
The Mondadori Group brand are ever closer to readers and their families

Numerous initiatives to help and support the public to relax but also to exchange experience with premium free content and live events on social media, as well as active participation by users in the brands’ social communities

At this difficult time the Mondadori Group brands are keeping close to their readers, users and their families with initiatives across all media. The aim is to help. Support and offer moments of relaxation, by involving the public, above all on social networks, in activities related to their passions.

In particular, there are three ways in which the Group has put together initiatives to be closer and to help people in this period of emergency: free access to premium content, a schedule of simultaneous live events on social networks and the active involvement of users through the brands’ communities.

Free premium content

In order to keep up to date the magazines of the Mondadori Group is offering readers free digital subscriptions for a period of three months.

It is possible to subscribe for digital access to your favourite magazines here, choosing from some of the leading magazines in a range of segments, including: Grazia, Donna Moderna, Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, Chi, Focus, Focus Junior, Giallozafferano, CasaFacile, Icon, Icon Design, Interni and many more.

Plus, from Sunday it will be possible to download for free with a click the latest special issue of Grazia, “We will embrace again” from this link. In just two days, this initiative has already reached more than 30,000 people.

Live simultaneous events on the social media channels of the leading brands

Every day a live cooking demonstration with GialloZafferano, in collaboration with NostroFiglio and Focus Junior. By connecting to the brands’ Instagram, Facebook r YouTube channels, at 5 pm, users can enjoy #IoRestoACasaECucino and learn live, from the chefs of Giallo, how to put together easy meals for the whole family, and also involving kids in the preparation.

This daily appointment was preceded on Saturday 21 March by a great live event on social media #ACenaConGialloZafferano which engaged Italians in the preparation of the weekend dinner. The event, which took place simultaneously on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, attracted over 200,000 people, who received tips and advice from the chefs of GialloZafferano, a number of foodbloggers from across Italy, as well as award-winning chef Alessandro Negrini.

The, of course, we couldn’t forget the live training sessions by MyPersonalTrainer, which every day propose half an hour of activities on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube with a series of thematic paths: physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing, dietary wellbeing.

Special attention is also reserved for small children: NostroFiglio offers a rich weekly programme of live events on Facebook with doctors and pedagogues, with musical games, mini-shows and baby dance in collaboration with Kikolle Lab and a range of fun tasks to invent together with your children.

But we also need to relax, and so TV Sorrisi e Canzoni is offering its users the #ACasaConSorrisi initiative, two daily appointments live on Instagram and Facebook in which the editor Aldo Vitali enters the homes of the personalities featured in the current issue of the magazine and famous faces from TV. The first live events, which attracted many users, featured Vanessa Incontrada, Baby-K, Amadeus and will continue every day at 4 pm and 6 pm.

Also the magazine Chi, edited by Alfonso Signorini, is entertaining its users every day at 7 pm, double live interviews live, in which a number of VIPs talk exclusively on Instagram to #ChiRestaACasa.

An unmissable appointment for all fans to get an up-close look at the world of celebrities who every week enliven the pages of their favourite magazine. And on Chi’s IGTV users can also find the interviews conducted so far with Alessia Marcuzzi, Giulia Salemi and Carlo Conti.

User participation through the brands social communities

#TorneremoAdAbbracciarci. Grazia launched its initiative #TorneremoAdAbbracciarci on Instagram.

Users are invited to post a photo of an embrace, a gesture of affection that we all took for granted and has now become a precious good. A way of communicating that we are united and that together we can make it through to which many celebrities and ordinary people have contributed.

#Andrà’TuttoBene with Nostrofiglio. The portal form mums and dads 2.0, joined from the beginning and helped to spread the children and rainbows initiative Andrà tutto bene” (All will be well) and received over 12,000 online contributions with drawings of rainbows attached to the balconies on Italian homes (see the gallery on Facebook).

#IoCucinoConGiallo and #IoRestoaCasa. A collective cooking initiative, for and with your loved ones, even if they are far away, with recipes from GialloZafferano, photographing the results and sharing them with GialloZafferano and its community. In just a few days 4,000 people had already contributed (see the gallery on Facebook).

