TV Sorrisi e Canzoni: record numbers for the initiatives dedicated to the Sanremo Festival

Record numbers for the TV Sorrisi e Canzoni dedicated to the Sanremo Festival.
With this unprecedented issue, the Mondadori Group brand – for the first time without the physical presence of the editorial team in Sanremo -–took an evolutionary path by creating a totally video and digital social media-based schedule. Non-stop coverage of the most anticipated television event of the year, thanks to which Sorrisi once again confirmed its position as the point of reference for fans of the Festival, beating all audience records.
“Despite the difficulties due to the exceptional circumstances in which the Festival was held this year, it has nevertheless been a huge success. But Sorrisi can rely on an excellent team able to face any obstacles. And it is not only the numbers that speak loudly, also the affection and friendship of all of the artists involved in our coverage. I would particularly like to underline that Maneskin, just minutes after their victory, called us to do an exclusive live slot on Instagram. Further demonstration of the strength and authoritativeness of our brand,” declared Aldo Vitali, editor of TV Sorrisi e Canzoni.
“We still haven’t taken it all in and we weren’t expecting it at all. It’s an incredible result. The country has changed and Sanremo has been an absolutely amazing, incredible experience,” the band told Sorrisi.
The new web site – launched just a few days ahead of the Festival with a new look, an optimised user experience and a layout entirely dedicated to the event – recorded extraordinary figures.
During the week of Sanremo 1.5 million unique users, +26% compared with last year, 5 million pageviews (+53% compared with 2020) and 2.3 million sessions (+30% on 2020), with a rich and exclusive offer: the lyrics to the songs, interviews with the artists in competition, behind the scenes coverage and content updated in real time, with the running order of each evening, audience figures and daily news from the first Festival without an audience in the history of the event.
There was also big success for “Sorrisi Live”, the format for social meetings with the artists launched in October which, during the Sanremo week, included a daily schedule of live interviews on the brand’s Facebook and Instagram profiles, with over 40 separate appointments.
Starting at 10 am with “A colazione con il Direttore” (Breakfast with the Editor), bring together with Sorrisi some of the leading stars of this edition of the Festival such as Arisa, Fedez e Francesca Michielin, Francesco Renga, Malika Ayane and Noemi.
The interviews continued everyday on Facebook and Instagram until 7 pm with the big new feature of this year, the Aperitivo con Sorrisi during which, every day, the editorial team were joined, during five appointments from Tuesday to Saturday, by commentators and much-loved public figures such as Carlo Conti, Costantino della Gherardesca, Diana Del Bufalo, Enzo Miccio, Francesco Gabbani, Michelle Hunziker, Pio e Amedeo, The Jackal and the Trio Medusa,
On Instagram we also published the exclusive digital diaries of six very popular artists among millennials and Gen Z: Annalisa, Ermal Meta, the duo Fedez and Francesca Michielin, Gaia Gozzi, Lo Stato Sociale and Madame, that alternated each day and exclusively sent to Sorrisi a report on their day with all of the private moments ahead of their performance on the stage of the Ariston Theatre.
Live television coverage from the Ariston Theatre of the five evenings was featured in the social media profiles of Sorrisi with a continuous feed of curiosities, surveys, quizzes, and breaking news about what was happening onstage, in real time.
Thanks to the production of over 600 items of content, including videos, posts and stories, that linked the innovation of the formats and approaches with the traditional authoritativeness of the TV Sorrisi e Canzoni brand, the brand’s Facebook and Instagram channels also achieved record results, reaching a total of 12.7 million people, an increase of 21% on the previous year.
Max Factor was the make-up partner of Sorrisi Live: and every morning, live on Facebook, the National make-up artist Rajan Tolomei commented with the beauty editor of Sorrisi on the looks of the previous evening and created exclusive tutorials on the magazine’s Instagram profile, inspired by the artists in competition and the iconic looks of the Sanremo Festival.
There was also great success for the three special issues of the magazine dedicate to the Festival, with an exceptional total print-run of almost 2 million copies.
After the first two issues, on newsstands on 23 February and 2 March, exclusively featuring the lyrics of the songs and the free addition of the Storie di Sanremo special, this week sees the publication of the third unmissable issue with the traditional cover featuring the winners, reports on all the details and news from behind the scenes across the entire five days of the Festival.