Success for “Al chiaro di luna (By Moonlight)”, Chi’s first exclusive charity dinner at the Grand Hotel Rimini
More than 150,000 euros raised for the populations affected by the flood
Business owners and TV stars responded to Chi’s appeal
There was great success for Al Chiaro di Luna, the first, exclusive Charity Dinner organised by Chi, Italy’s most read “people” magazine. The dinner was held yesterday at the Grand Hotel Rimini to support the populations affected by the flood in Emilia-Romagna.
The Gala Dinner – which saw the participation of more than two hundred selected guests, including associations like Assolombarda and Federalberghi, Emilia-Romagna region institutions, Visit Romagna, Apt Servizi, companies including Orogel, and celebrities – was the event celebrating the “Insieme aiutiamo l’Emilia Romagna (Let’s Help Emilia-Romagna Together)” fundraiser launched by Mondadori Media, with Banca Mediolanum, in May for the populations affected by this tragedy. Fundraising will continue until 10 July. Proof of Italians’ good heart has once again been evidenced by a total donation that today exceeded 150,000 euros. This will be donated to specific reconstruction projects in the Emilia-Romagna region.
Many guests from the world of entertainment and business arrived at the Grand Hotel Rimini and were welcomed by the hosts: Chi‘s director, Massimo Borgnis; the managing editor, Alfonso Signorini; the CEO of Mondadori Media, Carlo Mandelli; and the owner of the Grand Hotel Rimini, Paola Batani. With them was TV Sorrisi e Canzoni‘s director, Aldo Vitali, and many other directors from Mondadori Media and Mediaset. Many business leaders and figures from the world of entertainment responded to Chi‘s charity appeal. The guests included: Milly Carlucci, Paola Barale, Simona Ventura, Giulia Salemi, Pierpaolo Pretelli, Elenoire Casalegno, Samantha de Grenet. Orietta Berti, Fabio Rovazzi, Achille Lauro, Sophie Codegoni, Alessandro Basciano, Alberto De Pisis, Elisabetta Gregoraci, and Ginevra Lamborghini also attended. Among the journalists were Alessandro Sallusti, Giorgia Venturini and Pierluigi Pardo and many others.

After the blue carpet, where all Chi‘s guests paraded, and the welcome cocktail, in the garden of the Grand Hotel, the evening continued with the charity dinner on the terrace. For the Chi fundraiser, Orietta Berti performed, singing the 2023 summer hit, La Discoteca Italiana, Mille e Luna Piena, while Alfonso Signorini played Chiaro di Luna by Beethoven, Romeo and Juliet by Nino Rota and Prelude, Op. 28, No. 4 by Chopin on the piano.
Chi‘s 2023 summer event then continued with the exclusive beach party on the beach of the Grand Hotel Rimini, with spectacles set up by sponsors, including experiences and games, like the VIP challenge with table football and music. After the live performance by Achille Lauro, the party continued with Claudio Cecchetto’s grand return to the deck.
The sponsors who helped make the success of this great event possible were: Eurotarget, Givova, Layla Cosmetics, Profumiamo Profumiamo. There were numerous partners, including: Antica Distilleria Petrone, Gruppo Deles, Orogel, Piemme, Profumiamo and Visit Romagna.
The best moments from the event were published on Chi‘s Instagram account and the brand’s more than 740,000 users were able to follow the whole evening live minute-to-minute (@chimagazineit; #alCHIarodiluna).
In the issue of the magazine, which will be on newsstands from Wednesday 5 July, readers will be able to read the full report about this special event.