#DonnaModernaRestaConMe and #IoRestoaCasa. The weekly Donna Moderna uses Instagram to describe the making of the magazine with remote working and invites readers to talk about how the magazine is keeping them company in these days: a recipe, an inspiration, a particular story. A call to action to readers to talk about how Donna Moderna is helping them through these weeks (see the gallery on Instagram).

#StayCoolStayHome with DM Beauty. Also in this period, young women want to look after themselves. This is possible with DM Beauty, the social beauty magazine, conceived and created by millennials for millennials.  Every day a post with tips to make you feel cool even when you stay at home.

#IoStudioaCasa with Amazing support for high school kids is provided by, which offers them teaching materials for all needs. On the StudentiTV channel on YouTube kids can access hundreds of video lessons while on Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts they can find online new audio podcast lessons Te lo spiega snippets on Italian, history and literature, as well as the high school diploma exam.

The results of all of these initiatives show how people, constrained by the current situation, are turning to the media, especially online, and appreciating what the brands of the Mondadori Group are offering them.

In fact, on Sunday 22 March saw an all-time record online audience for a combination of the Group’s brands with a total of over 13 million visits to the web sites in a single day an increase of over +100% compared with last year (Source: Google Analytics).

An important contribution was made by Giallozafferano which on Sunday 22 March cooked along with almost 6 million Italians (+240% vs 2019).

To this should also be added similarly exceptional results on social media.

Also on Sunday 22 March, the combination of the brands’ social media channels recorded an overall reach of over 17 million people and the number of fans is growing by an average of over 40,000 users per day al giorno.

Chi and Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni present the Ludovica Pagani calendar

On newsstands from 27 November 12 new and exclusive shots of the web influencer with over 2 million followers

Sensual, ironic, and incredibly popular on social media: Ludovica Pagani, a star with over 2 million followers on Instagram, is the protagonist of the 2020 calendar that will hit newsstands with the magazines Chi and Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni.

Available from Wednesday 27 November, 12 new and exclusive shots inspired by a range of musical genres, from rap to disco, rock to country, and grunge to the blues, will surprise readers and fans of this young and talented web influencer, TV face and radio voice who is gaining a bigger and bigger audience.

The choice of a musical theme is not coincidental: in fact, music embraces the audience that follows Ludovica and the enthusiastic readers of the two magazines of the Mondadori Group; as a feature of TV Sorrisi e Canzoni and a topic widely appreciated and extensively covered by the magazine Chi.

“Work on this calendar was both intense and gratifying, and I will remember forever working in a team in perfect harmony,” declared Ludovica Pagani.  Each photo is inspired by a different musical genre: so we tried to cover the history of music. I am happy and proud of the result, and I hope that it will transmit the same emotions that only music can sometimes give,” she concluded.

Since 2016 Ludovica has presented a web series, a sports programme, taken part as a correspondent in ‘Quelli che il calcio’, written her first book ‘Semplicemente Ludovica’ published by Mondadori Electa, been in the cast of two Rai TV drama series, and a new TV series “Involontaria” out on MTV at the beginning of December,  as well as being a radio presenter on RDS NEXT.

The creative idea and photographic production has been entirely conducted by the Mondadori Portfolio team, the Mondadori Group’s photo agency, which for this occasion selected Cosimo Buccolieri.

Partner of the event, and of the entire project, is the hair-beauty brand COTRIL which for Ludovica developed a series of iconic looks, recreated ad hoc for her, able to enhance her natural beauty and charisma. COTRIL has always paid great attention to its social communication, which was why it began to work with Ludovica during the last International Film Festival in Venice and will continue for the whole of 2020 with a series of new and ambitious projects.

For fans who want to meet Ludovica and have their calendar autographed, the appointment is for 4 December , from 7 pm at the Terrazza Aperol in Milan (Piazza Duomo, 25): a unique opportunity to meet Ludovica and enjoy a delicious aperitif with a view of the Duomo from the most beautiful terrace in Milan.

The 2020 Ludovica Pagani calendar is on sale at €9.99, excluding the price of the two magazines, and will remain on newsstands for over a month from 27 November.



