Objectives of the plan
The Mondadori Group’s approach to the future in the field of sustainability is laid out consistently with the four strategic guidelines defined in the Sustainability Plan with the following future objectives connected with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) laid down in the 2030 Agenda.
Objectives achieved
- Preparation of the documentation for the Gender Equality Certification (UNI PDR 125/2022), with Audit scheduled for 2024.
- Development and implementation of a training plan specifically for D&I with half-yearly seminars for all Mondadori Group people.
- Review of internal procedures governing selection with the introduction of blind CVs (after the test phase). Formalised procedure.
- Review of the internal procedures governing recruitment and career development, with particular attention to D&I matters.
- Implementation of a training plan accessible to all Group personnel regarding sustainability issues.
- Strengthening of ESG training for the Group’s school publications and those for teachers.
- A growing number of initiatives and services to promote reading.
Objectives 2024 – 2026
- Equal opportunities: increase in the number of women in managerial positions (% female managers).
- Equal pay: reduction of the pay gap for managerial positions (managers and executives).
- Gender equality certification UNI PDR 125/2022.
- Completion of the “Care” project for all Group people and their families with specific initiatives.
- Extension of training in digitalisation/new forms of work to all Group employees.
- Extension to 100% of the school offer of contents/insights in Sustainability, 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, diversity, equity and inclusion and civic education.
- Establishment of a new Group Charter of Values.
- Maintenance of the range of initiatives and services to promote reading.
- Maintenance of ESG training for the Group’s school publications and those for teachers.
The Mondadori Group’s approach to the future in the field of sustainability is laid outmconsistently with the two strategic guidelines defined in the Sustainability Plan with the following future objectives connected with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) laid down in the 2030 Agenda.
Objectives achieved
- Setting of quantitative and measurable ESG-related LTI objectives for top management in the 2023-2025 Performance Share Plan. Rolling plan.
- Strengthening of the set of procedures and coverage of the areas of Privacy, Information Management and Cyber Security.
- Strengthening of the programmes aiming to protect intellectual property/copyright.
Objectives 2024 -2026
- Development and implementation of a professional refresher plan for members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors dedicated to specific ESG topics. At least one induction session per year.
- Update of the Group’s non-financial reporting procedure from a CSRD standpoint, with the formalisation of a stakeholder engagement policy.
- Formalisation of an Anti-Corruption Policy.
- Strengthening of the internal control and risk management system in ESG.
- Strengthening of stakeholder engagement activities through the gradual expansion of engagement initiatives.
- Strengthening of the set of procedures and coverage of the areas of Privacy, Information Management and Cyber Security.
- Strengthening of the programmes aiming to protect intellectual property/copyright.
The Mondadori Group’s approach to the future in the field of sustainability is laid out consistently with the two strategic guidelines defined in the Plan with the following future objectives connected with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) laid down in the 2030 Agenda.
Objectives achieved
- Extension of the electricity supply from renewable sources to sites (Segrate and Turin) and stores (Mondadori Duomo).
- Obtaining of LEED certification (gold) for Mondadori Duomo.
- Development of the “Book environmental footprint” project: a Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) for the measurement of environmental impacts and the definition of data-based objectives to reduce atmospheric emissions and assure continuous improvement throughout the value chain.
- Fulfilment of ≈100% purchase of PEFC/FSC certified paper for Mondadori Group products. Extension also to the newly acquired companies.
- Extension to 100% of the School proposition of insights and fact sheets dedicated to environmental culture of the entire school offer and promotion of such content in the Trade proposition.
Objectives 2024 – 2026
- Extension of the activation of the supply of electricity from renewable sources to the offices and DOSs on the territory, with the consequent reduction of Scope 2 emissions (consumption).
- Action intended to increase energy efficiency and consequently reduce consumptions through the completion of the Palazzo Niemeyer renovation project with complete replacement of all systems and plants (early 2025).
Use of recycled materials for the new furnishings of Palazzo Niemeyer. - Obtaining of LEED (Gold) and WELL certification for Palazzo Niemeyer.
- Continuation of the energy efficiency actions under the scope of the initiatives for the restructuring/opening of bookstores. LEED (Gold) certification for the Mondadori Flagship Store.
- Potential pilot initiatives/activities in the Trade and/or Education area, linked to the development of the LCA project aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in specific areas of a book’s life.
- Formalisation of a Code of Conduct governing responsible procurement throughout the supply chain.
- Fulfilment of ≈100% purchase of PEFC/FSC certified paper for Mondadori Group products.
- Maintenance of 100% of the School proposition of insights and fact sheets dedicated to environmental culture of the entire school offer and promotion of such content in the Trade proposition.