Donna Moderna and L’Oréal Paris launch Donne come noi, a big project focusing on female empowerment
The initiative is organised along three narrative lines the three: a book written for Sperling & Kupfer, a theatre show and a training programme

Donna Moderna, the Mondadori Group magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda, on the occasion of its 30th anniversary, is launching with L’Oréal Paris a female empowerment project: Donne come noi (#donnecomenoi).
Empowerment means giving both power and responsibility to someone. And in this case, it means encouraging women to think big. Donna Moderna aims to do this with an inspiring book, a moving theatrical show and a training programme that provides specific skills.
L’Oréal Paris is accompanying Donna Moderna in this project, much as it is always at women’s sides, by offering the show and training programme for free to Italian women in order to help them to learn to believe in themselves.
The book
Donne come noi (Women Like US) is the title of a book that the editorial team of Donna Moderna has written for Sperling & Kupfer (in bookshops from tomorrow, 6 March, and presented at the Tempo di Libri event at FieraMilanoCity on Thursday 8 March at 5.30 pm).
34 journalists tell 100 stories about contemporary Italian women who, thanks to their determination, skills and courage, have achieved something important. From the boxer Irma Testa to the physicist Fabiola Gianotti, the restorer of The Last Supper Pinin Brambilla Barcilon to the manager of rappers Paola Zukar. Strong and engaging stories that through struggles and success can inspire women to continue to their evolution in the family, at work and in society in general..
For 10 weeks, from 8 March, some of these stories will be broadcast on R101 in the Isabella Eleodori slot, on Thursdays at 10.30 am.
“Today, there is more than ever a need for stories about women’s conquests and successes; of a gallery of inspirational models. Telling stories has never been more important. And this is the sense behind the book that the editorial team of Donna Moderna have put together to celebrate the magazine’s 30th anniversary, a magazine that has accompanied the battles and celebrated the progress made by women. As the first edition is published, we are already at work on the second, as we collect stories from our readers, who can send them to us by email at this address:», declared the editor, Annalisa Monfreda.
The theatre show
To continue with inspiring stories, Donne come noi is also the name of a theatrical show produced by Donna Moderna, in collaboration with Teatro Franco Parenti, and that will tour Italy from 17 April. From the stage, five actors will play some of the protagonists from the book, as well as the journalists who met them, sisters, friends, teachers. A piano, a cello and an accordion weave through the stories and, in the background, a wall changes colour and is animated by key words. The theatre stimulates the emotions and after an hour and a half, the audience feels a pervasive sense of possibility and the perception that the only limit holds us back from achieving great objectives is the imagination.
The training programme
Team work, time management, reconfiguring your career, thinking outside the box, learning to present yourself: these are just some of the skills that the course, designed and developed by Donna Moderna will provide and that is offered free of charge in a number of Italian towns and cities.
Over the last thirty years, women have conquered professional roles form which they were previously excluded and have redrawn the balance inside the family towards greater equality. But still, in Italy only 48.8% of women work, compared with 66.8% of men. The worst figure in Europe, with the sole exception of Greece.
The aim of this training programme is to contribute to improving this situation by providing participants with the so-called soft skills that are now more important than ever in the selection of candidates. A team of trainers will be supported by a number of corporate professionals who will share their experience and offer guidance.
L’Oréal Paris is our partner in the “Donne Come Noi” project and, in line with the claim “Because you’re worth it”, supports the self confidence of women of all ages, around the world, as there is no single model of beauty.
Every woman has her own idea of being beautiful, an authentic way of affirming and expressing herself and her values. L’Oréal Paris supports women around the world by encouraging them to see themselves as unlimited, in their realisation of their value and potential and for years has been at the forefront of female empowerment and always focused on gender discrimination and equal opportunities.
To support the initiative, a campaign has been developed across a range of media: print, web and social channels.
“Donne come noi” has been organised in collaboration with Mondadori Store, that will host the training courses and book presentations inside its Bookstores. Here is a list of dates: Genoa 13 March, Turin 14 March, Bologna 22 March, Florence 23 March, Tolentino 24 March, Parma 26 March, Velletri 12 May, Bisceglie 19 May, Salerno 26 May. The addresses and times of the presentations are available at:
For full details about Donne come noi and to book your place, please go to: (limited availability).