Digital School

Digital School: the 3rd edition of the Donna Moderna, CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe training school

Content and social media management, cultivating business ideas, online language and writing techniques

in Milan, from 14 October, in the classrooms of Piano C and the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo

Digital School, the training initiative launched by Donna ModernaCasaFacile and Sale&Pepe – based on the experience of three brand leaders in the women’s, interiors and food sectors – opens its doors in Milan to the 3rd expanded training  offer with a range of new classroom-based courses.

For those who wish to acquire and develop their digital skills and become autonomous in the online development of a brand, from the creation of an editorial plan to an SEO strategy, there is the course in Content and social media management, now in its third year. A 42-hour, two-level course – the basic level course starts on 14 October and the advanced course from 27 January – with classroom lesson by editors and digital professionals of the Mondadori Group’s three brands, tutoring in class, case history studies and a concluding workshop.
For freelancers and those looking to develop their own business there are three new One-day courses: a day dedicated to self-empowerment and strategies for self promotion (25 November), the second focuses on How to cultivate business ideas and take the first steps in starting your own business (2 December); followed by a third course dedicated to the ABC of VAT, how it works and the latest regulations.
Lessons will be held in Milan at Piano C, the social innovation laboratory the brings together women and work; a space in Milan for the realisation of digital and other projects, aimed at reducing female unemployment in Italy.

This year’s Digital School training offer will be further enhanced by a new course in Online language and writing techniques, which will be held at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo, in Milan. The basic rules of journalistic writing and tricks to make sure you are read on the web will be the main features of this 3-day course run by the editorial team of Donna Moderna: how to write and be read in the digital era (30 October), recognising fake news and selecting sources (6 November) and social networks as information ad communication tools (13 December).

Digital School also has e-learning options, with 19 courses and study paths, such as: Starting a blog, e-commerce, Photography for blogs and social media, Digital PR, Engagement Strategy. The online course offer includes courses on Creative Writing, for those who want to learn the techniques for writing a novel or short stories, with the support of established writers such as Michela Murgia, Grazia Verasani and Alessandra Appiani.

For more information and details about enrolment and costs, go to:


Digital School: a new advanced course in content and social media management starts in January

Lessons at the Donna Moderna, CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe training school continue successfully, in collaboration with Piano C

The success of the Digital School, the training school of Donna Moderna, CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe continues, the experience with which the three Mondadori Group brands – reference points for the world of women, interiors and food – make their skills and competence in the digital and social media fields available to others. A formula already rewarded with enrolments that  sold out for the basic course of the second edition, which ended in November.

The lessons of the advanced course in content and social media management will start on Saturday 28 January 2017. The programme, which is aimed at people with previous knowledge of the web but who want to become autonomous in online brand development,  is organised in 5 classroom sessions and a concluding workshop. A total of 21 hours dedicated to content design, data analysis and the business management of the activity, through first-hand testimony by the editors and digital professionals of the three magazines, classroom tutoring and case histories.

Collaboration will also continue with Piano C, the social innovation laboratory that brings together women and work and that hosts the lessons of the course in a space in the centre of Milan where digital and other projects are developed to contrast female unemployment in Italy.

The training offer of the Digital School is also available in e-learning modules, with 14 courses 5 structured programmes designed to meet different needs, such as “Content Strategy”, “Social Media Pro”, “Promoting a business online”.

For information about how to enrol and costs, please go to or write to


Digital School: the 2nd edition of the courses organised by the training school of Donna Moderna, CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe gets under way in collaboration with Piano C

Enrolments are now being accepted for lessons in content and social media management starting on 15 October in Milan

Following the success of the first edition, on 15 October the new courses will start in Milan of the Digital School, the training school created by Donna Moderna, CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe, a year ago on the experience of the three brand leaders in the women’s, interior design and food sectors.

The three Mondadori magazines will make available their experience and skills in the digital field and social media for the second edition of the course in content and social media management, this year in collaboration with Piano C, the social innovation laboratory that brings together women and work. A space in the centre of Milan that produces digital and other projects to combat female unemployment in Italy.

The course in content and social media management enables students to acquire and expand their digital skills through 42 hours of lessons organised in two levels: a base module to learn what, how and where to communicate in order to be discovered on the web – from the construction of an editorial plan to the secrets of social media management, and from online writing to strategies for the analysis of SEO results – and an advanced module, aimed at those with a good knowledge of the web and a desire to become autonomous in online brand development, content planning, data analysis and the business management of the activity.

The course includes classroom lessons and the testimony of the editors and digital professionals from the three Mondadori magazines, in class tutoring for the entire duration of the course, case history studies and a final workshop for both modules.

The lessons of the course in content and social media management will be held in Milan at Piano C, via Simone D’Orsenigo 18, from 15 October 2016 for the basic module and from 28 January 2017 for the advanced module.

The training offer of the school of Donna Moderna, CasaFacile e Sale&Pepe is also available in e-learning mode, with 19 courses and programmes for different needs.

For information about enrolment and costs, please go to:

Digital School