary Cash Flow of € 67.3 million at 30 September 2024;
  • Net Financial Position gross of IFRS 16 amounted to € -229.7 million from € -223.9 million at 30 September 2023 mainly due to shareholder remuneration and M&A transactions.
  • 2024 outlook confirmed in light of the results achieved at 30 September 2024
  • Start of share buyback program to service the 2024-2026, 2023-2025 and 2022-2024 Performance Share Plans
  • Extraordinary shareholders’ meeting convened to adopt changes to the Bylaws regarding the appointed representative, pursuant to art. 135-undecies.1 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998

Today, the meeting of the Board of Directors of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., chaired by Marina Berlusconi, reviewed and approved the Interim Management Statement at 30 September 2024 presented by Chief Executive Officer Antonio Porro.

“During FY 2024, the improvement in our Group’s economic performance continued”, commented Antonio Porro, CEO and General Manager of the Mondadori Group. “The positive dynamic of revenue and Adjusted EBITDA and the relevant cash generation have allowed us to finance the acquisitions, increase remuneration of shareholders and confirm the objectives we set ourselves as targets for FY 2024. In fact, during the period, the development of our core business continued, also through acquisitions in books and digital”, Mr Porro concluded.

Performance at 30 September 2024

During the first nine months of 2024, consolidated revenue totalled € 705.8 million, showing growth of 3.8% compared with the previous year (€ 679.9 million in the same period of 2023). Net of the change in consolidation scope between the two periods under review, resulting from the consolidation of the companies Star Shop (from 1 February) and Chelsea Green Publishing (from 1 May), organic revenue growth was 1.1%.

Adjusted EBITDA was € 133.3 million, up 3.1% on the € 129.3 million recorded for the first nine months of 2023, mainly thanks to the Trade Books, Retail and Media areas.

The Group’s EBITDA came to € 134.2 million, compared with the € 131.5 million at 30 September 2023, showing, despite lesser non-recurring income linked to the net capital gain deriving from the sale of the Grazia and Icon in 2023, an improvement of approximately € 2.7 million due to the favourable dynamics of the operating components.

The Mondadori Group’s EBIT, positive for € 88.3 million, has shown, compared with the € 90.5 million for the first nine months of 2023, a slight downturn, of € 2.2 million, due to the greater amortisation/depreciation, of approximately € 5 million, recorded during the period under review, mainly deriving from:

  • for € 2.3 million, larger investments made during the last 12 months;
  • and for an amount of € 1.9 million, from the accounting effects of the Purchase Price Allocation (PPA) process relating to the M&A transactions completed during previous years.

Neutralising the extraordinary items and the amortisation deriving from the allocation of the price for the companies acquired in the last 5 years, the period’s Adjusted EBIT would stand at € 93.8 million, up by approximately 1% compared with the € 92.6 million of the same period of the previous year.

The consolidated result before tax of the first nine months of 2024 was positive at € 82.4 million, a decline of about € 5 million compared with € 87.1 million at 30 September 2023. This reduction is the result of the dynamics already described, in addition to the lesser contribution, for approximately € 2.5 million, of the lesser earnings of associates which in 2023 benefited from non-recurring income (capital gains and fair value revaluation).

Financial expense grew by € 0.2 million in total as a result of greater imputed costs linked to the IFRS 16 debt (€ +0.6 million). The financial expense associated with the bank debt, on the other hand, declined insofar as the higher cost of debt was more than offset by lower average debt.

The Group’s net profit at 30 September 2024, after minority interests, was positive for € 59.3 million, down by approximately € 7 million compared with € 66.3 million in the first nine months of 2023, of which approximately € 5 million arising from the non-ordinary dynamics described previously and the remaining € 2 million resulting from a greater share of the profit attributable to minority interests (€ +1.3 million) and higher tax expense.

The tax component for the first nine months of FY 2024 are, in fact, negative for € 21.6 million compared with € -20.5 million at 30 September 2023: the 2023 result had, in fact, benefited from the recognition of non-taxable income or income subject to reduced taxation such as the capital gains arising from the sales of magazines and of the investment in SEE, as well as the contributions in the Media area.

Adjusted Net Profit, neutralised of the extraordinary components (including capital gains) and amortisation deriving from the purchase price allocation of the companies acquired, would be € 63.2 million, essentially stable compared with the € 62.8 million of the same period of the previous year.

Net Financial Position net of IFRS 16 at 30 September 2024 was € -150.9 million (net debt), essentially unchanged compared with the € -152.3 million at 30 September 2023; the significant cash generation of the business made it possible to finance the acquisitions of Star Shop and Chelsea Green Publishing and to increase remuneration of shareholders without increasing the Group’s financial exposure.

Net Financial Position gross of IFRS 16 at 30 September 2024 stood at € -229.7 million (net debt), up by approximately € 6 million from € -223.9 million at 30 September 2023, due to an IFRS 16 debt component of € -78.8 million, up by approximately € 7 million due to the renovation and development of the network of directly-managed book stores in the Retail area in addition to the acquisitions finalised in 2024 in the Trade Books area.

Cash flow from ordinary operations (i.e. after cash-out for financial expense and tax) in the twelve months prior to 30 September 2024 amounted to € 67.3 million.

At 30 September 2024, extraordinary cash flow of the twelve months previous was negative by approximately € 29 million, mainly due to cash-outs related to net balance of acquisitions and disposals for around € 15 million, restructuring costs for around € 6 million and the renovation of the Segrate headquarters for approximately € 4 million.

As a result, Free Cash Flow LTM at 30 September 2024positive for € 38.1 million – reflected the ongoing efficiency of the Group’s structures and confirmed its capacity to self-finance its inorganic growth policy.

Finally, during the period under review, the Mondadori Group recorded dividends for its shareholders for approximately € 31 million (of which 50% already distributed on 22 May 2024 and the remaining € 15.5 million assigned for payment on 20 November 2024).

Outlook for the year

In light of the results achieved in the first nine months of FY and the reference markets scenario, the Mondadori Group confirms the previously communicated guidance for the 2024 financial year.

Income Statement:

  • low single-digit revenue growth;
  • mid single-digit growth in the Adjusted EBITDA, with margins expected to remain stable at around 17%; this result is due to targeted pricing policies and a further reduction of paper and printing costs.

Financial data

In FY 2024, the Group confirms its significant cash generation capacity and therefore an estimated Ordinary Cash Flow of around € 70 million.

Performance of Business Areas

Trade Books Area

During the first nine months of the year, the book market showed essential stability (-0.5%[1] compared with the previous year).

