LEO, a luminous artwork by Marco Lodola at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo in Milan

With an artwork named after the great genius, Mondadori Store continues the city of Milan’s 2019 commemorations of the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci.
Appropriately in the square that is the symbol of Milan, Piazza Duomo, an imposing luminous installation by Marco Lodola dominates the outside of the Mondadori Megastore LEO, which is the name of the artwork that Marco Lodola has dedicated to “Leonardo, an illuminated man”, features the face of the genius and with its universally recognised characteristics, his beard and, in an abstract manner, the powerful gaze which the artists expresses with luminous bands of coloured light that harmoniously intertwine symbolising the maestro’s infinite skills, the immensity of his work and the great significance of his discoveries.
The collaboration between Mondadori Store and the artist continues also in the collection “st’art. Art for everyone”, a project of the Mondadori Group’s bookshop chain the every month successfully promotes an exhibition of contemporary art.
The work inspired by Leonardo da Vinci leads on to a series of neon sculptures produced by Lodola and on display on the façade of the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo: from Eden (2015), a luminous dancer, and female symbol of an uncontaminated Eden, holding up a red apple, the colour of life and passion, to the celebrated head-butt by Zidane against Materazzi immortalised in a 3 metre-high installation in plexiglass and LED entitled Mio cugino (2016), in a clear reference to the popular Italian description of the French as “our cousins across the Alps”. And ending with LuminosaMente (2016), a large open book, symbol, symbolising reading, that for months has illuminated the centre of Milan.