
Dan Brown to open Anteprime 2013

The fourth edition of “ANTEPRIME – Ti racconto il mio prossimo libro” will be held in Pietrasanta from 7 to 9 June 2013. The event, which is the result of cooperation between the municipality of Pietrasanta and the publishing houses Einaudi, Electa, Frassinelli, Mondadori, Netwon Compton, Piemme and Sperling & Kupfer.

From 6.30 pm until well into the night, in a range of different spaces in the centre of Pietrasanta Italian and foreign authors, both newcomers and established names, such as Novel prize-winner Orhan Pamuk will meet the public. This year the festival will be opened, on Friday 7 June, by an exceptional guest Dan Brown.

At the various spaces around Pietrasanta the authors will be accompanied by their editors. Some will give readings from new or even unpublished works, others will talk about the construction of their next book, all with a desire to satisfy the public demand to get a closer look at their favourite authors. Anteprime will also see the return of the now traditional appointment with poetry with a homage to Vittorio Sereni to mark the centenary of his birth. Much space will also be given to children and young readers: in addition to the children’s stories corner, a number of authors, including superstar Geronimo Stilton, will offer sneak peeks from upcoming books.

ANTEPRIME 2013 – information and program