In this context, the Mondadori Group’s publishing houses recorded a significantly better result than the reference scenario, with overall growth in the first nine months of 1.5%even more significant in the third quarter alone (+3.6%) – thanks, in particular, to the excellent performance of sales of Italian fiction.
This performance has allowed the Mondadori Group to strengthen its national leadership with a market share of 28%.

As proof of the quality of the publishing plan and the depth and assortment of its catalogue, during the first nine months of the year, the Mondadori Group was able to place 4 titles in the top ten best-sellers list[2]. In addition, in July the Mondadori Group, through the Einaudi publishing house, won the 78th edition of the Strega Prize with “L’età fragile” by Donatella Di Pietrantonio.

During the first nine months of FY 2024, Trade Books area revenue came to € 281.9 million, showing growth of 7.5% (+0.7% like-for-like) compared with € 262.4 million for the same period of the previous year.

Adjusted EBITDA of the Trade Books area for the first nine months of 2024 came to € 42.2 million, showing margin growth of around 3% (€ 1.2 million), due to the improved profitability of the publishing houses, as a result in particular of the growth of digital revenue and lesser incidence of industrial costs (paper, first and foremost), which more than offset the decline in the margin recorded for museum activities.

Education Books Area

The Textbooks market (primary and secondary schools) reported a reduction of 1.5% in the total number of students (sharper in primary school), due to the demographic trend recorded in Italy.

In the first nine months of FY 2024, the Mondadori Group school textbook publishing houses achieved a market share (adoptions) of 31.8%, stable compared with the previous year and thereby confirming its leadership at national level. This result is due to growth in the secondary school segment (middle and upper schools) and a downturn in the primary school segment, characterised by greater volatility and lesser profitability.

In the first nine months of 2024, the area’s business recorded total revenue of € 213.9 million, slightly down (- 0.7%) versus € 215.5 million of the same period in 2023.

Adjusted EBITDA for the Education Books area came to € 73.8 million, in line with the € 73.9 million recorded in the same period of the previous year: the limitation of operating costs made it possible to offset greater logistics costs for € 1.9 million and the loss of margin deriving from the lesser revenue.

Retail Area

As already mentioned, the book market in Italy at end-September recorded a slight overall decline (-0.5%[3]) compared with the same period of 2023; growth of the physical channel (+1.1%); negative performance of the on-line channel (estimated at -3.3%).
In this context, the Retail area continued to outperform the market; Mondadori Retail’s market share in the Book product stood at 13.2%, an increase compared with 30 September 2023, driven by an excellent performance of both direct and franchise stores and good performance of the on-line channel.

Total revenues (book and non-book) amounted to € 143.8 million, an increase of € 10.4 million (+7.8%) compared with € 133.4 million compared to the same period of the previous year.
On an organic level (i.e. net of revenue from Star Shop, consolidated in this area as of 1 February 2024) the growth was 2.6%. The growth in revenue on an organic level would have been even more significant (+3.8%) without the impact of the temporary closures (due to renovation work) of the bookstores in Marcianise and Nola, which weighed on revenue for over € 1.6 million in the first nine months of the current financial year.

An analysis of sales by channel compared with the previous year reveals:

  • further growth in revenue of direct bookstores (+5.3%);
  • the continuous growth of franchisee bookstores (+3.1%);
  • a slight decline in the on-line channel (-4%);
  • the positive impact of revenue deriving from the management (direct and franchised) of Star Shop comic book stores and e-commerce website;
  • the decline in revenues of Bookclub.

During the first nine months of the current year, the Retail area presented Adjusted EBITDA of €9.4 million (net of the Star Shop comic book stores margin impact), and highlighted significant growth, of 12.8%, compared with the first nine months of 2023 (€ +1.1 million). This result confirms progression and constant improvement in performance seen for several years now.
Adjusted EBITDA also suffered the negative impact (€ 0.6 million) of the specified restoration projects, without which Adjusted EBITDA growth would have been around 20% (€ +1.7 million) compared with the same period of the previous year.

Media Area

During the first eight months of FY 2024, the advertising market recorded an increase of 7.6% compared with the previous year; in this context, the digital segment grew by 5.5% while magazines declined by 1.4%[4]. The magazines circulation market declined by 6.7%[5] and add-on products recorded a reduction of 10.1%[6].

In the first nine months of FY 2024, revenue in the Media area amounted to € 106.4 million, and posted an increase of around 5% since the previous year, stemming from the strong growth in the Digital component, which continues to offset the structural downturn of the component linked to traditional activities. Specifically:

  • the digital business (approximately 43% of the area’s total revenue) has shown growth in advertising revenue of 24.5%, resulting in particular from the positive performance of the MarTech segment and the excellent results of the social agency and Webboh;
  • the traditional print business declined by 6.9%, mainly due to the structural drop in add-on sales and readership during the quarter under review.

Adjusted EBITDA for the Media area came to € 12.8 million in the first nine months of FY 2024, showing growth of approximately 25% compared with the previous year, mainly due to the digital business. The EBITDA margin recorded an increase of 2 percentage points, from 10.1% to 12%.

Consolidated financial highlights of third quarter 2024

The consolidated revenue of the third quarter of 2024 came to € 318.7 million, essentially stable compared with the same quarter of the previous year: like-for-like, the organic performance of revenue recorded a slight downturn of 2%.
Adjusted EBITDA was € 92.4 million, an increase of almost € 1 million on the € 91.1 million recorded for the third quarter of 2023.
The quarter’s EBITDA came to € 91.8 million (€ 91.1 million in Q3 2023), revealing that, despite the lesser non-recurring income, there had been an improvement of € 0.6 million that reflects the positive operating trend.
EBIT of € 75.6 million was reported, showing a slight reduction of € 0.9 million compared with the same period of the previous year. Despite the positive operating performance of all business areas that had led to an improvement in the profitability of the Group, the higher depreciation and amortisation recorded, in the amount of € 1.6 million, as a result of the growing investments and the PPA process, resulted in this downturn compared with the previous year.
Neutralising the extraordinary items and the amortisation deriving from the allocation of the price for the companies acquired in the last 5 years (PPA), Adjusted EBIT would stand at € 78.4 million, up by approximately € 0.5 million compared with the third quarter of 2023.

