The Starbene Week End of Wellbeing doubles up in Salerno and Milan
Due giorni dedicati a consulenze mediche gratuite in collaborazione con il Gruppo Ospedaliero San Donato, talk, bellezza e fitness

Following the success of the first edition, Starbene, the Mondadori Group brand that is a point of reference in world of health and wellbeing, is doubling up its Week End of Wellbeing events.
The first will take place on 29 and 30 September in Salerno – with the patronage of the Municipality – in the portico of the Teatro Augusteo, in Piazza Amendola, while the second is scheduled for 20 and 21 October, in Milan, at Spaces, in the Porta Nuova district.
“Our Week End of Wellbeing events make an important contribution to the mission that Starbene pursues every week on newsstands and every day on the web: the promotion of health and prevention as a lifestyle choice. Both in Salerno and Milan, we will do the same using the voices of experts and exceptional witnesses from the world of sport,” announced Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Starbene.
The events in the two cities are open to the public and foresee two days wholly dedicated to free medical advice, prevention, healthy diet, beauty and fitness.
The programme of the initiative is organised in four macro areas:
– Free medical advice: visitors will be able to talk free of charge to a specialist from the Gruppo Ospedaliero San Donato – Italy’s leading hospital group with 18 hospitals in Italy – in Lombardy and Emilia Romagna, of which 3 are inpatient and research institutes – about fundamental issues for the health of the family, such as cardiology, gastroenterology, nutrition and many more.
– Talks: discussions presented by experts from the Starbene team and dedicated to the importance of prevention and health lifestyles, with special guests such as the Italian beach volley champion Laura Giombini, Aviere Scelto from the Italian Air Force and Agata Zuccarelli (on Saturday 29 September in Salerno); the fencer Elisa Di Francisca, two-time competitor at the Olympic Games in London 2012 and silver medal winner at the Olympic Games in Rio 2016; Sara Cardin, the Italian world and European karate champion and Marta Pagnini, the former captain of the Italian national gymnastics team (in Milan on 20 and 21 October).
Presenting the discussions will be the “good mood psychologist” Terenzio Traisci, work psychologist, writer, trainer and stress management specialist.
– Fitness: special classes run by personal trainers.
– Beauty: specialist hair and scalp analysis.
The Milan event will also feature a kids area with science workshops run in collaboration with Focus Junior.
This kind of initiative – commented the advertising sales company Mediamond – offer an important opportunity for companies in the sector. In fact, during the Starbene Week End events a number of brand take an active part in the programme and are able to meet their target customers in a valuable and structured context. Like Bioscalin, for example, that makes its specialist available for free hair and scalp analysis, original Fiori di Bach– Rescue that offers personalised advice, Dr Farmer that offers oxidative toxins tests and Villaggi Fitness Virgin Active, that organise special classes with personal trainers. In addition, the event will also see the active participation of Amor di Vita, Arla, Blistex, Candia, the Croatian Tourist Board, DaunenStep, Infoestetica and Seki.
For a full programme, information and enrolments, please go to: