Donna Moderna

Donna Moderna: coming soon – three special issues to mark three unmissable moments of shopping and leisure for an unforgettable end to the year

From winter holiday destinations to Black Friday and Christmas gifts

Donna Moderna, the Mondadori Group brand, a point of reference in the women’s segment, this month will launch three special issues dedicated to topics of great interest to readers: from winter holiday destinations, to a Black Friday special, with a guide to discounts, and a look at Christmas gifts, a must for shopping and leisure.

A series of initiatives that enhance the offer of a brand that is always in touch with the needs of the 7.5 million users (source: Nielsen Media Impact Data fusion, May 2021) in its community, with content which is developed from the magazine across its social media channels, website and through special collectors’ issues.

Starting this week with the Winter Travel issue, featuring on the cover the presenter Elisabetta Canalis, chosen by the magazine as a representative of the perfect globetrotter: always with a suitcase in her hand, she is constantly traveling between the US and Italy for work and love.
In the special, Donna Moderna readers will find 25 winter holidays for the end of the year: from the mountains with itineraries to immerse oneself in nature and to practice sport, to cities of art in Italy and Europe with lots of practical advice for the perfect visit. Then there are the Christmas markets, destinations for a gourmet or shopping holiday and new travel experiences such as the Advent party in a European capital for an authentic Christmas atmosphere and a guided tour of patisseries with a food critic in Turin.
And not to be missed on the Donna Moderna Instagram profile three reels with the two winter sports athletes; the skier Sofia Goggia, and mountaineer Hervé Barmassee, and with the writer and art curator Paola Zatti on holidays in a city of art.

The second appointment is on 18 November with an issue dedicated to Black Friday, which kicks off the pre-Christmas shopping bonanza with exceptional promotions.
A special issue full of advice and information for purchases at special prices both in physical stores, which have become more and more places for unique experiences, amusement and fun, and in digital stores using the many new tools available: including augmented reality, virtual tours, live shopping and the new hybrid purchasing methods, such as omnichannel, cross shopping, click & collect.
To accompany the issue, there will be a tutorial on on online shopping with a range of practical tips on the best deals and the shops not to be missed, as well as an in-depth study dedicated to new payment methods.

The rich autumn offer of Donna Moderna is completed by the XMas Gifts issue, on newsstands from 25 November, with a very special cover.
The theme of the issue is the five senses: ideas and advice for gifts to touch, hear, taste, look at and smell, as well as a practical guide to making original Christmas packages.
The Christmas storytelling will continue also online with a special How To XMAS for an Instagrammable Christmas and on the Donna Moderna social media channels with a programme of Xmas Reels with lots of special guests.

Donna Moderna launches “Greenlife”: a special issue to talk about how we can all work together every day to protect the planet

The brand’s commitment shared with its community in favour of increasingly sustainable lifestyles continues

Featured on the cover, the TV presenter Camila Raznovich: “Care for the environment is a duty and the responsibility of all of us”

What are the green choices that we can actually adopt every day? What actions can we take with others to safeguard the environment in which we live? These are the questions answered by Greenlife, the new issue of Donna Moderna, on newsstands from Thursday 14 October.

At the heart of the magazine is a 24-page special printed on 100% PEFC recycled paper, with first-hand accounts, advice and insights to discover how to make your lifestyle increasingly sustainable thanks to small and simple daily gestures.

It is need that also emerges from the survey conducted by the brand, in collaboration with BVA – Doxa and Mondadori Lab, which shows that Donna Moderna readers are increasingly likely to adopt virtuous behaviour. Among the most shared issues are attention to energy saving and separate waste disposal (64%), a reduction in the use of plastic (47%) and the purchase of organic and local products (33%).

These initiatives are part of the activities that the brand, a reference point in the women’s segment, has been pursuing with its community to make a concrete contribution to safeguarding the planet. A commitment that started with #BeeGreen, the participatory project with which Donna Moderna this year involved over 9 million readers and users, in sustainable actions with extraordinary results: over 200 tons of CO2 saved, and a home provided for over 1 million bees in Milan.

“We realised that what our readers want to leave to their children is not material goods, but a planet in better condition than they found it in. Our job is to provide inspiration and information, and at the same time record the good practices that the readers themselves introduce into their routines in such a way that an account of this changing lifestyle becomes a sort of collective novel,” said Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Donna Moderna.

The special issue
Featured on the cover of this special issue of Donna Moderna is Camila Raznovich, the presenter of the TV show Kilimanjaro who was selected by Donna Moderna for her green soul. Attentive to the environment, very wary of consumerism and a black belt of separating waste, Camila talks to Donna Moderna about her world of escapes into the green and music, of vintage shopping and recycling, as a house rule but also a question of love: “Care for the environment is a duty and the responsibility of all of us,” she tells the magazine.

Three main issues are developed in the pages of this special.
Starting with the story of the small gestures that we can adopt every day, with the testimonies of 27 women, journalists and readers, who reveal the conscious choices they have made to protect the environment, plus lots of advice on how to put them into practice.

And then there is an in-depth study dedicated to what we can actually do together with others to protect the planet. Extensive space is devoted to the phenomenon of girls and boys who have given life to projects and associations throughout Italy to safeguard the areas in which they live.

A map of Made in Italy excellence will highlight the many records that the country has achieved in terms of sustainability

A storytelling on green issues that the magazine will also develop on the brand’s website and social media channels, in which Greenlife issues will be developed and expanded. From stories to video reels to calls-to-action: content aimed at engaging the brand’s over 2.2 million fans and talking about the sustainable actions that we can adopt every day.

#BeeGreen Honey Day
Donna Moderna initiatives in favour of sustainability have also included the #BeeGreen Honey Day, a unique event, which took place at the Cascina Merlata last September 26, organised to coincide with the UpTown Green Week, and celebrate the honey production of over 1 million bees housed by Donna Moderna and underscore the concrete commitment of the brand and its community to the environment.

An activity that was also promoted through the project’s green ambassadors on their Instagram profiles.

Source: Nielsen Data Fusion Mar 2021
Source: Shareablee plus Tik Tok and Pinterest Insight, September 2021

Donna Moderna launches “#Restart”: a collectors’ issue dedicated to restarting and women’s desires and plans

A special issue, based on a survey carried out by the brand in collaboration with Doxa, to inspire and assist women to reinvent their lives, find new stimuli and to realise their dreams

Featured on the cover Arisa, photographed in a symbolic pose reflected in a mirror

What do today’s women want, what are their dreams and plans? Donna Moderna, the Mondadori Group brand that is a point of reference in the women’s segment, offers some answers to these questions in its new issue #Restart, on newsstands from tomorrow.

A collector’s issue that the magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda, that has always listened to its community – and today has over 9 million readers and users (Source: Nielsen Data Fusion Mar 2021) – dedicates to what women would like and plan for themselves and for their future at this moment of rebirth.

The special issue is based on the results of a survey developed by Donna Moderna, in collaboration with Doxa, Mondadori Lab and the philosopher Ilaria Gasparri, from which new ideas emerged regarding female desires, including first of all a desire to feel good in one’s own skin and knowing how to take life more lightly.

“Women’s desires have changed profoundly in recent months. The survey gave us surprising answers: there is also a strong desire to know the world and for itinerant travel, to transform passions into work, and to recover time for oneself. A need for lightness. This wish list has been the guide for the construction of an issue that is both a practical guide and a collection of reflections,” declared Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Donna Moderna.

Featured on the cover of this special issue is the singer Arisa chosen by Donna Moderna as an example of a woman who has made change one of her characteristics. Because Arisa gets along well with herself, knows how to transform any experience into music and always loves starting again, though never from scratch.

For the cover of this issue Donna Moderna has chosen a symbolic shot of the artist who, reflected in front of a mirror, invites all women to search for their own desires within themselves. An important message that the brand wants to share with the whole community also on social networks, asking users to post a photo of themselves using Donna Moderna’s special mirror effect Instagram filter.

The #Restart issue is divided into five sections dedicated to the five themes investigated in the survey. The common thread of each section is the stories of women and entrepreneurs who tell readers about their experience. Testimonials and interviews that will combine with practical advice and columns to inspire and help all women to reinvent their lives and make their dreams come true.

We start from the section dedicated to what women want to be: from the survey conducted by Donna Moderna it emerged that more than half of interviewees see themselves in a minimal style that allows them to enhance their beauty. The content of the section includes a beauty special dedicated to eyes, a detail of their appearance that, as highlighted by the research, more than 40% of women want to enhance. Among the most common new trends adopted by women is the kitten eye, followed by the new frontier of pro-aging, and grey power, the focus of an article dedicated to all the actresses who show off their very well-tended grey hair.

There is also a section dedicated to what women would like to be: in the survey more than one in three women said that she wants to feel well in her own skin and learn to enjoy the person that she is. A trend that combines with the desire to take better care of one’s body (55%), to which Donna Moderna dedicates a feature with beauty tools, practical advice and an in-depth study on supplements for self-care, without forgetting the importance of mental well-being.

In the third part of the special issue of Donna Moderna, women talk about their aspirations for both their jobs and their free time. In the first place is a desire to carve out time for themselves (52%), followed by the courage to cultivate their passions (39%), with almost a third of women who say they would like to feel appreciated at work (31%).

The survey also revealed a marked sense of gratitude among interviewees for their own lives (47%), even if in the last year and a half they have suffered from a lack of physical contact (30%). A result that is at the heart of the fourth section, where Donna Moderna looks at what women are committed to giving to future generations.
Here the stories include that of Luciana Littizzetto, who retraces her life as a former teacher and mother of two foster children.

The special issue concludes with a section dedicated to what women would like to receive from themselves and from others: more than 40% of interviewees would like to learn to take things more lightly, and to receive a bit of pampering and gratification from others.

In addition to the magazine, the storytelling of the issue will also be available digitally on the website and on the brand’s social media channels which already have over 2.2 million fans (Source: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). In particular, video stories and inspirational cards will be published on Instagram with stories about women who have managed to satisfy their desires.

The launch of the new special issue of Donna Moderna is supported by an advertising campaign developed by Casiraghi&Greco and planned on print media, radio, the web, social media and DOOH.

The positive trend in advertising continues for the special issues of Donna Moderna, up by around 30% compared with the special issues of last year.


Donna Moderna launches its “Slow summer in Italy” special

24 itineraries for walking, campervan, bicycle and train holidays

Donna Moderna, the Mondadori Group brand that is the point of reference in the women’s segment, with a total audience of around 11 million users (Source: Nielsen Media Impact Data Fusion, December 2020), is launching a special insert with the issue on newsstands this week dedicated to the latest Italian holiday trends: slow and sustainable tourism, which focuses on the discovery of the country’s historical and natural wonders.

From medieval towns to the cities of art, hikes immersed in nature to beautiful cycleways, and from panoramic railway routes to the unmissable spots for campervan enthusiasts, this special insert of the magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda explains how readers and users can enjoy a “slow” holiday that is consistent with the enhancement of often forgotten cultural assets and landscapes.

“We talk about ways of travelling that people are finding increasingly attractive but often struggle to adopt because they think they might not be appropriate for their physical capacities or are just too uncomfortable.  But this is not true, as we see from the stories of people who have tried, sometimes almost by chance, these ways of travelling and never looked back. The itineraries that we have selected are ideal for beginners!” commented Donna Moderna editor, Annalisa Monfreda.

A 24-page journey, broken down into four chapters each introduced by a travel influencer and dedicated to holidays on foot, in a campervan, on bicycle and by train respectively. Each chapter includes six trips presented in six profiles, full of information about travel times, distances and the unmissable stops along the way, as well as a range of practical and original suggestions to make the best of your holiday.

Starting with itineraries strictly on foot, with panoramic walks through Tuscany, Sicily, Trentino-Alto Adige, Emilia-Romagna, Campania and Sardinia. They will be introduced by an interview with the singer-songwriter Jack Jaselli, who, though born in Milan, is an inveterate wanderer, and who has made an 800-km trip on foot along the ancient Via Francigena, from Pavia to Rome.

This is followed by the narration of Anna Luciani, couch-surfer and low-cost traveller who, armed with a video-camera, has travelled the length and breadth of Italy along with her partner Simone Chiesa, interviewing foreigners who have settled in Italy. Her suggestions will guide readers along routes that can be made by campervan and the discovery of landscapes and the food and wine specialties of Valle d’Aosta, Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Umbria and Calabria.

Introducing the chapter dedicated to cycling holidays, through the mountains and along the coasts of Piedmont, Liguria, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Trentino-Alto Adige, Veneto, Lazio and Sicily Sicilia, we will have the Como-born cycling influencer Francesca Giani, an authentic ambassador of the concept of sustainable mobility.

Meanwhile, the pages that look at train-based itineraries that cross the country from North to South, from Alto Adige to Puglia, by way of Piedmont, Liguria, Tuscany, Marche, Abruzzo and Molise, will be accompanied by the words of travellers Tiziana Nuvoli and Stefano Floris, well-known for having travelled around the world always and only by train.

At the heart of the special insert is a poster with a pull-out map designed to bring together all of the proposed itineraries, the unmissable attractions and hints and suggestions about how to move around in each region that you can take with you.

Lastly, there will be the Donna Moderna online community involvement: in fact, the entire special will also be available on the web, while on social media the brand’s more than 3 million fans (Source: Shareablee + Pinterest and Tik Tok, May 2021) will find photos of the most beautiful itineraries and individual stop-offs, a map that can be screenshot and saved as well as interactive video stories with a survey to identify the most attractive destination. Plus, by using the hashtag #donnamodernainviaggio, users can also have the chance to see their own photos shared across all of the magazine’s social media channels.

