Donna Moderna on newsstands with a special issue: Acts of Beauty
“Beauty is not an aesthetic canon, a duty, a slogan, but an action that improves our life”
Featured on the cover the volleyball player Paola Egonu

This week Donna Moderna is on newsstands with a special issue Acts of Beauty, in which the magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda launches a reflection on the acts of beauty that help us to be ourselves and find our place in the world.
“Beauty is not an aesthetic canon, however new and inclusive. Nor is it a slogan, with which we are all beautiful and each body is perfect. It’s not even ad duty: that of having to feel beautiful and value ourselves. Beauty is an action. It is commitment, effort, courage. We wanted to dedicate an entire issue to those acts of beauty that improve the lives of all of us,” declared the editor Annalisa Monfreda.
Featured on the cover is Paola Egonu, the Italian world champion volleyball player, of Nigerian origin, who, with her statuesque and elegant pride, was chosen by Donna Moderna as an example of a woman who is not afraid to feel free.
To celebrate this special issue Donna Moderna produced a special cover, with heavier paper and a eye-catching caption in glossy red lacquer.
At the centre of the magazine is an exclusive illustration by the artist Luca Font who, for Donna Moderna, has interpreted the words with which the brand’s audience describes beauty today: happiness, respect, audacity, courage, honesty, care, choice, acceptance and self-esteem. Positive concepts, chosen by readers in an instant poll on Instagram, that enhance the value of the project.
“Acts of Beauty completes the project for three special issues which Donna Moderna has used to give readers a new perspective on issues of great interest. It’s an initiative in which we firmly believe and through which we have attempted to bring to the market a product of very high quality that underlines the social value of the content within, and confirming, once again, the capacity and commitment of the magazine to engage and be close to its audience,” declared Andrea Santagata, general manager of Mondadori Media.
A range of faces from the worlds of literature and entertainment, including Paola Turci, Sveva Casati Modignani, Fiamma Satta, Michela Murgia, Alessandra Amoroso, Geppi Cucciari, Kim Rossi Stuart, Stefania Auci and Jonathan Bazzi, have supported the Acts of Beauty initiative and have enriched the pages of the magazine with their own accounts of beauty.
The message of Acts of Beauty develops on the pages and in the columns of the issue also with investigations of current affairs that talk about actions to enhance the territory across Italy, women in companies and the talents of differently abled people.
The special issue of Donna Moderna also tells the stories of special people who, with courage, have found their place in the world: from Daniela Lucangeli, the much followed psychologist and learning difficulties expert, whose revolutionary ideas about teaching are based on positive emotions, to Maura Gancitano, the philosopher who is helping to make her subject something that (almost) everyone can approach and Francesca Vecchioni, founder and president of Diversity, the non-profit organisation committed to promoting social inclusion.
The issue also has a feature dedicated to the life and choices of three influencers: the curvy blogger Laura Brioschi, who has launched her BodyPositive fashion line, Eugenia Longo, the instagrammer who lives with alopecia, Aurora Celli, the TikToker who has made her vitiligo a point of strength.
Three portraits of women famous on social media that are not spokespersons from a classical concept of beauty, but who particularities make them even more beautiful and unique.
“We are extremely satisfied because Acts of Beauty, the third special issue from Donna Moderna, after Talento Italiano and Un Nuovo Futuro, has been widely appreciated by all of the companies on the front line for social commitment and the valorisation of beauty in all its forms. The market has recognised the editorial and advertising value of these three special issues, enabling us to record and 20% increase in ad pages and a 12% rise in revenues, compared with the same issues of the previous year,” declared Davide Mondo, chief executive of Mediamond.
The storytelling of the Acts of Beauty special issue is developed also on the web site, where the magazine’s content is included, expanded and updated, as well as on the brand’s social media channels, in particular the Instagram profile of Donna Moderna with a filter that plays on the key words of beauty chosen by readers.
Two backstage videos were also made during the Paola Egonu photoshoot and on the set with the three influencers, who talk about their acts of beauty to make them feel good about themselves, but also to spread a positive message to their followers.
The launch of the new special issue Acts of Beauty by Donna Moderna will be supported by an advertising campaign developed by CasiraghiGreco&, and planned on print, digital, and social media, as well as, radio and digital out of home in core districts of Milan on the iDD Magazine circuit.
Thanks to a unique mix of practical advice, first-hand testimony, stories and live daily events, Donna Moderna is always at the side of its readers and their needs. Through the magazine and its web channels, it reaches a total net audience of 14.6 million users every month (Source: Nielsen Media impact, data fusion March 2020), to which should be added 2.6 million fans on social media, with the engagement of 1.4 million interactions per month (Source: Shareablee and internal data on IG Insight), confirming the brand’s postion as the point of reference on the women’s segment,