Archivi aperti

Mondadori Group Archive opens to the public for the first time

On Friday, October 20, as part of the Archivi Aperti event, the doors are opening to the spaces where the photographic heritage of the publishing group is preserved

Mondadori Portfolio, the Group’s photo agency, will illustrate the recovery and digitization work carried out over more than a decade

The Mondadori Group Photographic Archive opens its doors to the public for the first time as part of Archivi Aperti, an initiative organized by the association Rete Fotografia and whose 9th edition will take place from October 13 to 22, 2023 in several Italian cities.

On Friday October 20, the public will be able to visit the Mondadori headquarters in Segrate (Mi) which houses the enormous photographic heritage of the Group.

In addition, the event will be an opportunity to illustrate the valuable work that Mondadori Portfolio, the photographic agency of the Mondadori Group, has tackled from 2011 to the present and which has led to the digitization of a relevant part of the publisher’s immense historical archive and the prestigious Electa archive. A significant process of valorization, during which, through the recovery of prints, original negatives, photocolors and slides, famous names have returned to the public’s attention. These include Mario De Biasi, Giorgio Lotti, Angelo Cozzi, Sergio Del Grande, Marisa Rastellini and other authors who over the past 60 years have told, through their shots, the history of our country through the pages of the magazines Epoca, Grazia and Panorama.

In addition to Daniele Fiasca and Elisabetta De Simone, Mondadori Portfolio’s Director and Executive Manager respectively, Nadia Righi, Director of the Diocesan Museum, will also speak. Together with curators Maria Vittoria Baravelli and Silvia De Biasi, Nadia Righi will preview the exhibition “MARIO DE BIASI AND MILAN. Extraordinary Edition”, which the Milanese museum will host from November 14, 2023 to January 21, 2024 on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of the great photographer of Epoca magazine. During the event, photographer Antonio Quattrone will also perform an opera reading.

The day’s program will also include a visit to Palazzo Niemeyer, an architectural masterpiece designed by Oscar Niemeyer and headquarters of the Mondadori Group.

For information and reservations (subject to availability) click here.