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Sperling & Kupfer
The publishing house Sperling & Kupfer Editori publishes under the brands Sperling & Kupfer and Frassinelli, focusing on fiction for a predominantly female public, as well as non-fiction, training and self-help books. In 2015, it had a 3.2% market share.
Sperling & Kupfer is one of the oldest publishing houses in Milan. Founded in Stuttgart by Heinrich Otto Sperling in 1895, it begins operating in Italy in 1899 under the young Richard Kupfer, who studied at the Leipzig Publishing School.
In 1911, Heinrich Otto Sperling joins his name to that of Richard Kupfer. Sperling and Kupfer identify fertile ground within the Italian market for the dissemination of foreign literature and launch independent publishing businesses
Year of launch
The publishing house Sperling & Kupfer Editori publishes under the brands Sperling & Kupfer and Frassinelli, focusing on fiction for a predominantly female public, as well as non-fiction, training and self-help books. In 2015, it had a 3.2% market share.
Sperling & Kupfer is one of the oldest publishing houses in Milan. Founded in Stuttgart by Heinrich Otto Sperling in 1895, it begins operating in Italy in 1899 under the young Richard Kupfer, who studied at the Leipzig Publishing School.
In 1911, Heinrich Otto Sperling joins his name to that of Richard Kupfer. Sperling and Kupfer identify fertile ground within the Italian market for the dissemination of foreign literature and launch independent publishing businesses.
In the 1930s, Sperling & Kupfer undergoes a period of substantial development, with two prestigious series created during those years – Narratori Nordici (1929) and Pandora (1931) – which will play a key role in disseminating northern and central European culture in our country, with authors like Thomas Mann, Stephan Zweig, Franz Werfel, Arthur Schnitzler, Hermann Hesse, Ricarda Huch and Hans Carossa.
In the 1950s, the publishing house moves towards social awareness, economic policy and scientific manuals.
In the 1970s, it is acquired by Tiziano Barbieri Torriani. The editorial focus remains the same: international spirit, significant attention to current events, and opening to new experiences. With his determination and intuition, Tiziano Barbieri Torriani introduces innovative formulas in his decisions, launching the major US bestsellers on the Italian market, and in the sales strategies and relations with booksellers, giving the brand significant originality.
In the 1980s, Sperling & Kupfer flourishes further with the arrival of Mondadori into its shareholder base, with Mondadori acquiring full ownership in 1995.
Today, Sperling & Kupfer is a prismatic publishing house, open to new experiences but always careful to preserve its fundamental characteristics: an international spirit and significant attention to current events, historic and socio-political events, scientific and cultural aspects, real-life accounts, sports, and health and self-help manuals.
Its fiction titles include authors of proven success, such as Stephen King, Danielle Steel, Nicholas Sparks, Mary Higgins Clark and, among the Italians, Sveva Casati Modignani, in addition to acclaimed publishing and public phenomena like The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, the most-sold book in Italy in 2014. Its non-fiction and other genres also play an important role, with texts by Antonio Caprarica, Pietro Grasso, Diego Della Palma, Pierre Dukan, Valeria della Valle, Spencer Johnson and Robert Peroni.