The magazine Chi presents: a chat with Alfonso Signorini

A chat with Alfonso Signorini is a new event, created by Chi, Italy’s most widely-read people magazine,  which will take place for the first time in Milan on 21 March at 6:30 pm at the Grand Hotel et de Milan in Via Manzoni, 29.

An unmissable opportunity for all fans of the Mondadori Group magazine to participate and get to know not only the editor, but also the many personalities from the world of television and entertainment that every week animate the pages of their favourite magazine, up close.

An authentic salon moderated by the editor Alfonso Signorini, and an occasion to look more closely at current affairs, the most unexpected gossip and the personal and intimate side of the most popular celebrities.

This will be the first in a series of encounters open to readers that will be held in symbolic locations in the city of Milan. Starting from the Grand Hotel et de Milan, known locally as the “Milan”, that has long been frequented by artists, diplomats, actors and many of the performers associated with Milan’s famous La Scala theatre.

For accreditation for A chat with Alfonso Signorini please go to the site to register.

Chi Wedding Special: Chi launches the special edition dedicated to vip weddings

Since Friday 8 February will be available Chi Weddings Special, a collection number made by Chi, Italy’s most widely read people magazine edited by Alfonso Signorini. This much-anticipated special issue, now in its fourth edition, offers readers a look at the weddings of Italian and international celebrities weddings, as they romantically said “I do” during the last year.

In fact, 2018 was particularly rich in weddings of famous personalities; from the royal wedding of Harry and Meghan to the much-loved Chiara Ferragni and Fedez who celebrated their big day against the spectacular backdrop of the Sicilian town of Noto.

But also Eugenie of York and the wedding of the popular chef Carlo Cracco Rosa, and not forgetting Daniele Bossari, winner of the latest edition of GFVIP, with Filippa Lagerback, the actor Claudio Santamaria with Francesca Barra, Emanuela Folliero, Hugh Grant and many other celebrities including Vincent Cassel who pronounced “I do” with model Tina Kunakey.

Chi Weddings Special presents these and other weddings with splendid photographic coverage: a unique look, full of curiosities and details, that captures the most important moment in the life of couples loved and followed by the public.

The Weddings Special of Chi, which remains much-loved by the public, confirms itself as an indispensable tool for the organisation of weddings, with a wealth of advice on locations, gifts as well as clothes, menus and honeymoon destinations. By flicking through this special issue readers can dream and find inspiration for their own weddings with the atmosphere and details of those celebrated by VIPs.

Chi Weddings Special will be on newsstands from Friday 8 February in a bound edition of 132 pages at the price of €3.50. It will also be available in a digital version with the Chi app, available for iOs and Android.


Chi gets a facelift and is enhanced with more content

New features include: an extensive fashion & beauty section and new columns accessible also using the augmented reality app

Chi, Italy’s most popular people magazine – with 2.2 million readers (source: Audipress 2016/III) – will appear on newsstands this week in a renewed and enhanced form. The Mondadori Group magazine edited by Alfonso Signorini, had reinforced the fashion & beauty and introduced  new columns that are accessible using the augmented reality app, “Gruppo Mondadori AR+”, available for both iOS and Android, the provides access to videos and other additional content and enables users to interact with other active users.

“With this operation we want to consolidate and reinforce an already highly successful formula,” Gianluigi Piccinali, brand manager for entertainment. “Chi has long been a point of reference when it comes to celebrities and scoops and, from today, it will be an even more complete women’s title, rich in content, useful, amusing and able to meet the all-round needs of readers. Plus, thanks to augmented reality, it will be the first magazine in Italy to “expand” the experience from the page to a smartphone, or similar device, thanks to exclusive multimedia content,” Piccinali concluded.

The new section “In Stile Chi” will be a fixed appointment for readers, a fantastic window on all that’s new in the world of fashion (looks, collections, accessories, catwalks) and beauty (make-up, treatments, hair, trends). Lots of pages to get a feel for the glamour inspired by celebrities and breakthrough stars.

The columns of the magazine – the most widely-read in Italy by those who make buying decisions (1.4 million, source: Audipress 2016/III) – have been expanded and, alongside the most popular, a number of new columns have been added, such as “Wellness”, with exercises and advice on how to keep in shape and the best wellbeing products. There is also a new Food sectionwith a recipes by a famous chef and lost of tips on preparing vegetarian and traditional dishes, as well as surprising cocktails.

