Our publishing house Rizzoli presents the new editorial management team.

Federica Magro, the editorial director, is joined by the following heads of department:
– Gemma Trevisani, in charge of Italian fiction;
– Marco Fiocca, in charge of Foreign fiction;
– Marta Treves, in charge of Varia, Young Adult and Fabbri Editori adult titles;
– Manuela Galbiati, in charge of non-fiction;
– Lydia Salerno, in charge of the BUR and Etas brands, newly appointed to this role.

In addition, Federica Magro will be in charge of the Rizzoli Lizard activities on an interim basis.

From left: Marta Treves, Marco Fiocca, Federica Magro, Manuela Galbiati, Lydia Salerno.

#NoiDellaMondadori #Rizzoli