Starbene: new content and services strenghthen the brand’s offer
Every day more than 100 experts at the service of readers and users
From this week, Mondadori is strengthening the offer of the Starbene system with the launch of new content and services focused on health and wellness: integrated initiatives and tools able to provide readers and users with more and more answers on issues of interest for the whole family.

The new Starbene will feature with even greater immediacy all of the trends in living and eating well while interpreting, on a multi-channel basis, specialised content in a clear and immediate way while identifying products and services for its community. In line with the philosophy promoted by the brand, Starbene creates a direct relationship – through the pages of the magazine, the website and social networks – with those who want to live life in an aware and informed manner, as well as orienting the choice of products.
“Our brand is synonymous with a healthy lifestyle, a style of life for those who believe that health and information go hand in hand,” said Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Starbene. “What we wanted was to enhance, in print and digital, what sets us apart by providing to our entire public a network of over 100 experts, something that has always been a strength of the magazine,” concluded Monfreda.
“Ask Starbene” is a new service that offers readers and users a network of selected experts always available online, doubling the chances of interaction with the editorial staff.
Over 100 professionals, divided into 11 categories, will respond every day free of charge to users on, on subjects of general medicine, diet, dermatology, paediatrics, gynaecology, naturopathy, homeopathy, breast issues, aesthetic medicine, psychology and fitness with a personal trainer. The topics of greatest interest will feed the magazine in a constant exchange which will devote “The book of questions and answers”, a new section at the end of the magazine to the voice of the experts.
Moreover, the new Starbene will also certify the quality of products reviewed in the magazine through the “Starbene Lab,” a laboratory that brings together specialists from the magazine for the testing of new products on the market, from food to cosmetics, household products to sports merchandise.
Also featured will be the “Starbene free diet”, the result of a group collaboration including a nutritionist, a psychologist, a pharmacist, a technologist and a chef, is now a quality brand to promote a way of eating correctly, that does not overlook the pleasures of eating and the need to cook in a practical and fast way. More space will also be dedicated to male health and beauty, a new running theme in each section of the magazine. is enhanced with tools and content, including:
– a medical encyclopaedia with over 10,000 entries and 12 monographs, from first aid to aromatherapy;
– a database of the closest medical facilities, with pharmacies, drugstores and health food stores across Italy, and 18,000 leaflets about drugs and 150,000 for para-pharmaceuticals and homeopathic medicines;
– tools of immediate and practical use to calculate your ideal weight, fat mass, the expected delivery date of your baby, the fertile period, calorie consumption by activity, the calories of different food, the values in the blood tests.
Free with the issue on newsstands this week the Starbene book “Menus for well-being.”