Start of share buyback program to service the 2024-2026, 2023-2025 and 2022-2024 performance share planstart of share buyback program to service the 2024-2026, 2023-2025 and 2022-2024 performance share plans

The Board of Directors approved the start of a share buyback program, under Article 5 of Regulation (EU) no. 596/2014, to be executed in accordance with the terms and conditions, already disclosed to the public, resolved by the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of 24 April 2024 which, among other things, authorized:

  • the purchase and disposal of treasury shares for a maximum amount of up to 0.39% of the share capital, which is intended to provide the Company with the no. 1,018,196 shares required over the three-year period to meet the obligations under the 2024-2026 Performance Share Plan established by the same Shareholders’ Meeting, pursuant to Article 114-bis of the TUF;
  • the continuation of the buyback program to service the 2022-2024 Performance Share Plan and the 2023-2025 Performance Share Plan in the manners and within the limits set out in the relevant Regulations.

Pursuant to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052, details of the buyback program are shown below:

  • Purpose of the plan

The sole purpose of the program is the buyback of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. treasury shares to service the 2024-2026 Performance Share Plan, the 2023-2025 Performance Share Plan and the 2022-2024 Performance Share Plan.

  • Maximum amount in cash allocated to the plan

Buybacks will be made at a minimum unit price not lower than the official Stock Exchange price on the day before the purchase transaction, reduced by 20%, and at a maximum unit price not higher than the official Stock Exchange price on the day before the purchase transaction, increased by 10%. The volumes and unit purchase prices will, however, be defined in accordance with the conditions governed by Article 3 of EU Delegated Regulation 2016/1052. Specifically, no shares may be purchased at a price higher than the higher between the price of the last independent trade and the price of the highest current independent bid on the trading venue where the purchase is carried out. In terms of volumes, daily purchase amounts will not exceed 25% of the daily average volume of Mondadori shares traded over the 20 trading days before the dates of purchase.

  • Maximum number of shares to purchase

Purchases will regard a maximum of no. 720,000 ordinary shares (equal to 0.275%) of the share capital, taking account of the treasury shares already held in the Company’s portfolio, to service the aforementioned Performance Share Plans, in the manners and within the limits set out in the relevant Regulations.
The maximum total amount of shares under the program is therefore within the limits of 10% of the share capital indicated by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 24 April 2024, taking account also of the no. 548,471 treasury shares, equal to 0.209% of the share capital, already held by the Company to date.

  • Duration of the plan

The buyback program runs from 21 November 2024. The conclusion of the program, in any case by the Shareholders’ Meeting convened to approve the financial statements at 31 December 2024, the date on which authorisation to purchase treasury shares resolved by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 24 April 2024 expires, will be disclosed to the market.
The buyback program may be renewed upon further authorization by the shareholders.

  • Buyback procedures

The buyback program will be coordinated and executed by an authorized intermediary, who will make the purchases independently, with no influence from Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. as regards the timing of the purchases.
Buybacks will be made pursuant to the combined provisions of Article 132 of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 and of Article 5 of Regulation (EU) 596/2014, Article 144-bis of the Issuers’ Regulation, and the EU and national legislation on market abuse (including Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052), in accordance with the resolutions of the above Shareholders’ Meeting of 24 April 2024.
Any subsequent changes to the buyback program will be promptly disclosed by the Company. The transactions made will be disclosed to the market in the manners and within the time limits of applicable law.
For information on the above Performance Share Plans, reference should be made to the information documents prepared pursuant to Article 114-bis of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 and to Article 84-bis of CONSOB Regulation no. 1197/1999 and available on the website ( Governance section) and at the authorized storage mechanism 1Info (

Convening of the extraordinary shareholders meeting for the proposed supplementation of the company’s bylaws. notice of publication of documents

The Board of Directors has also convened the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting for 18 December 2024 (19 December in the event of a second call) to resolve on a proposal to supplement the company’s bylaws. The supplement regards, in execution of the provisions introduced by art. 11 of Italian Law no. 21 of 5 March 2024 (the “Capital Markets Law”), the attribution to the Board of Directors of the faculty to determine that intervention and exercise of voting rights in shareholders’ meetings may also take place exclusively through the Company’s appointed representative in accordance with Article 135-undecies.1 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998.
The notice calling the shareholders’ meeting and the Directors’ Explanatory Report are available to the public, in accordance with articles 125 bis and 125 ter of Italian Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998, on the Company’s website (Governance/Shareholders’ meeting section) and on the authorised storage mechanism 1Info at The Call notice is also published in extract form, on 14 November, in the newspaper “il Giornale”.


The Interim Management Statement at 30 September 2024 is made available by today through the authorised storage mechanism 1info (, on (Investors section) and at the registered office.

The presentation of the results at 30 September 2024, approved today by the Board of Directors, is available on and on (Investors section).

A Q&A session will be held in conference call mode at 3.30 p.m. for the financial community, attended by the CEO of the Mondadori Group, Antonio Porro, and the CFO, Alessandro Franzosi. Journalists will be able to follow the meeting in listening mode only, by connecting to the following phone number +39.02.8020927 or via web at:

The Financial Reporting Manager – Alessandro Franzosi – hereby declares, pursuant to Article 154 bis, paragraph 2, of the Consolidated Finance Law, that the accounting information contained herein corresponds to the Company’s records, books and accounting entries. 


Annexes (in the complete pdf): 

  1. Consolidated Statements of Financial Position
  2. Consolidated Income Statement
  3. Consolidated income statement – III quarter
  4. Group cash flow
  5. Glossary of terms and alternative performance measures use

Mondadori Group: acquisition of 51% of Fatto in casa da Benedetta finalised

● The brand, conceived by Italy's most important food creator, enters a new phase of development and growth

● Mondadori Media consolidates its leadership position in food & cooking with a total of more than 87 million followers

Segrate, 1 October 2024 – The Mondadori Group announces that Mondadori Media has today completed – in execution of the binding offer signed and disclosed on 22 July – the acquisition of 51% of the share capital of Fatto in casa da Benedetta S.r.l. (formerly Waimea S.r.l.), which holds all the intellectual property and economic exploitation rights pertaining to the image of Benedetta Rossi, as well as all the social media assets and the related content library.

The price of the acquisition, paid in full in cash, is € 6.9 million and reflects an enterprise value for 100% of the company, on a cash & debt free basis, of € 13.5 million.

The transaction, which sees Benedetta Rossi and Marco Gentili (through Maui Media) keeping a 49% stake in the company and remaining executive directors, is part of a targeted strategy to consolidate Mondadori Media’s role as a leading multimedia player in food & cooking, a driving sector for the country’s economy and one of Italy’s distinguishing features worldwide.

