Mondadori: publication of the documentation relative to the Shareholders’ Meeting of 23/24 April 2015

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. informs that as of today’s date at the Company’s legal offices, at the authorized storage device 1info ( and on the Company’s website at (Governance section) the following documents are made available:

– The 2014 annual report, including the Parent Company’s financial statements, the Group’s consolidated financial statements at 31 December 2014, the Directors’ Report on Operations and the Statements pursuant to article 154 bis, par. 5, of Italian Legislative Decree No. 58/1998;

– The reports from the Independent Auditors;

– The Board of Auditors’ report;

– The 2014 report on corporate governance and ownership structure;

– The remuneration report pursuant to article 123-ter of Italian Legislative Decree No 58/1998.