Donna Moderna quadruples the target of its #BeeGreen challenge saving over 200 tonnes of CO2
70.000 sustainable actions by readers in less than a month on the AWorld app
On Earth Day on 22 April, Donna Moderna inaugurates Italy’s largest urban apiary

More than 200 tonnes of CO2. saved to take 1 million bees to Milan: this is the result of the challenge that Donna Moderna has achieved together with its readers as part of the #BeeGreen project, the initiative of the Mondadori Group brand dedicated to sustainability and urban diversity.
A challenge, promoted through AWorld, the app chosen by the UN to support green lifestyles, which has involved the community of around 11 million Donna Moderna users, whose extraordinary commitment has made it possible to overtake the initial target of 50 tonnes of CO2 and, in less than a month, to quadruple savings with over 70,000 sustainable actions.
In turn, Donna Moderna is making a concrete contribution to the protection of the planet, by creating, in collaboration with Green Island/Alveari Urbani, Italy’s largest urban apiary in the city park of Cascina Merlata with UpTown Milan and in the City of Milan’s San Faustino Garden.
The initiative foresees the installation of 17 new hives for over 1 million bees, capable of pollinating 3 billion flowers every day.
The last stage of this project will be the introduction of the last bee family into the hives of Cascina Merlata on the occasion of Earth Day, from 10.30 to 11.30.
With this project, which aims to re-introduce bees into urban contexts, Donna Moderna and its partners are committed to the protection of a species that is increasingly at risk and fundamental both for the protection of biodiversity and, through pollination, for our food security.
An initiative not only in the interest of sustainability and the environment, but also of craftsmanship, creativity and design: in fact, all of the hives have been designed by international artists, hand-painted by local artisans and in eco- design with reused materials.
On 22 April, on the occasion of Earth Day, Donna Moderna will talk about the project with live coverage on its social channels and on Rai Play, part of the multimedia marathon dedicated to World Earth Day, for which it is a Media Partner.
The commitment to biodiversity continues with the social-media based contest “Balconi Fioriti”, launched on Donna Moderna’s Instagram profile and by UpTown Milano, which invites readers to plant a flower on their balconies, thus creating real oases for pollinators, and to share photos or videos with the whole community.
But the initiatives do not end here: Donna Moderna has also invited its readers to participate, at the end of September, on the occasion of Green Week, the week of sustainability, in #BeeGreen Honey Day which will celebrate the harvesting of the honey produced by the bees.
Thanks go to the Main Partner “Acqua nelle nostre mani”, the project promoted by Finish for the protection and safeguarding of water, which has accompanied Donna Moderna in this initiative which aims to promote greater awareness of the environment and its resources.
Technical and institutional Partners of the project: AWorld, Green Island/Alveari Urbani, Earth Day Italia, Green Media Lab, UpTown Milano
Source: Nielsen Media Impact Data Fusion December 2020