A highly successful cookbook author and star of TV programmes dedicated to the world of cooking, Benedetta Rossi is Italy’s most important creator in the food sector, a point of reference for over 17 million social media followers and 4 million unique monthly website users.
Through this acquisition Mondadori Media strengthens, therefore, in a synergistic and integrated way, its own position in the sector, where it already operates with GialloZafferano, the most-followed food media brand in Italy, and Zenzero, the talent agency that manages the best creators in the sector. This strategic partnership, moreover, enables the Group to become one of the world’s most important social media players in food, thanks to a total audience of over 87 million cooking enthusiast followers reached jointly by Benedetta Rossi and GialloZafferano globally.
Thanks to the synergies with GialloZafferano – in terms of audience, content production and know-how – Mondadori Media will focus, moreover, on the creation of increasingly innovative content, to boost the success of both brands, in Italy and abroad, and offer high-impact special projects and solutions to partner companies.

In terms of future developments, Mondadori Media will provide its team and expertise to promote Benedetta Rossi’s characteristics and core values with the aim of consolidating the brand Fatto in casa da Benedetta as well as launching its growth in new sectors. Strategic investments are planned to explore sectors adjacent to the world of food, with the aim of diversifying the business model and expanding the range on offer.

“With today’s signing Marco and I are writing a new page of our story, to transform what we’ve built into an even more robust company. After an initial phase that was highly satisfying and full of emotions, our ambition is to achieve even more challenging results, while still focusing on the primary objective of being close to, and actually helping, our audience”, commented Benedetta Rossi.

“For years our group has collaborated with Benedetta Rossi and Marco Gentili in making highly successful books. We have thus established a very strong relationship of trust and respect, which will also be fundamental to this new collaboration. We will provide them with our skills and passion to ensure that their project becomes even more of a point of reference for the many Italians who follow Benedetta Rossi every day with great fondness and trust”, comments Andrea Santagata, Chief Executive Officer of Mondadori Media, who is also Chairman of the company Fatto in casa da Benedetta.

Lastly, and as already announced, it should be noted that the terms of the transaction also provide for a variable component (so-called earn-out) – to be defined on the basis of the results of the two-year period 2023-2024 and of the financial year 2026 – the value of which, also due a contractual “cap” mechanism, is estimated to be € 3.2 million.
The agreements signed also provide for put & call options on a further 19% stake in Fatto in casa da Benedetta‘s share capital (exercisable after the approval of the 2028 financial statements), the exercise terms/strike price of which are linked to the company’s performance (turnover and EBITDA) in 2028.
Exercising these options would allow Mondadori Media to increase its stake to 70%, while keeping Benedetta Rossi and Marco Gentili shareholders at 30%, consistent with the long-term strategic partnership established by the transaction.



Mondadori Group: put and call options over 10% of Adelphi

The options can be exercised from May 2027

Antonio Porro, Chief Executive Officer of the Mondadori Group: “Adelphi is one of Italy’s true cultural assets and we are honoured that we have been given the chance to be a part of it”

The Mondadori Group reports that Mondadori Libri S.p.A. has signed mutual put and call options over a 10% stake in the share capital of Adelphi with Josephine Calasso – holder of a total shareholding of 23.88%.
The put/call options will be exercisable as of May 2027 at an exercise price reflecting an equity value for 100% of Adelphi of € 50 million.

“I chose the Mondadori Group because I care about the future of Adelphi, because it has proved to be a straightforward and transparent interlocutor, and because I truly believe that its proximity can make a valuable contribution to the evolution and growth of our publishing house, thanks to its skills, proven management expertise, size and, above all, the open manner of interaction and appreciation it has always shown towards publishing houses”, commented Josephine Calasso.
“I trust that this decision will be appreciated by the other shareholders, also with a view to restoring balance to the ownership structure, and am certain it will help make my dream for an Adelphi led by Roberto Calasso’s heirs, come true, as it looks forward to a bright future, worthy of its history, which can be seen in the extraordinary catalogue, my father’s legacy”, concluded Josephine Calasso.

“The agreement defined stems from a recognition and appreciation by the Mondadori Group of the extraordinary unique value of Adelphi, one of Italy’s true cultural assets. It is, for us, therefore a great honour to have been offered the chance to be part of its ownership structure in the future: we do so with the aim, together with all the other shareholders, of supporting its natural evolution and with a view to creating further value”, declared Antonio Porro, Chief Executive Officer of the Mondadori Group. “All this while leveraging the fully shared vision, which sees the identity of the catalogue and the autonomy and independence of the publishing choices as the essential cornerstones in the development of a major, historic publishing house, in complete coherence with our philosophy whereby each publishing context is encouraged to preserve its identity and its own, specific characteristics”, Antonio Porro stressed. “Ultimately, we seek to make a contribution and share an inclusive path in due time with all those wishing to collaborate on the project for further enhancing the value of one of Italy’s most prestigious publishing houses”.

Mondadori Group: publication of the half-year financial report at 30 June 2024

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. hereby informs that the Half-Year Financial Report at 30 June 2024, comprising the Independent Auditors’ report, is now available at the Company’s registered office, at the authorized storage mechanism 1info ( and on the website (Investors section).

Board of Directors approves results as at 30 June 2024

Significant growth in revenue and Adjusted EBITDA from first six months

  • Consolidated net revenue from first half of 2024 at € 387.2 million versus € 362.4 million in the same period of 2023 (+6.8%) 
  • Adjusted EBITDA at € 40.9 million compared to € 38.2 million in first half of 2023 (+7%)
  • Group adjusted net profit at 30 June 2024 € 9 million versus € 8.5 million at 30 June 2023
  • Solid cash generation confirmed with LTM Ordinary Cash Flow of around € 67 million
  • IFRS 16 net financial position of € -293.3 million, from € -285.5 million at 30 June 2023
  • Outlook for 2024 confirmed, with reference to operating and financial figures, despite higher investments planned in FY 2024

Today, the meeting of the Board of Directors of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., chaired by Marina Berlusconi, reviewed and approved the Half-Year Report at 30 June 2024 presented by CEO Antonio Porro.

“The first half of 2024 ended with solid operating and financial performance, which allows us to confirm our forecasts for FY 2024. The growth recorded by the Trade Books and Retail business units was higher than that of the Book market, with a consequent increase in the market shares in the respective areas. We also continued to develop our core businesses, focusing in particular on consolidating the Mondadori Group’s leadership in book publishing, thanks to the finalisation of the acquisition of 51% of Star Shop and the conclusion of the acquisition of 100% of Chelsea Green Publishing, which strengthens our presence in the United States and the United Kingdom”, commented Antonio Porro, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of the Mondadori Group. “During the period, the Group also launched the PLAI, the start-up accelerator with which we aim to play a leading role in the ecosystem of generative artificial intelligence in the publishing industry”, concluded Porro.

