“Leggere ci fa crescere”: Mondadori Store launches a wellbeing and environmental campaign
From 1 to 17 October events with authors and experts, an exclusive book oh healthy diets and lots of good green ideas

Mental and physical wellbeing, the promotion of sustainable lifestyles and care for the environment are the focus of a series of special Mondadori Store initiatives that will take place in the bookstores around Italy, on Mondadoristore.it and its social media channels from 1 to 17 October.
For the entire period, Mondadori Store will present a rich programme of events with authors and experts, tutorials and social columns with ideas and advice for their health and that of the environment and launches an exclusive at the bookstores.
Among the personalities who will meet the public live on the Mondadori Store Facebook and Instagram channels: the green influencer Camilla Mendini, alias Carotilla, author of (Im)perfetto sostenibile. Gesti quotidiani per una sostenibilità alla portata di tutti ((In)perfectly sustainable: Daily gestures for sustainability within everyone’s reach), on 6 October at 6.30 pm; Paolo Borzacchiello, expert in linguistic intelligence and author of Basta dirlo. Le parole da scegliere e le parole da evitare per una vita felice (Just say it. The words to choose and the words to avoid for a happy life), on 11 October at 6 pm; the psychologist and travel journalist Giulia Lamarca, author of Prometto che ti darò il mondo (I promise that I will give you the world), on October 12 at 6 pm. The travel TikToker Giovanni Arena will present his new book Benvenuti in economy class (Welcome to economy class) on October 5 at 6 pm, at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo in Milan.
Also, every day, new ideas for concrete actions with the social snapshots by popular scientist Mariagiovanna Luini, nutritionist Silvia Goggi, economist Luciano Canova, forests and wildlife expert Daniele Zovi and many others. The full programme is available on Mondadoristore.it.
Plus, Mondadori Store is launching a new title in the bookstore: Cucina green. Ricette buone e genuine per una vita in sintonia con l’ambiente (Green kitchen. Good and genuine recipes for a life in harmony with the environment) is a new cooking and wellness manual created with exclusive contributions by Mondadori authors, readers and booksellers, which offers an answer to two issues that are deeply felt and requested in these years. On the one hand, increasing attention to the nutritional value of food, with a preference for the choice of natural and seasonal ingredients, and, on the other hand, greater sensitivity to environmental problems and the waste of both food and resources: 250 pages with recipes for all seasons, with a range of useful tips for tasty zero km dishes, to minimise the impact on the environment. This previously unpublished volume will be on sale from 1 October in Mondadori bookstores and on the website Mondadoristore.it at the special price of €2.90.
At all the points of sale and on Mondadoristore.it, readers can also find all the latest and greenest news: essays, novels and short stories to help the earth, books and fairy tales dedicated to the little guardians of the planet, manuals for all-round well-being, from physical activities to food, gift ideas in recycled paper and much more.
Mondadori Store has also signed up to “Più raccogli, più semini” (“The more you collect, the more you sow”), the project promoted by Payback with Treedom which transforms the promotional points that readers accumulate with their purchases in the bookstore into trees, and thereby contributing to the planting of 3,000 trees.
The new Mondadori Store initiative will be accompanied by a communication campaign developed by the agency Canali&C. with the claim “Leggere ci fa crescere” “Reading makes us grow”, activities in all the stores, national radio and press, the web, social media and DEM.