The Donna Moderna special dedicated to slow holidays in Italy has been warmly received also by advertisers, confirming the positive trend in the brand’s advertising sales, both print and digital, since the beginning of the year.

Donna Moderna launches #OneGenerationWoman

From boomers to post millennial girls: a special issue dedicated to five generations of women, with ageless interests

For the first time on newsstands with two inverted “art covers” and two-way reading

Featured on the covers the “granfluencer” Licia Fertz and singer-songwriter Gaia

Donna Moderna, brand leader in the women’s magazines segment, is launching #OneGenerationWoman: a special issue in which the magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda gives space and a voice to five different generations. From the silent generation to the women of the ’50s, through Generation X up to the post-millennial girls and Alpha: five generations that today are increasingly searching for a common language and interests that are ageless and can stimulate dialogue in which all of them can both learn and teach something.

“We looked at what each of these generations can give to the others, what visions of life, of work, feelings, money, the environment can contaminate women of different ages. We believe that there is much to be gained from comparison, exchange, experience. And we hope that this issue will stimulate the curiosity of each generation about the others,” declared Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Donna Moderna.

An issue with two covers and a two-way option of reading that allows for two different journeys: on the one hand the view of the women known as boomers by the youngest generation, with their stories and their great experience to be transferred and related to the later generations; and, on the other hand, the voices of the post-millennial girls who are changing the way we live and see the world and becoming an inspiration for women of all ages.

Two different perspectives, represented by two exceptional personalities selected by Donna Moderna as symbols of their generations.

The star of the cover dedicated to the silent generation is Licia Fertz, known on Instagram with the profile “Buongiorno nonna”. Licia is a 91-year-old “granfluencer” whose charisma and energy have made her an authentic social media star. She posed for a fashion shoot for the magazine with a determined look, starting from the studded-leather on the cover .

The face on the cover dedicated to Gen Z is the singer-songwriter Gaia. At 23, she was the winner of the 19th edition of Amici, and is now one of the most popular young artists on the scene, with some 750,000 followers on Instagram, over 160 million streams, two platinum and one gold discs. A symbol of the young women of the new generations, on the pages of Donna Moderna she interprets vintage pieces, a cult of more mature women.

Both covers were curated exclusively for Donna Moderna by the Spanish designer Pablo Pasadas.

There are a number of in-depth themes in this special issue. From health and prevention with an interview with gynaecologist Alessandra Kustermann, the first female medical director of the Mangiagalli Maternity Hospital in Milan, who explains how, over the years, women have struggled to change their approach to such issues.

Extensive space is also given to the issue of work, with a number of stories of family businesses where the baton is passed from generation to generation. And then reverse mentoring, a tool to enhance diversity between senior and junior figures in companies.

Also in the pages of the special issue is a “dictionary of slang”, to discover the most frequently used words and expressions of the new generations and advice on the young people to follow on social networks: from the singer Ultimo to the blogger Sofia Viscardi, the fashion influencer Emanuele Ferrari (@emilife) to the YouTuber Noa Planas, and from the actress Ginevra Francesconi to the TikToker Khabi Lame.

The two visions that are the connecting thread of the two sections of the issue will intertwine at the centre of the magazine in a special feature on beauty with a test to discover the biological age of one’s skin and the most suitable beauty routine for every woman that will also be on Instagram.

Dialogue between the generations started in recent weeks on social networks with a call to action that involved the brand’s community of about 11 million users (Source: Nielsen Media Impact Data Fusion December 2020), who were invited to tell their stories, which were then also published in the magazine.

The launch of the new issue of Donna Moderna will be supported by an advertising campaign created by Casiraghi & Greco, and planned on print, radio, social media and out-of-home digital.

Beauty partner of the Donna Moderna skin test is the Laboratoire Native Group with the Lierac brand, which has always been inspired by innovation in aesthetic medicine to offer women targeted and effective solutions, Roger & Gallet, which has been producing timeless fragrances for 150 years, and Phyto, which for 50 years has been taking care of the health and beauty of hair through the use of highly concentrated plant extracts.

Donna Moderna quadruples the target of its #BeeGreen challenge saving over 200 tonnes of CO2

70.000 sustainable actions by readers in less than a month on the AWorld app

On Earth Day on 22 April, Donna Moderna inaugurates Italy’s largest urban apiary

More than 200 tonnes of CO2. saved to take 1 million bees to Milan: this is the result of the challenge that Donna Moderna has achieved together with its readers as part of the #BeeGreen project, the initiative of the Mondadori Group brand dedicated to sustainability and urban diversity.