Performance at 30 June 2024

Net consolidated revenue in the first half of 2024 amounted to € 387.2 million and showed growth of 6.8% compared to € 362.4 million in the first half of 2023. Net of the change in consolidation scope between the two periods under review, resulting from the consolidation of the company Star Shop (from 1 February 2024) and of Chelsea Green Publishing (from 1 May 2024), organic revenue growth was 3.8%.

Adjusted EBITDA for the first half of 2024 was € 40.9 million, up 7% compared to € 38.2 million in the first half of 2023, mainly thanks to the Trade Books, Retail and Media areas.

EBITDA in the first half of 2024 amounted to € 42.4 million, compared to € 40.3 million in the first half of 2023, which had benefited from the net capital gain (€ 2.9 million) linked to the sale of the brands Grazia and Icon. The improvement shown of around € 2.1 million is attributable to the favourable trend in the operating components and the recognition in the current year, in the Media area, of the release of certain provisions for risk allocated to cover liabilities that did not ultimately arise.

The Mondadori Group’s EBIT for the first half of 2024 was positive for € 12.7 million, a slight decrease (€ -1.2 million) compared to the same period in 2023, caused by higher amortisation and depreciation recorded in the period in question, for approximately € 3 million.

Neutralising extraordinary items and the impact of the Purchase Price Allocation (PPA) process, the adjusted EBIT for the period was € 15.4 million, up by approximately 5% compared to € 14.7 million in the first half of the previous year.

Financial charges recorded an overall increase of € 0.2 million, despite a reduction in bank expenses, caused by higher IFRS 16 debt.

The consolidated result before tax in the first half of FY 2024 was positive for € 9.4 million, compared to € 12.3 million in the corresponding period of 2023. The decrease of approximately € 3 million is attributable to the above dynamics, as well as the lower contribution – approximately € 1.6 million – from the earnings of associates, which in the first half of 2023 had benefited from the fair value revaluation (€ 1.3 million) of the investment in the company A.L.I. and the net capital gain (€ 0.4 million) arising from the sale of the investment in SEE (publisher of il Giornale).

The Group’s net profit in the first half of 2024, after minority interests, was positive for € 7.1 million, down by approximately € 5 million compared to the € 12.2 million in the first half of 2023. This decrease is attributable for approximately € 3 million to the non-ordinary dynamics described previously and, for the remaining € 2 million, to a greater share of the profit attributable to minority interests (€ +0.7 million) and higher tax expense.

The tax component for the first half of 2024 amounted to € -1.4 million compared to € +0.1 million in the same period of 2023: the result from the first half of 2023 had benefited from the recognition of non-taxable income or income subject to reduced taxation such as the capital gains arising from the sales of magazines and of the investment in SEE, as well as the contributions in the Media area (in FY 2023 not subject to taxation).

The Adjusted Net Profit, having neutralised extraordinary items (including capital gains) and the impacts deriving from the PPA process, was € 9 million, approximately 6% higher than € 8.5 million in the first half of 2023.

Net Financial Position excluding IFRS 16 at 30 June 2024 was € -211.9 million (net debt), an improvement of approximately € 3 million compared to € -215.2 million in the first half of 2023, due to significant cash generation by the business and despite the recognition of about € 31 million in dividends – of which 50% has already been distributed – and the cash-out for the acquisitions of Star Shop and Chelsea Green Publishing.

Net Financial Position gross of IFRS 16 at 30 June 2024 stood at € -293.3 million (net debt), from € -285.5 million at 30 June 2023, due to an IFRS 16 debt component of € -81.4 million, up by approximately € 11 million due to the renovation and development of the network of directly-managed bookshops in the Retail area, as well as acquisitions (particularly with reference to the Star Shop comic shops) finalised in 2024.

Cash flow from ordinary operations (after cash-out for financial expense and tax) in the twelve months prior to 30 June 2024 amounted to approximately € 67 million and allows the Group to continue to strengthen its financial structure.

At 30 June 2024, extraordinary cash flow was negative by approximately € 28 million, mainly due to net cash-outs related to merger & acquisition activities (around € 15 million), restructuring costs (around € 6 million) and the renovation of the Segrate headquarters (approximately € 3 million).

Free Cash Flow LTM at 30 June 2024, positive for € 39 million, confirmed the ongoing efficiency of the Group’s structures and resulting capacity of the Group to finance its growth policy by external lines.

Outlook for the year

In light of the results achieved in the first six months, the outlook for 2024 remains confirmed.

Income Statement

  • low single-digit revenue growth;
  • mid single-digit growth in the Adjusted EBITDA, with margins expected to remain stable at around 17%, thanks to targeted pricing policies and the further reduction of paper and printing costs.

Financial data

In the financial year 2024, the Group is expected to confirm the significant cash generation capacity and therefore an Ordinary Cash Flow of around € 70 million, despite higher investments for approximately € 4 million allocated to the renovation and energy efficiency measures of a printing facility of the Group, including from a sustainable perspective.

Performance of Business Areas

Trade BOOKS Area

The first six months showed a substantially stable trend on the book market in terms of value compared to the previous year (-0.1%): following the drop in the first part of the year, attributable to the comparison with 2023 which had benefited from the publication of “Spare. Il minore” (Spare) (Mondadori), the second quarter of 2024 recorded 4.1% growth in terms of value.

In this context, the publishing houses of the Mondadori Group recorded, in the second quarter, growth of 7.6%, nearly twice as much as the reference market: thanks to this performance, the Group reported growth across the entire six months of 1% and strengthened its national leadership with a market share in June 2024 of 27.7% (27.4% in June 2023).

As proof of the quality of the publishing plan and its catalogue, during the first six months of the year, the Mondadori Group was able to place 6 titles in the classification of the top ten bestsellers. We also note that in July the Mondadori Group, through Einaudi, won the 78th edition of the Strega Prize with “L’età fragile” by Donatella Di Pietrantonio.

Revenue in the first half of 2024 in the Trade BOOKS area amounted to € 188.5 million, recording growth compared to the previous year of approximately 9% (+3.4% on a like-for-like basis).

Adjusted EBITDA in the first six months of FY 2024 stood at € 27.7 million, an increase of € 1.5 million (+5.6%) compared to the first six months of 2023, largely due to the improved profitability of the publishing houses, deriving in particular from higher digital revenues and lower industrial costs (primarily paper).

Education BOOKS Area

School textbook publishing experiences a typical seasonal performance that sees sales squeezed into the second half of the year following the adoption campaign: as a result, the relating market shares for 2024 are unavailable at this time.

