
Cultivated, open and curious: the female readers of women’s and lifestyle magazine are at the centre of “The value of print” survey

Reading on print media is a relaxing activity for 76% of the sample

94% of female readers have about products they’ve seen in magazines

Cultivated, open, curious: these are just some of the characteristics of female readers of magazine that emerge from a new survey by Mondadori Media entitled “The value of print”, conducted in collaboration with the Istituto More and Bva-Doxa, on a sample of omen aged between 25 and 55 who regularly buy and read women’s and lifestyle magazines in Italy.

The survey looked at the lifestyles, habits and reading experience of the sample with a view to drawing up a profile of contemporary readers and identifying that current value of print media, in a scenario in which everyone an increasingly plural media diet.

According to the survey, the female readers of magazines have a hugely varied cultural consumption compared with non-readers: they go to the theatre (45%), exhibitions (58%), they read at least 5 books a year (64%) and also read daily newspapers (81%).

They also have a higher spending capacity and propensity to consume: more than half of the magazine readers (56%) reported a higher spending capacity and that they spend a lot on travel, in particular in Europe (61%), food and beverages (38%), restaurants (27%), clothes and accessories (24%), the home (18%) and technology (18%). 39% adores shopping and more than half (51%) wear prestigious branded items.

In terms of purchasing, 41% of the sample define themselves as demanding and selective, a figure that rises to 49% for the readers of Mondadori Group magazines, who also have a greater interest in branded products (56%). Overall, 39% of the sample is willing to pay more for a product that gives satisfaction and significant importance is attributed to the list of ingredients (41%) in food and wellness. Special interest also emerged for body care: with readers frequently visiting beauty centres (34%), gyms (28%), spas (11%), or buying cosmetics (27%). If we consider only the female readers of Mondadori brands, the purchasing proportion rises to 35%.

An examination of the benefits of reading printed magazines showed that magazines provide an intense and rewarding experience. Interaction with the title is an authentic experience that permits a relaxing and concentrated use (76%), which also makes it possible to pause and reflect on details (69%). Reading is slow and takes up more time and is also less wasteful (67%), making it possible to remember more about what is read (57%), and is perceived not only as providing access to content but also as a moment for oneself (71%).

In fact, the multi-sensorial element offered by magazines is marked, and this in turn stimulates the imagination by activating various senses: tactile contact with the magazine and paper is appreciated (67%), as are the images that allow one to immerse oneself in different environments and situations (57%) and the smell (47%).

Appreciation was also expressed for advertising (77%), which is considered non-invasive if the quality is high (61%), and even has a suggestive and inspirational value, in particular among the readers of Mondadori titles, who are glad to look ad magazine advertising (85%), above all for luxury brands and cosmetics (74%). Attention to the quality of the images and details encourages a higher level of enjoyment and satisfaction among readers, in a continuous flow with the actual editorial content. A more attentive engagement with the pages of a magazine also helps to stimulate memory, in fact 94% of readers claim to have bought products that they have seen in magazines.

The Mondadori Group magazines at Milano Licensing Day

The Mondadori Group brands are among the protagonists of the “Milano Licensing Day”, an event that brings together the leading operators in the licensing and brand extension market, taking place on 13 September at the Hotel Nhow in Via Tortona.

Among the opportunities offered by the magazines of the Mondadori Group, the Italian leader in the sector, is a licensing programme that above all involves the titles in the kids and cooking segments. Products under license and formats in franchising in line with the philosophy, identity and brand assets, that drive the encounter between demand and offer that for years has been the essential ingredient of the Milano Licensing Day.

An innovative offer of content and services that circulate around the Mondadori Group magazines; not just a basic printed product, but rather an authentic integrated communication system that makes the most of the editorial expertise, by investing every day on the web and social networks, promoting events around the country and involving communities of readers with a wide range of initiatives.

Heading up the new proposals will once again be the Focus Junior “system”. During the year, the brand, which is an established point of reference in the world of children and young readers, has reached a number of licensing agreements with prestigious brands, leading to a range of quality products: from personalised Easter eggs with Kinder Gran Sorpresa to the flowpack miniatures produced by Dynit, and from the large-format exercise books of BM Arti Grafiche to the cards and diaries of Giochi Preziosi.

Also featuring at the Milano Licensing Day will be forthcoming books, the latest project developed by Focus Junior: from 30 October young readers from the age of 6 will have the opportunity of discovering a large number of science-related curiosities in Un mondo di record and to discover the incredible diversity of our planet thanks to Un mondo di mappe.

A sort of “fun science” that is spreading across Italy, thanks to franchised educational and play spaces carrying the Focus Junior label.  After a made-to-measure bedroom produced by Cgfdesign, just a few days ago, the first Focus Junior Play Lab was opened in Lecco; a space designed to satisfy the natural curiosity of children and early teens with science laboratories, and drawing, cooking and digital journalism workshops and which, in addition to the space and equipment also offers a teaching plan conceived by the editorial team, the training of operators, a communication plan and a range of activities in the local area.

The strength of the Mondadori Brands is confirmed also in the kitchen, thanks to initiatives organised by Sale&Pepe, which with its franchised cooking school every day offers a new and exciting way to experience restaurants and their protagonists being guided by passion and skill. Set up in Milan in 2015, the Sale&Pepe cooking school has a broad selection of courses for adults and children, events for individuals and companies, showcooking demonstrations and themed-evenings. It is a format that can be reproduced across the entire country two ways: from a traditional space equipped with a chefs kitchen and work benches to itinerant “cooking stations” in public spaces, with the brand that offers in every case the opportunity to transform a love for food into a remunerative job.