A challenge, promoted through AWorld, the app chosen by the UN to support green lifestyles, which has involved the community of around 11 million Donna Moderna users, whose extraordinary commitment has made it possible to overtake the initial target of 50 tonnes of CO2 and, in less than a month, to quadruple savings with over 70,000 sustainable actions.

In turn, Donna Moderna is making a concrete contribution to the protection of the planet, by creating, in collaboration with Green Island/Alveari Urbani, Italy’s largest urban apiary in the city park of Cascina Merlata with UpTown Milan and in the City of Milan’s San Faustino Garden.

The initiative foresees the installation of 17 new hives for over 1 million bees, capable of pollinating 3 billion flowers every day.

The last stage of this project will be the introduction of the last bee family into the hives of Cascina Merlata on the occasion of Earth Day, from 10.30 to 11.30.

With this project, which aims to re-introduce bees into urban contexts, Donna Moderna and its partners are committed to the protection of a species that is increasingly at risk and fundamental both for the protection of biodiversity and, through pollination, for our food security.

An initiative not only in the interest of sustainability and the environment, but also of craftsmanship, creativity and design: in fact, all of the hives have been designed by international artists, hand-painted by local artisans and in eco- design with reused materials.

On 22 April, on the occasion of Earth Day, Donna Moderna will talk about the project with live coverage on its social channels and on Rai Play, part of the multimedia marathon dedicated to World Earth Day, for which it is a Media Partner.

The commitment to biodiversity continues with the social-media based contestBalconi Fioriti”, launched on Donna Moderna’s Instagram profile and by UpTown Milano, which invites readers to plant a flower on their balconies, thus creating real oases for pollinators, and to share photos or videos with the whole community.

But the initiatives do not end here: Donna Moderna has also invited its readers to participate, at the end of September, on the occasion of Green Week, the week of sustainability, in #BeeGreen Honey Day which will celebrate the harvesting of the honey produced by the bees.

Thanks go to the Main PartnerAcqua nelle nostre mani”, the project promoted by Finish for the protection and safeguarding of water, which has accompanied Donna Moderna in this initiative which aims to promote greater awareness of the environment and its resources.

Technical and institutional Partners of the project: AWorld, Green Island/Alveari Urbani, Earth Day Italia, Green Media Lab, UpTown Milano

Source: Nielsen Media Impact Data Fusion December 2020

Donna Moderna launches the project “Modern relationships”: a four-part look at love, the family, friendship and sex

To coincide with Valentine’s Day part one is dedicated to love

Donna Moderna, the brand that is a point of reference in the women’s magazine segment, launches a special on love to coincide with Valentine’s Day.
The issue on newsstands tomorrow features more than 40 pages with moving stories, surprising interviews and ideas to from which to draw inspiration. And at the heart of the magazine an exclusive illustration, inspired by love, to pull out and keep.

This special is the first part of a “Modern Relationships” project: a four-part series focused on discovering how love, the family, friendship and sex have changed.
A new format that is developed in the magazine, on social media and the web site in a circular, multichannel and complete communication.

“We asked our readers to tell us their love stories and we could not have imagined that we would be flooded with stories. Love remains the strongest driver of our existence and relationships have changed profoundly and Covid, like everything else, has accelerated these changes. And that is what we examine in this issue. Without forgetting, however, that we are dealing with a sentiment that, more than any other, gives direction to our lives and that the best way to understand it is to speak about it,” declared Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Donna Moderna.

The Donna Moderna special
Featured on the cover are Giorgia Palmas with her partner Filippo Magnini. The TV presenter and swimmer talk in an interview about their story, crowned last September with the arrival of little Mia, and they are also photographed in an exclusive fashion feature inside the magazine.

This special issue dedicated to relationships will also feature the stories of three couple who have who have experienced complementarity in work and in life: the chefs Isabella Potì and Floriano Pellegrino, who started a restaurant together, the philosophers and writers Maura Gancitano and Andrea Colamedici, founders of Tlon, a cultural project, and the architects Cristiana Favretto and Antonio Girardi, rewarded by Time with the inclusion of their green project among the 100 most innovative.

The pages of Donna Moderna also include an important survey on the dematerialization of feelings. The divorce lawyer and expert on sentimental relationships Ester Viola and the psychologist, psychotherapist and analyst Stefania Andreoli discuss the issue of imaginary relationships and virtual betrayals, explaining why it is so difficult to love today.
These two important voices will also take part in a live event on Facebook on Friday 12 February at 5.30 pm.