An entire section is also dedicated to culture and leisure, with indications about which exhibitions to see, the ideal books for a trip or a relaxing weekend, as well as newly released music, museums, food fairs, openings and much more.

In rotation, there will also be columns on Travel, Animals and Must Haves, featuring all the current season’s trends.

Chi launches “Chi Matrimoni”

An exclusive reportage of your wedding to experience the best day of your life as a real star

Chi, Italy’s most widely read people magazine, and since the beginning a witness to celebrity weddings, launches an extraordinary new initiative: Chi Matrimoni.

From today happy couples everywhere can feel like real stars, thanks to a new service from Chi, that allows them to experience and talk about their wedding in an unforgettable way.

A wedding specialist and an international-level photographer will cover the couple right through the big day and produce a special personalised edition of Chi entirely dedicated to their wedding. A real magazine, printed as a limited edition and delivered to your home. An extraordinary record to keep and give as a gift to friends and relatives.

The photography will be handled by the agency of Massimo Sestini, an established photo-reporter and the author of some of Chi’s greatest scoops, a contributor to many Italian and international newspapers and magazines and the winner of a World Press Photo award in 2015.

In addition, it will also be possible to offer wedding guests a Chi gift package, including a subscription to the magazine, to keep up with the lives of VIPs and be sure not to miss a single copy of the popular magazine.

To mark the launch of Chi Matrimoni, a bride and groom will have the chance to become testimonials of this innovative service and be the first to experience the emotion of getting married with Chi.

For full details of the initiative, please go to

The launch of the initiative will be supported by an advertising campaign in the press and online, conceived and developed by Graffiti.

“Chi Matrimoni” is also a format offered by Mediamond for other special initiatives that may be realised in collaboration with companies and brands that want to communicate in an original way their closeness to their audience.

The grand finale of the “Chi Summer Tour 2016” in Capri

Chi, the weekly edited by Alfonso Signorini, has chosen Capri to celebrate the grand finale of the Chi Summer Tour 2016” (#chisummertour), the event that during the summer months has taken the magazine to many of Italy’s best-known beaches, with talk shows featuring stars form the world of entertainment, designers cafés, showcooking, fitness lessons and DJ sets.

After the success of Forte dei Marmi, Porto Cervo and Milano Marittima, Italy’s most widely read weekly people title reached the blue island on Saturday 10 September for the final stage of the tour and said farewell to summer 2016.

Participating at the even were: Fabio Basile, Olympic gold medalsi in Rio 2016; Raffaella Fico; the queen of social media Greta Menchi; Antonella Mosetti and her daughter Asia from Grande Fratello Vip; Marcello Sacchetta, coach of Amici and presenter of Maria De Filippi’s daytime talent show; and the psychotherapist Ilaria Squaiella.

The “Chi Summer Tour” has been a unique opportunity to experience close up the exclusive world of Chi animated by the editor, journalist from the team and a range of special guests at the four stages. Chefs, writers and celebrities brought to life a programme of encounters that all had a full house and offered  readers an opportunity to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the brand.

A formula rewarded by an enthusiastic audience and the sponsors that signed up to the initiative: Capri Watch, with their highly coloured watches and Caffè Borbone, who followed all stages of the tour.

Chi launches its ‘Summer Tour 2016’

Forte dei Marmi, Porto Cervo and Milano Marittima: three stages at Italy’s most exclusive beaches with talkshows, meetings with celebrities and showcooking with great chefs

Chi lancia il nuovo 'Summer Tour 2016'

Chi, Italy’s most widely read people weekly, will this summer, for the first time, be the protagonist of a tour that will take in some of the most exclusive Italian beach resorts.

The ‘Chi Summer Tour 2016’ (#chisummertour) kicks off on Friday 24 and Saturday 25 June in Forte dei Marmi (Ostras Beach); and in July there will be two more events, on Saturday 9 in Porto Cervo and Friday 22 and Saturday 23 in Milano Marittima (Palace Hotel).

