Mondadori Store comes to Ravenna
A new bookstore in the heart of the city, in Via Corrado Ricci
150 square metres dedicated to books and events with leading personalities from the world of the arts and entertainment

Thursday 28 October sees the opening in Ravenna of a new Mondadori book shop.
The city’s first Mondadori Bookstore will offer all readers and enthusiasts more than 150 square metres of culture and entertainment in the heart of the historic centre, just a few steps from the tomb of Dante Alighieri.
The new book shop will in fact combine a wide selection of books with a rich programme of events designed to promote and enhance reading, with contributions from local and national authors. A space to enjoy browsing through books and finding new stories, exchanging ideas and opinions with booksellers and other readers.
«The opening of a new bookstore in the historic centre of Ravenna has a special significance» said Riccardo Vitali, the businessman affiliated with the Mondadori Store network. «The city is a point of reference in Romagna for its rich and lively cultural life. We can’t wait to make our contribution with a book shop that is suitable for all and with events dedicated to popular authors in the area».
The Mondadori Bookstore in Via Ricci will stock a catalogue of over 20,000 titles, curated by three expert and enthusiastic booksellers, ready to welcome visitors seven days a week with new suggestions and proposals: from fiction to non-fiction, and miscellaneous books to the classics, with an extensive section dedicated to comics such as manga, superheroes and graphic novels, a genre that is increasingly popular with readers.
There is, of course, also an entire area dedicated to children and teens, with a selected range of educational games e illustrated books to stimulate the creativity and imagination of younger readers.
The offer that is complemented by an assortment of the best stationery products, with lots of gift ideas, gift boxes and gift cards.
All Mondadori Bookstore customers will also be able to take advantage of digital services such as Pick Up Point, which enables you to collect a book purchased on for free from the point of sale, choosing from a catalogue of over 1 million titles; Prenota e ritira (Order and collect), which offer the possibility of ordering online and then collecting and paying in the store; and Invia a casa (Home delivery), to have products ordered from the bookstore delivered to your home.
Via Corrado Ricci 16, 48121, Ravenna
Orari: lun-dom 09.30 – 19.30
E-mail: – Tel. 0544/ 205686
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