At the heart of this special issue is an illustration inspire by love, produced for Donna Moderna by the artist Giò Pastori and a double-page with the most beautiful and romantic verses, chosen by readers on social media: the most voted, by Rupi Kaur, with “Il modo in cui ti ami è il modo in cui insegni ad altri ad amarti” (The way you love yourself is the way you teach others to love you), followed by Alda Merini with her words “Ieri sera era amore, io e te nella vita fuggitivi e fuggiaschi con un bacio e una bocca come in quadro astratto” (Last night was love, you and I fugitives in life and fugitives with a kiss and a mouth as in an abstract painting).

The protagonists of the issue are also the stories of the readers who flooded the editorial office with their stories, selected by Donna Moderna and entrusted to the pen of the writer Sara Rattaro

Of course, there will also be beauty tips. With a feature dedicated to red passion products and a shopping column about jewellery to give as gifts for Valentine’s Day.

On social media and the web site
With this initiative, the Mondadori Group brand once more wants to engage its audience, which today has 12.2 million net users every month (Source: Nielsen Media Impact data Fusion May 2020), to which should be added almost 3 million fans on social networks (Source: Shareablee plus TikTok and Pinterest sources January 2021).
The project will also feature on the web site, in  special that brings together some of the most significant content from the issue and on the brand’s social media profiles with daily storytelling dedicated to  love.
On the Donna Moderna Instagram profile, there is an interactive survey #parliamodamore (Let’s talk about love) which identified the most voted verses tin the week of Valentine’s Day through cards and stories, together with readers stories and the most beautiful phrases among the many suggested by users on the social media channels.

Donna Moderna: a special Issue dedicated to the Italian National Rhythmic Gymnastics Team

From winter holiday destinations to Black Friday and Christmas gifts

Donna Moderna, the magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda will be on newsstands tomorrow, Thursday 3 December, with a special issue dedicated to the Italian national rhythmic gymnastics team. The six members of the team, also known as the Farfalle (Butterflies), given that their discipline makes them seem as if they had wings, are featured on the cover and in an exclusive fashion shoot.

Winning, positive, combative women: their stories stand out for their strength and determination, which has seen them enter the collective imagination and brought prestige to the country.

“Women’s sport, which rarely receives adequate media attention, is giving us great satisfaction. For years Donna Moderna has aimed to keep the spotlight on this world and support the battle for equal opportunities that women athletes in all sports continue to fight.” declared Annalisa Monfreda.

In the last Olympic four-year period, these gymnasts, managed by the National Technical Director Emanuela Maccarani, have also entered the history of international rhythmic gymnastics, with two gold medals, one silver and two bronzes at the World Championships, one gold and two silvers at the European Championships and qualification for the Tokyo Olympic Games two years ahead.

The cover features Alessia Maurelli, captain of the team, who talks about herself and confides to Donna Moderna: “It is true that of all sports, ours stands out for the aesthetic aspect,” she explains. “But I prefer the term warrior for us.” In fact, it is with the hashtag #guerriere (Italian for warrior) that Maurelli posts the photos of this formidable group of athletes.

In the Mondadori Group’ magazine’s fashion feature, the six athletes are portrayed in exclusive and refines shots, sometimes accompanied by their much-loved equipment. Each photo presents a different style, a trend of this autumn/winter season.

The girls wear outfits that represent tartan, black & white and colour block styles – or rather lively and intense colours, that are mixed in extreme combinations – as well as total black and with fringes, another seasonal must. Make-up is by BioNike – beauty partner for the Donna Moderna shoot – and is light and delicate like the flutter of a butterfly’s wings, but also high performance; a characteristic that distinguishes the athletes.

The issue’s storytelling continues online: on the website and the Donna Moderna social media profiles where users can find interviews with the athletes, a video story in which they are wearing the clothes, as well as tips and advice from the six athletes about fashion, sport and beauty.

Also onboard this Donna Moderna project: BioNike, the Official Sponsor of the Italian national rhythmic gymnastics team and Beauty Partner of the Italian Gymnastics Federation with the Defence Color line; Fastweb, whose institutional campaign features the Farfalle that represent the connection, power, speed and precision of 5G technology; Freddy, technical sponsor and official supplier to the Italian Gymnastics Federation.

Through the magazine and its digital channels, Donna ModernaDMBeauty and DMNow, the Donna Moderna brand reaches a net total audience of 14.6 million users every month (Nielsen Media Impact, data fusion March 2020), to which should be added 2.7 million fans on social media with the engagement of 1.6 million (Source. Shareablee last 30 days), confirming its position as a point of reference in the women’s segment.