In the first six months of 2024, the school textbooks business reported overall revenue of € 61.1 million (€ 57.9 million in the corresponding period of 2023), increasing by 5.7% due to the advance on supplies to top accounts.

Adjusted EBITDA in the Education BOOKS area in the first half of 2024 stood at € 1.9 million, down on the € 2.3 million recorded in the first half of 2023, mainly due to the advanced production of the new textbooks made available to the sales network to support their promotion.


The RETAIL area showed 2.3% growth in the sell-out of the Book product in the first half of 2024, outperforming the market; as a result, the market share of Mondadori Retail rose to 12.7% (+0.3% compared to 30 June 2023), driven by an excellent performance of the direct and franchised retail outlets and a good performance of the online channel.

The renovation and development of the network of direct bookshops continued, numbering 47 units at the end of June 2024. For the franchised stores the progressive focus on the Bookstore format continued – with medium-sized bookshops offering considerable turnover – as did and the opening of new shops and the refitting of existing ones.

In the first six months of the year, the RETAIL area recorded revenue for € 91.4 million, with an 8.9% increase (€ +7.5 million), which is 3.6% net of the revenue of the Star Shop comic shops, consolidated from 1 February 2024. The organic growth would have been 4.9%, without the negative effect of the temporary closure of the Bookstore in Marcianise (CE) – subject to renovations, but already reopened by mid-July – which accounted for over € 1 million in lost sales in the first half of the current year.

An analysis of sales by channel in the first six months of 2024 shows a further increase in revenue from directly managed bookstores (+6.6% compared to the same period in the previous year) and from franchised bookstores (+4% compared to the first half of 2023) and, at the same time, a substantial stability in the online channel.

The Book area, which is the Mondadori Group’s core business, was the main component of product revenue (more than 80% of the total), up comprehensively by 3.9% on the first half of 2023.

The RETAIL area posted a positive Adjusted EBITDA for € 5.3 million, + 25.5% compared to the first half of 2023.


The advertising market (excluding searches, social networks, classified and OTT) in the first five months of 2024 showed an increase of 4.5% compared to the previous year. The magazine circulation market dropped by 6% and the add-ons market by 12.3%.

In the first half of 2024, revenue in the MEDIA area amounted to € 72 million, and posted an increase of 5% since the previous year, stemming from the strong growth in the digital component, which, for the first time, more than offset the structural downturn of the component linked to traditional activities.

Digital activities, which account for approximately 43% of the area’s total revenue, showed a 26.5% growth in advertising revenues, resulting in particular from the positive performance of the MarTech segment and the excellent results of the agencies and Webboh, operations for which began at the start of 2023; the traditional print business declined by 7%, mainly due to the structural drop during the six months in add-on sales and readership, which nevertheless showed an improvement in the second quarter compared to the trend of the first quarter.

The Adjusted EBITDA for the MEDIA area in the first half of 2024 amounted to € 10.1 million and showed approximately 12% growth compared to the corresponding period in 2023 attributable to the segment of digital activities. The EBITDA margin for the area rose from 13.1% to 14.1%.

The presentation of the results at 30 June 2024, approved today by the Board of Directors, is available on and on (Investors section). A Q&A session will be held in conference call mode at 4.00 pm for the financial community, attended by the CEO of the Mondadori Group, Antonio Porro, and the CFO, Alessandro Franzosi. Journalists will be able to follow the meeting in listening mode only, by connecting to the following phone number +39.02.8020927 or via web at:

The Financial Reporting Manager – Alessandro Franzosi – hereby declares, pursuant to Article 154 bis, paragraph 2, of the Consolidated Finance Law, that the accounting information contained herein corresponds to the Company’s records, books and accounting entries. 

Annexes (in the complete pdf): 

  1. Consolidated Statements of Financial Position
  2. Consolidated Income Statement
  3. Consolidated income statement – II quarter
  4. Group cash flow
  5. Glossary of terms and alternative performance measures used


Changes in the reports were calculated on amounts expressed in Euro thousands


Mondadori Group: strategic partnership with Benedetta Rossi to consolidate leadership position in food & cooking

A binding offer has been signed for the acquisition of 51% of the company that will manage the intellectual property rights and image of Benedetta Rossi, the well-known content creator, author and TV personality, and her brand “Fatto in casa da Benedetta”.

The combined activities of Benedetta Rossi, GialloZafferano and Zenzero will make Mondadori Media Italy's leading multimedia player in the food & cooking sector.

The Mondadori Group announces today that essential terms and conditions have been defined for the acquisition, by its subsidiary Mondadori Media, of 51% of the share capital of Waimea S.r.l., that holds all the intellectual property and economic exploitation rights pertaining to the image of Benedetta Rossi and Marco Gentili. Waimea is 97.9% owned by Benedetta Rossi and Marco Gentili (individually and through the company Maui Media) and 2.10% in equal amounts by Emiliano Messeni and Marco Iacobellis.

Benedetta Rossi is Italy’s best-known creator in the food & cooking sector. Her content creation activities range from the digital sphere – where she has a total social media fan base of over 17 million followers and 4 million unique monthly users of her website (Audiweb, May 2024) – to traditional media including, in particular, TV, where she has for many years starred in various programmes dedicated to cooking. Benedetta Rossi is also the most important cookbook author of recent years, with 9 books published with the Mondadori Group between 2016 and 2023, selling over 1.5 million copies in total.

As a result of this transaction, through the coordinated and synergistic management of activities linked to the Fatto in casa da Benedetta and GialloZafferano brands, the Mondadori Group intends to create the leading multimedia player in the food & cooking sector, both in digital and traditional media. The more than 87 million followers worldwide that Benedetta and GialloZafferano together will be able to reach will make them the world’s second most important social media operator in the food & cooking sector (internal processing of market data).

Antonio Porro, CEO of the Mondadori Group, commented: “Welcoming Benedetta Rossi and her brand into the perimeter of the Mondadori Group will allow us to achieve synergies on different levels: audience, content production and, more generally, know-how, particularly through a series of initiatives that will involve our different business areas. As a result of this acquisition, we are certain to become one of the leading global multimedia players in the food & cooking sector, an area of national pride”.

Benedetta Rossi commented: “We have been working with the publishing houses of the Mondadori Group for many years and have established a strong relationship of trust. Given Mondadori’s significant digital experience in the food sector, when with Marco we took the decision to strengthen our structure with a view to consolidating what we had achieved, and lay the foundations for a further development phase, it came naturally to think of the Mondadori Group as the best business and strategic partner”.

