Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni presents the concert “Sorrisi Live – Un sorriso per Natale”
Francesco Gabbani, Ermal Meta, Annalisa, Gigi D’Alessio, Samuel, Federica Carta, Edoardo Bennato, i Tiromancino, i Pinguini Tattici Nucleari and Diodato are the featured artists of this exclusive musical event
Tomorrow, from 7 pm on and the magazine’s Facebook and Instagram pages

Sorrisi live – Un Sorriso per Natale (A Christmas Smile) is the exclusive musical event that Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, the Mondadori Group brand that is a point of reference for the world of music and entertainment, is giving to its readers and users this Christmas.
The initiative, that will be broadcast on Wednesday 16 December from 7 pm on the website, as well as the magazine’s Facebook page and Instagram account, features some of Italy’s biggest and most popular stars.
A series of performances on the virtual Sorrisi Live stage by Francesco Gabbani, Ermal Meta, Annalisa, Gigi D’Alessio, Samuel, Federica Carta, Edoardo Bennato, i Tiromancino, i Pinguini Tattici Nucleari and Diodato. All of the artists will give the audience an acoustic version of song from their repertoire exclusively for Sorrisi along with special Christmas wishes for their fans.
The event will be presented by the editor of Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni Aldo Vitali, together with Gabriele Corsi from the Trio Medusa.
“This is our Christmas gift to the readers of Sorrisi and for all the users who follow us on social media.” Declared the editor Aldo Vitali. “It will be an authentic concert with some of the biggest names in Italian music, all of whom are friends of Sorrisi and gladly accepted our invitation to take part and who I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart. For the reasons we all know, this will be a Christmas will not be normal, but we want to add a smile to make it a little less disappointing,” the editor concluded.
On the occasion of Sorrisi Live -Un Sorriso per Natale, Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni also wants to offer a moment of peace and enjoyment for children in hospital and their families. Which is why the magazine is supporting the Fondazione Dottor Sorriso which, for 25 years, has been promoting d Terapia del Sorriso (smile therapy) in Italy aimed at cheering up young patients and helping them to face their illnesses and hospital stays. “We have decided to support this particular Foundation in order to lighten children’s suffering Fondazione with a joke, a game and a song, all of which are aimed at bringing a smile to their faces in a difficult moment. Also, because smiling is good for the heart and we at Sorrisi know this very well,” explained Vitali. To underline the importance of the project, the editor and Gabriele Corsi will be wearing a red nose for the entire duration.
Sorrisi Live – Un Sorriso per Natale is a confirmation of the special relationship that has always linked Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni to the world of entertainment and unites it, without barriers, to a public of over 5.1 million people, including readers, users and fans, thanks to a system that ranges from Italy’s most widely read weekly magazine, to the website, social media and events.
This virtual concert is also part of the Sorrisi Live programme, a cycle of live events on Sorrisi social media featuring the most popular personalities from the world of television, music and cinema. Since October, every Wednesday, artists of the caliber of Francesco Gabbani, Max Pezzali, Francesca Michielin, Fedez, J-Ax, Luca Argentero, Federica Panicucci, Michelle Hunziker, Ambra Angiolini have participated in this rich calendar of exclusive interviews, reaching a total reach of 3.1 million users.
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