Donna Moderna on newsstands with a special issue: Acts of Beauty

“Beauty is not an aesthetic canon, a duty, a slogan, but an action that improves our life”

Featured on the cover the volleyball player Paola Egonu


This week Donna Moderna is on newsstands with a special issue Acts of Beauty, in which the magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda launches a reflection on the acts of beauty that help us to be ourselves and find our place in the world.

“Beauty is not an aesthetic canon, however new and inclusive. Nor is it a slogan, with which we are all beautiful and each body is perfect. It’s not even ad duty: that of having to feel beautiful and value ourselves. Beauty is an action. It is commitment, effort, courage. We wanted to dedicate an entire issue to those acts of beauty that improve the lives of all of us,” declared the editor Annalisa Monfreda.

Featured on the cover is Paola Egonu, the Italian world champion volleyball player, of Nigerian origin, who, with her statuesque and elegant pride, was chosen by Donna Moderna as an example of a woman who is not afraid to feel free.

To celebrate this special issue Donna Moderna produced a special cover, with heavier paper and a eye-catching caption in glossy red lacquer.

At the centre of the magazine is an exclusive illustration by the artist Luca Font who, for Donna Moderna, has interpreted the words with which the brand’s audience describes beauty today: happiness, respect, audacity, courage, honesty, care, choice, acceptance and self-esteem. Positive concepts, chosen by readers in an instant poll on Instagramthat enhance the value of the project.

Acts of Beauty completes the project for three special issues which Donna Moderna has used to give readers a new perspective on issues of great interest. It’s an initiative in which we firmly believe and through which we have attempted to bring to the market a product of very high quality that underlines the social value of the content within, and confirming, once again, the capacity and commitment of the magazine to engage and be close to its audience,” declared Andrea Santagata, general manager of Mondadori Media.

A range of faces from the worlds of literature and entertainment, including Paola Turci, Sveva Casati Modignani, Fiamma Satta, Michela Murgia, Alessandra Amoroso, Geppi Cucciari, Kim Rossi Stuart, Stefania Auci and Jonathan Bazzi, have supported the Acts of Beauty initiative and have enriched the pages of the magazine with their own accounts of beauty.

The message of Acts of Beauty develops on the pages and in the columns of the issue also with investigations of current affairs that talk about actions to enhance the territory across Italy, women in companies and the talents of differently abled people.

The special issue of Donna Moderna also tells the stories of special people who, with courage, have found their place in the world: from Daniela Lucangeli, the much followed psychologist and learning difficulties expert, whose revolutionary ideas about teaching are based on positive emotions, to Maura Gancitano, the philosopher who is helping to make her subject something that (almost) everyone can approach and Francesca Vecchioni, founder and president of Diversity, the non-profit organisation committed to promoting social inclusion.

The issue also has a feature dedicated to the life and choices of three influencers: the curvy blogger Laura Brioschi, who has launched her BodyPositive fashion line, Eugenia Longo, the instagrammer who lives with alopecia, Aurora Celli, the TikToker who has made her vitiligo a point of strength.
Three portraits of women famous on social media that are not spokespersons from a classical concept of beauty, but who particularities make them even more beautiful and unique.

“We are extremely satisfied because Acts of Beauty, the third special issue from Donna Moderna, after Talento Italiano and Un Nuovo Futuro, has been widely appreciated by all of the companies on the front line for social commitment and the valorisation of beauty in all its forms. The market has recognised the editorial and advertising value of these three special issues, enabling us to record and 20% increase in ad pages and a 12% rise in revenues, compared with the same issues of the previous year,” declared Davide Mondo, chief executive of Mediamond.

 The storytelling of the Acts of Beauty special issue  is developed also on the web site, where the magazine’s content is included, expanded and updated, as well as on the brand’s social media channels, in particular the Instagram profile of Donna Moderna with a filter that plays on the key words of beauty chosen by readers.

Two backstage videos were also made during the Paola Egonu photoshoot and on the set with the three influencers, who talk about their acts of beauty to make them feel good about themselves, but also to spread a positive message to their followers.

The launch of the new special issue Acts of Beauty by Donna Moderna will be supported by an advertising campaign developed by CasiraghiGreco&, and planned on print, digital, and social media, as well as, radio and digital out of home in core districts of Milan on the iDD Magazine circuit.