Future development will rest on the centrality of Benedetta Rossi as the person who can guarantee quality and reliability. The strategic partnership is also intended, through greater investment aimed at growing the company through which Benedetta currently operates, to broaden the media success already achieved in the food & cooking sector into new neighbouring sectors and towards new opportunities, even by diversifying the current business model.

The transaction involves the initial acquisition by Mondadori of 51% of the share capital of Waimea – whose revenues and EBITDA in 2023 amounted to € 4.5 million and € 2.7 million respectively – on terms that reflect an Enterprise Value (for 100% of the company) of € 13.5 million, on a cash&debt free basis. Consequently, the price, which will be paid in full in cash on the closing date, is € 6.9 million. The terms of the transaction also provide for a variable component (so-called earn-out) – to be defined on the basis of the results of the two-year period 2023-2024 and of the financial year 2026 – the value of which, also due a contractual “cap” mechanism, is expected to reach a total amount not exceeding € 3.2 million. Following the acquisition, the ownership structure of Waimea will see Mondadori Media holding 51% and Benedetta Rossi and Marco Gentili (through Maui Media) 49%.

The agreements signed also provide for put & call options on a further 19% stake in Waimea’s share capital (exercisable after the approval of the 2028 financial statements), the exercise terms/strike price of which are linked to Waimea’s performance (turnover and EBITDA) in 2028. Exercising these options would allow Mondadori Media to increase its stake in the company to 70%, while keeping Benedetta Rossi and Marco Gentili shareholders at 30%, consistent with the long-term strategic partnership established by the transaction.

Benedetta Rossi and Marco Gentili will remain directors with full autonomy in the management of the business. Advertising sales will continue to be managed by the advertising concessionaire Talks.
Finalisation of the offer documentation and closing of the transaction are expected to take place by the end of 2024 and will be promptly disclosed to the market.

The new Silvio Berlusconi Editore arrives in bookshops

The first title, an essay by Tony Blair, is released simultaneously worldwide.

Marina Berlusconi, President of Mondadori Group: ‘A publishing house that will give freedom a voice.’

Debuting on 5 September with an essay by Tony Blair on the art of governing is the new Silvio Berlusconi Editore, a publishing house founded by Mondadori Group with the purpose of focusing on liberal and democratic thought.

Silvio Berlusconi Editore,’ explains Marina Berlusconi, President of the Group ,‘will have a very precise objective: fighting for the concept of freedom and giving a voice to its broadest variations, while remaining absolutely separate from any form of political militancy. We decided to name this new publishing house after my father, Silvio Berlusconi, because his projects, his achievements, his life were founded on freedom. With no compromises. Talking about freedom today is more important than ever. Our society, Western society, appears increasingly threatened: wars, strengthening autocratic regimes, and the aversion that not a few of us show for the values our history was built on, starting with the most precious asset we have, freedom. An asset that we now see called into question.


The publishing house will release a limited number of titles each year, divided into two series. The first, ‘Biblioteca’, will collect important books to be published or republished, translated for the first time or translated again, but classic books nevertheless, either already recognised or destined to become so. ‘Libera’, the second series, is dedicated to contemporary authors tackling open questions on current events. In fact, the publisher aims to alternate past and present beyond any scheme, while focusing on both literature and non-fiction, Italian and foreign authors.

Titles Being Released

With On Leadership. Lessons for the 21st Century, Tony Blair has written a manual for ‘an art of good governance’ that he wished he had known when he began his long political career. A synthesis of lessons in leadership from years of experience at the top of a large, long-standing liberal democracy.

A work that answers some fundamental questions: How can we prioritise and deal with crises? How can we balance short-term victories with long-term structural changes? What is the best way to attract investment, to reform healthcare or education and to ensure citizen safety? And what should governments do to take advantage of the enormous opportunities of the 21st-century technological revolution? A decade at the helm of the United Kingdom, a commitment to supporting developing countries, working for peace in the Middle East and the fight against extremism have given Tony Blair the tools to judge today’s political situation clearly, immersing himself in various and often conflicting settings and scenarios.

Together with the release of On Leadership, two classics published in the ‘Biblioteca’ series enhance the Silvio Berlusconi Editore line. Voltaire’s Letters on the English, a work written in 1727 and 1728, during the author’s stay in England, recounts the political model of the parliamentary monarchy, religious tolerance, and the dynamism of a society in which scientists and men of culture played a fundamental role, in contrast to the tyrannical French feudal model. In this edition, the French philosopher’s classic is translated for the first time from English, the language in which it was written almost in its entirety.

The classics in the ‘Biblioteca’ series also include The Passing of an Illusion by François Furet, a historian known for his studies on the French Revolution and long-time director of the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris. This is a fundamental work of 20th-century history that seeks to understand the influence that communist ideas long exerted on Western intellectuals, despite the tragic experiences that marked it, first in the USSR, and then in other countries.


With his eyes on Russia, more modern this time, Alexander Baunov, a philologist of antiquity, has written The End of the Regime, a book that has become a bestseller in his homeland as a symbol of resistance to Putin. The first translation in the world will be published in 2025 by Silvio Berlusconi Editore in the ‘Libera’ series.  The work focuses on an analysis of the fall of the regimes of Francisco Franco in Spain, António Salazar in Portugal and the colonels in Greece, capturing moments in the transition from dictatorship to democracy. Without ever explicitly mentioning them, analogies with the contemporary history of Putin’s Russia, are the key to grasping the different historical frameworks analysed by Baunov.

Also coming out in bookshops in 2025 is I giorni contati, a new essay by Ernesto Galli della Loggia in the ‘Libera’ series. Without making allowances, the historian and editor of ‘Corriere della Sera’ addresses the state of Western civilisation, which is denying its roots and no longer seems to remember its values. Rather than inviting us to feel sorry for ourselves, the diagnosis is a combative call to resistance, a reprimand to remember who we are and fight for our existence.

In 2025, the ‘Libera’ series will also publish Ragazzi di carta velina by Walter Siti, editor of the works by Pier Paolo Pasolini and winner of the Strega Prize in 2013 with Resistere non serve a niente. The great writer reflects on the fragility of children, making it an interpretative paradigm that runs through many of the changes taking place in our society. In his analysis, Siti chooses the language of the latest generation as a starting point to understand the dynamics of a social context in which no one wants to offend and everyone considers themselves a victim.

Finally, Bourgeois Virtues, Bourgeois Dignity and Bourgeois Equality are the titles of Deirdre N. McCloskey’s ‘Bourgeois Trilogy’, which will be published in the Silvio Berlusconi Editore ‘Biblioteca’ series next year. The author, a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute in Washington D.C. and Professor Emerita at the University of Illinois Chicago, aims to show that capitalism and bourgeois values are a pillar of social, economic and cultural progress, in contrast to certain prejudices that persist in the public debate.

