What is our Parents’ Kit? It is a set of initiatives and tools designed to give concrete support to our employees who are going through the important experience of having a daughter or son.

The Mondadori Group Parents’ Kit consists of:

✅ A checklist that explains to the parents-to-be and their managers what to do at each stage, from the announcement to the company to the return;

📔 the Parental Book, a guide containing all the details of the regulations in force in Italy, integrated with the company regulations;

🗣️ the Parental Counselling, a listening service designed as a space for reflection and discussion on the difficulties related to leave and parenthood.

The Parenting Project is part of “Mondadori Care”, the Group’s programme focused on the concept of personal care in the broadest sense.

To find out more about our Parenting Project, visit the dedicated page on our website (link in bio).

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