Thanks to a unique mix of practical advice, first-hand testimony, stories and live daily events, Donna Moderna is always at the side of its readers and their needs. Through the magazine and its web channels, it reaches a total net audience of 14.6 million users every month (Source: Nielsen Media impact, data fusion March 2020), to which should be added 2.6 million fans on social media, with the engagement of 1.4 million interactions per month (Source: Shareablee and internal data on IG Insight), confirming the brand’s postion as the point of reference on the women’s segment,

Donna Moderna: the final challenge of Corri con noi in Valle d’Aosta

The protagonist ambassadors and the editor Annalisa Monfreda take part in a trail running race against the splendid backdrop of Gressoney-Saint-Jean

Corri con noi (Run with Us), the exciting Donna Moderna project for women who have chosen running and walking as their way of keeping fit and healthy, networking and building their self-confidence, has come to its final stage for this year.

After weeks of training in towns and cities across Italy, on 11 October a group of ambassadors, along with the magazine’s editor, Annalisa Monfreda, took part in a race against the splendid backdrop of the Valle d’Aosta. A competition with an entirely new formula and programme, with a selected number of participants to (safely and securely) conclude, the third edition of Corri con noi.

“Running together, sharing an exhausting challenge, helping and being helped along the way, these are the values of our project, the ones that help to make running an exercise in sisterhood and brings together our community of runners. And this is exactly what happened in the Valle d’Aosta, where we wrote the latest chapter in the extraordinary story of  Donna Moderna,” declared Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Donna Moderna.

Immersed in the suggestive surroundings, between the villages and pathways of the mountains, the athletes tenaciously and enthusiastically ran a 20-km trail, from  Gressoney-Saint-Jean, at an altitude of almost 1,400 metres, to Gressoney-La-Trinité, at more than 1,600 metres, and on to Alpenzù Grande at 1,788 metres, passing through ancient Walser villages with their characteristic houses built of wood and stone, alpine lakes nd valleys, where nature gives of its best.

A unique Alpine experience to enjoy the beauty of Monte Rosa and feel the flow of adrenaline that only an off-road race can offer.

Making the race even more memorable was the autumnal hues of the fir and larch trees, ranging from orange to yellow and red, that transformed the landscape into an authentic palette of colours.

From Iveta Sedlackova from Florence, an ambassador also last year in the race in the desert of Morocco, to Grazia Bellomo from Naples, who was taking part in a trail race for the first time, enthusiastic women runners challenged themselves and shared, using the brand’s social media channels as well as their own personal profiles, all of the excitement of this special adventure.

The event began the day before with a pre-race training session that brought together the participants and all of the staff of Donna Moderna in a 5-km walks around the Savoia castle on the “Regina Margherita” path, followed by a night-time walk.

The real final race got going on Sunday and was won by Elisa Adorni, an ambassador from Parma and the winner of the final race in the first two editions, followed by Federica Verdoya, an ambassador from Padova and Eleonora Suizzo, an ambassador from Catania.

“The thing I wanted most from these two days was to rediscover the group because a very strong bond has remained since the first edition in the Negev, and even when we are far away we are always in contact, from Sicily to Veneto, friendship is the most important thing for us,” said Elisa Adorni, winner of the race.
Others took part along with the ambassadors, including Ilaria Veronese, Italian alpine skiing champion and Scarpa athlete, and Elena Griffa, Laura Rho and Carlotta Montanera (known on social media as Running Charlotte), super trail-running experts, who on this occasion offered advice and support to the other participants.

Now in its third edition, Corri con noi is an initiative dedicated to women who want to take up running, those who run already and want to improve and expert runners who want to share their enthusiasm and experience. A community that revolves around a passion for running, not just as a sport, but also as a way of helping women to become more aware of their potential, their strength and to make them feel more secure, improve their mood and keep daily stress at bay.

And in September, both safely and securely the new appointments with Corri con noi began on twelve Italian cities and towns to train together with qualified coaches.

The Main Partner of the initiative is SCARPA, Italy’s leading producer of sports footwear and the Spin Ultra model for trail running.

Other partners include: GARMIN world leader in GPS technology for sport, fitness and the outdoors; Mediterranea Cosmetics with a line of cosmetic products for skincare and bodycare; Lauretana with Europe’s lightest mineral water; Benped® a new generation of hydrocolloid patches and a range of advanced technology orthopaedic supports, for the well-being of feet.

Supporter of the final race was the Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta, which with its magical background hosted our runners and the race.

Donna Moderna, the magazine brand of reference in the women’s segment, is an ecosystem which, thanks to a unique mix of practical advice, first-hand testimony, stories and live daily events, is always at the side of its readers and their needs. Through the magazine and its web channels, it reaches a n total audience of 14.6 users every month (Source: Nielsen Media impact, data fusion March 2020), to which should be added over 2 million fans on social media, with 1.3 million monthly interactions (source: Fanpage Karma, August 2020).