Starting on 26 June 2024, will be online with the first previews.

Mondadori Group: Annex 3F

The following is Annex 3F of the Consob Issuers’ Regulation on the payment of shares held as treasury shares to the beneficiaries of the 2021/2023 Performance Share Plan.

Mondadori Group: publication of the updated Bylaws

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. informs that the updated Bylaws, following the resolutions adopted by the extraordinary shareholders meeting held on April 24, 2024, is available at the registered office, at the authorized storage mechanism 1info ( and on the website (Governance section).

The Mondadori Group’s central role in the AI Revolution

PLAI has just been launched, the Mondadori Group's accelerator dedicated to start-ups in the field of Generative Artificial Intelligence

The Mondadori Group has launched PLAI, the start-up accelerator designed to transform ideas, based on exploiting artificial intelligence, into successful entrepreneurial initiatives. PLAI will offer them a distinctive field of application and an industrial outlet both at the publishing house and with the initiative’s partners.

With PLAI, the Mondadori Group defines the following goals:

  • set up a technology hub to identify highly innovative initiatives in its business sectors publishing, education, retail, media and advertising;
  • acquire a central role in the artificial intelligence revolution, becoming the core of a national and international community of innovators;
  • create industrial value and competitive advantage through targeted investments in AI start-ups.

“Artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming many markets. In a scenario in which generative AI makes content creation and processing a feasible prospect by revolutionising the way any activity is carried out, we want to give a strong impetus in terms of knowledge and informed use of AI in all our business areas,” says Antonio Porro, CEO of the Mondadori Group. As a leading media publisher, we want to play a central role in the Gen AI ecosystem to lead the industry as a trendsetter, attract talent and offer our customers new products and services. PLAI, our accelerator, was conceived with this goal in mind,” concludes Porro.

PLAI will operate in the pre-seed and seed phases by selecting, for each annual acceleration cycle, 10 Italian and international start-ups that will be supported with an initial investment of EUR 100,000 each, in exchange for a minority share. The Mondadori Group’s overall financial commitment is approximately EUR 6 million, to be invested over the three-year period 2024-2026.

In addition to capital, the accelerator will provide start-ups with concrete AI application areas, structured training and mentorship courses, besides the opportunity to participate in networking events. This will also be achieved with the unique set of skills and assets of relevant Italian and international partners, who have decided to join the Mondadori Group’s initiative, precisely, Startupbootcamp, I3P, Amazon AWS, PwC Italy, Multiversity, GroupM, Codemotion and Datapizza.

Core Operational Allies

  • Startupbootcamp, Europe’s first start-up accelerator and a leading global network, will support the PLAI team during every stage of the project, contributing significantly in terms of international scouting, and providing its network of experts and mentors. PLAI and Startupbootcamp teams will cooperate intensively, sharing the same workplace. This partnership is an important part of Startupbootcamp’s vision to accelerate 100,000 technologies featuring a positive impact on the planet and society by 2030.
  • I3P, the incubator of Politecnico di Torino, which supports the creation and development of innovative, technology-intensive start-ups, will support PLAI at all stages of the acceleration process, especially by enriching its training offer with more than 10 dedicated workshops.

Strategic collaboration HUB

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) will offer start-ups credits for using the AWS cloud featuring over 200 services, including those dedicated to Machine Learning and Generative Artificial Intelligence, as well as access to AWS’ team of AI experts.
  • Multiversity, a leader in the world of education and a pioneer in generative AI applied to digital education, will provide its academic expertise in the technology transfer process, thus creating an ideal ecosystem for the success of start-ups in this field.
  • GroupM will provide innovation and expertise in marketing, media and digital technology to bring start-ups closer to customers’ actual business environments.
  • PwC Italia will support the PLAI team by providing its expertise acquired in the publishing and media market, and in innovation management processes, by contributing to scouting and training phases for start-ups, and by assisting the PLAI team as strategic advisor.

Communication & Networking

  • Codemotion will involve network experts and support the PLAI community’s creation to enhance the programme by fostering meetings with its community of more than 250,000 developers through dedicated events and contests, and participation in the annual conference, a landmark for developers in Italy.
  • Datapizza will support the PLAI community’s growth by creating synergies with Gen AI experts, and by reporting on the initiative on the Italian Media Tech, which counts 15 million organic impressions each month.


PLAI‘s DNA is enclosed in the name, a pun that turns play into PLAI, with the addition of the AI factor. It symbolises a dynamic environment, a genuine playground for start-ups that are set and ready to explore and revolutionise the field of generative AI. The PLAl-Ground, a physical meeting and working place at the WAO PL7 space in via Lambertenghi 8, Milan, designed to stimulate creativity and discussions, and to accelerate the implementation of ambitious projects, will be placed at the disposal of start-ups.

Next steps

As of today, start-ups may apply to be examined and selected to access the acceleration programme promoted by PLAI. The selection phase for the 10 start-ups in the first cycle will end with the selection day in mid-September, while the four-month acceleration period will start in October. During this phase, each start-up will benefit from more than 50 hours of dedicated workshops conducted by Italian and international experts, and 20 hours of tailored mentorship. They will have the opportunity to apply their idea both within the Mondadori Group and at PLAI’s partners. In January, a Demo Day will be organised to introduce the start-ups to the market. They will make themselves known to investors and companies, and thus initiate a further important stage of development.

PLAI’s Chairman will be Antonio Porro, Chief Executive Officer of the Mondadori Group, while the CEO will be Stefano Argiolas, Chief AI Officer of the Mondadori Group and founder of Hej!,the start-up acquired by the Mondadori Group in 2021. It offers AI-driven performance marketing solutions.

Moreover, the PLAI team’s strategic decisions will be supported by an Advisory Board comprising a group of established professionals, academics and managers with wide-ranging expertise in AI and business development. They are determined to highlight and push the most promising start-ups to new heights. Advisory Board members are listed below: Alessandra Antonelli, Paola Bonomo, Marco Bressani, Luciano Catoni, Paola Colombo, Guido Di Fraia, Matteo Flora, Luca La Mesa, Marco Magnaghi, Paolo Merialdo, Paola Mogliotti, Giangiacomo Olivi, Giulio Ranucci, Alceo Rapagna, Maurizio Romandini, Chiara Russo, Massimo Sideri and Franco Spicciariello.

Are you ready to PLAI?