This is a unique occasion to get up close to the world of Chi animated by the magazine’s editor, Alfonso Signorini, and journalists, as well as the may guest who will take part in the tour: chefs, writers and celebrities who will give life to a full programme of events and offer the public an opportunity to absorb the brand’s exhilarating atmosphere.

Each stage of the ‘Chi Summer Tour 2016’, will begin with an exclusive talkshow with Alfonso Signorini who, together with his guests, will entertain the audience on the summer’s trendiest issues: fashion, entertainment, TV and gossip.

Beach events will characterize the second day of the tour with the mornings starting with Gym on the beach, lessons and suggestions on how to keep fit by Chi’s personal trainers.

Followed by showcooking demos, spectacular performances by a great chef. In the afternoon, the exclusive Caffè d’autore, an encounter with some of Mondadori’s leading authors. And finally, the day will close at sunset with a fun show with professional barmen against the back ground of an exciting DJ set.

For more information and full details please go:

Chi launches Chi Junior, a new magazine dedicated to children’s fashion

This week Chi launches Chi Junior, a new magazine dedicated to children’s fashion, overseen by the fashion and beauty editor Marina Bigi.

Chi Junior aims to be an authentic shopping guide: entering the world of kids ad translating it into a world of trends, news and glamour, also through the children of Italian and international celebrities, with reportage and interviews, fashion services and beauty suggestions in the classic Chi style.

The magazine is organised in nine sections: from clothing must haves for younger children to beauty issues connected to the care, pampering and protection of children’s health, as well as extensive travel and holiday features indicating destinations in Italy and abroad that are ideal for children. And, of course, there will also be a wealth of suggestions and news about cooking, games and children’s entertainment.

The cover of the first issue features Valeria Mazza and Taina, the youngest of her four children.

Chi Junior is a demonstration that the market is ready to reward the ideas and capabilities of publishers able to create modern entertainment and lifestyle products. As is demonstrated by the success in terms of advertising pages and clients that we have managed to attract with this new project, with which we are very satisfied,” declared Angelo Sajeva, chairman and chief executive of Mondadori Pubblicità.

Chi Junior will be sold as a supplement with all of the print run of Chi at a supplementary price of 20 cents.

Chi: a completely new magazine hits newsstands

Tomorrow readers will discover from the newsstands the new Chi, a radically new product, not only in terms of content and look, but also in terms of style and the tone of voice that characterises the pages of the weekly.
The first and most marked distinctive element of the new magazine will come form the exclusive interviews with leading Italian and international stars conducted by the editor Alfonso Signorini.

“The new Chi,” explained Signorini, “is even more current, featuring the people beyond their celebrity and public profile and with a focus on trends and the evolution of our society and its personalities. And with an objective: that of giving the reader something to think about and to discuss. In short, a magazine to read and not just to flick through,” concluded Signorini.

Chi will have more background and a new point of view on stories about famous personalities through which it will also comment on current affairs.
Changes and innovations that will reinforce the weekly’s mission which has always been to inform and entertain the reader thanks to an authentic connection with the world of celebrities: a formula that has enabled Chi to become the top selling and most widely read women’s “people” magazine in Italy.

Among other new features will be the greater space devoted to fashion and beauty which has been completely reconfigured. In addition there will be new service-based columns on cooking, interiors and travel, completing the weekly’s offer with topics of interest to its mainly female audience.
Even the layout and use of images will be new, with more use of high-quality photographic services, produced exclusively for the magazine, also during important show business events.

The advertising market is reacting very positively to the new Chi, appreciating the new more newsy and international formula: sales for the first issues after the relaunch have already reached the extraordinary levels of the summer months. In 2011 Chi was chosen by over 500 clients, for a total of around 3,500 pages and the objective of Angelo Sajeva, chairman and chief executive of Mondadori Pubblicità, is to increase these figures even more, above all with clients from the fashion and cosmetics sectors, that currently account for 60% of the title’ advertising sales.

The launch of the new Chi will be supported by an important communication campaign, planned on TV, newspapers, women’s magazines, POS and the internet, accompanied by a special promotional cut price offer. The creativity for the campaign is by A&B.