Grazia launches a new social initiative #InStatoDiGrazia

Grazia, the Mondadori Group magazine that interprets Italian fashion and style and the most qualified point of reference for Made in Italy, is launch a social initiative called #InStatoDiGrazia, with which it invites people to share on Instagram moments when the magazine and the world that revolves around Grazia become sources of inspiration.
This is a continuation of the activities marking the 80th anniversary of Italy’s leading fashion brand, which, with this new initiative extends and amplifies its relationship with its readers and followers.
“Lo stato di Grazia (state of grace) is the time we dedicated to ourselves while reading Grazia, and the freedom of our emotions, the beauty of finding ourselves,” declared Grazia editor, Silvia Grilli.
Since 1938, Grazia has accompanied women and men of different generations, thanks to its unmistakable mix of news, habits and trends, and its ability to interpret fashion with a sophisticated eye.
Today, the readers, with whom the brand has established an solid relationship that is always fresh and youthful, are being asked to describe in a contest the emotions evoked by reading Grazia, accompanying the images with the hashtag #InStatoDiGrazia. Every week, the editorial team will then select the best pictures that will be published in the magazine and re-launched on Grazia’s Instagram and Facbook pages.
The protagonists of #InStatodiGrazia Eleonora Carisi, Tamu McPherson and Candela Pelizza, who along with the new generation of emerging influencers from Grazia Factory, including Luna Bonaccorsi and Amaranta Medri, will launch the contest on Instagram.
#InStatoDiGrazia was presented in preview at a special evening held at the Ristorante Berton in Milan, where the editor Silvia Grilli welcomed influencers and other personalities from the world of fashion, music, cinema and literature, including Eros Ramazzotti, Eva Riccobono, Martina Colombari, Francesco Scianna, Matilde Gioli, Davide Oldani and Luca Bianchini.
The activity will be amplified by the Instagram and Facebook accounts of Grazia, where the brand already reaches some 5 million people (Source: Facebook Insights January 2018).