Ten years of the Mondadori Megastore Duomo

Ten years of the Mondadori Megastore Duomo

On 19 April a double appointment to celebrate the anniversary and inaugurate Fuori Tempo di Libri

Also the Mondadori Megastores in Via Marghera, Via San Pietro all’Orto and Rizzoli Galleria on the Fuori Tempo di Libri calendar

The Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo, the largest space dedicated to culture and leisure in the heart of Milancelebrates with the public it’s first 10 years with a calendar of events, from 19 April right through to the end of May.

For tens years an exceptional driver of cultural events and presentations in the city, the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo has in this time become an established point of meeting and entertainment for Milan with a varied offer ranging from meetings with authors, singers and protagonists from the world of entertainment to workshops and initiatives for children.

In the week from 19 to 23 April dedicated to the  new book fair Tempo di Libri, the Mondadori Megastore Duomo will also become one of the locations for Fuori Tempo di Libri, a series on events that will animate the city of Milan with book-related activities such as readings, literary cocktails and musical performances.

The inaugural event will take place on Wednesday 19 April, from 5.30 pm to 9 pm when the megastore will be animated by cosplayers and literary-themed games (Sherlock Holmes, Madame Bovary, Wonder Woman, Harry Potter), wine and chocolate to toast the store’s 10th anniversary, free sweets for customers and the opening to the public of the 3rd floor terrace, for those who wish to photograph Piazza Duomo from a privileged vantage point.

At 6.30 pm authors in conversation moderated by Alessandro Barbaglia, with the writers Paola Calvetti (Mondadori), Fabiana Giacomotti (Mondadori Electa), Marco Weiss (Frassinelli) and the B.Livers (Sperling&Kupfer).

The cosplayers of Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, Madame Bovary and Alice in Wonderland will also animate Sunday 23 April, from 5.30 to 9 pm.

An award ceremony will take place on Thursday 20 April at 6 pm for the first edition of the competition “6 romanzi in cerca di autore” (6 Novels in Search of an Author), organised by Kobo Writing Life, Mondadori Store and PassioneScrittore, and aimed at aspiring authors and self publishers.

At 6 pm on Friday 21 April the protagonists will be the singer Nada, presenting her new album La posa, recorded with Ferruccio Spinetti and Fausto Mesolella, and the writer Antonio Dikele Distefano, bookseller for a day.

On Saturday 22 April at 6.30 pm, another opportunity to hear authors in conversation moderated by Alessandro Barbaglia, with the writers Carolina Bocca (Mondadori Electa), Maurizio de Giovanni (Einaudi), Marcello Fois (Einaudi), Sabina Minardi (Piemme), Sara Rattaro (Sperling&Kupfer) and Michele Vaccari (Frassinelli) and finally, on Sunday 23 April at 4.30 pm, the actor and director Gabriele Lavia will meet the public and sign copies of the book Se vuoi essere contemporaneo leggi i classici (Piemme).

Not only the Mondadori Megastore Duomo, but also the Mondadori Megastores in Via Marghera and Via San Pietro all’Orto and the Rizzoli Galleria will host stories and authors during the week of Tempo di Libri.

At the Mondadori Megastore in Via Marghera, a series of aperitivi with authors will start on Wednesday 19 April at 7 pm 19 with Giulio Xhaet and his I sogni di Martino Sterio (Mondadori Electa), continuing on Thursday 20 April at 8 pm with Giacomo Mazzariol and Mio fratello rincorre i dinosauri (Einaudi), together with Alessandro Barbaglia.

On Friday 21 April at 5 pm, David De Juan Marcos will meet the public to present La migliore delle vite (HarperCollins) and at 7 pm 19 another aperitivo presented by Alessandro Barbaglia withSergio Bambaren, the author of Storia della piccola volpe che mi insegnò il perdono (Sperling&Kupfer).

And finally, on Saturday 22 April at 7 pm, a aperitivo with the authors Enrica Tesio (Mondadori) and Guido Catalano (Rizzoli) on the subject of ET Telefono Casa – Dialoghi d’amore del terzo tipo.

On Thursday 20 April at 7 pm, the  Mondadori Megastore in Via San Pietro all’Orto will host Leslie Lokko, author of La debuttante (Mondadori), in collaboration withDonna Moderna, and on Saturday 22 April at 6.30 pm, the poet Roberto Mussapi with La piuma del Simorgh (Mondadori).

At the Rizzoli Galleria on Wednesday 19 April at 6.30 pm, Andrea Salonia will present the book Domani, chiameranno domani (Mondadori) and on Thursday  20 April at 5.30 pm an event for children with a preview of the illustrated concert byLittle Pier, author of the album Lasciateci la fantasia.

Meanwhile, on Friday and Saturday authors will become booksellers for “È tempo di librai”: on 21 April from 6.30 to 7.30 pm, Roberto Perrone, and from 7.30 to 8.30 pm Marcello Simoni; and on 22 April from 7 to 8 pm Marco Malvaldi and from 8 to 9 pm Paola Calvetti.

Events marking the 10th anniversary of the Mondadori Megastore Duomo will continue for the whole of April and May.

For more information and a complete list of events, please go to: www.eventi.mondadoristore.it