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- Riccardo Perotta
Riccardo Perotta
Non-executive, independent Director

Born in 1949, Riccardo Perotta holds a degree in Economics and Commerce from Bocconi University.
The author of numerous scientific publications, he is Senior Professor at Bocconi University, where he teaches Financial Statements and Extraordinary Management Operations.
An accountant and auditor, he provides consultation on company valuations, impairment tests, fairness opinions, and the planning of company acquisitions and disposals.
He has been Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors, auditor and director of numerous listed and unlisted companies, including: Banca IMI, ENI, FIAT, Mediaset, Mediolanum, Parmalat, Prada, Saipem and SNAM Rete Gas.
He is currently Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors at Cassa Lombarda, Fondo Strategico Italiano and FIRE Group, as well as an independent director of Mittel.
He has been a member of the Board of Directors of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. since April 2024.