Donna Moderna launches #OneGenerationWoman
From boomers to post millennial girls: a special issue dedicated to five generations of women, with ageless interests
For the first time on newsstands with two inverted “art covers” and two-way reading
Featured on the covers the “granfluencer” Licia Fertz and singer-songwriter Gaia

Donna Moderna, brand leader in the women’s magazines segment, is launching #OneGenerationWoman: a special issue in which the magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda gives space and a voice to five different generations. From the silent generation to the women of the ’50s, through Generation X up to the post-millennial girls and Alpha: five generations that today are increasingly searching for a common language and interests that are ageless and can stimulate dialogue in which all of them can both learn and teach something.
“We looked at what each of these generations can give to the others, what visions of life, of work, feelings, money, the environment can contaminate women of different ages. We believe that there is much to be gained from comparison, exchange, experience. And we hope that this issue will stimulate the curiosity of each generation about the others,” declared Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Donna Moderna.
An issue with two covers and a two-way option of reading that allows for two different journeys: on the one hand the view of the women known as boomers by the youngest generation, with their stories and their great experience to be transferred and related to the later generations; and, on the other hand, the voices of the post-millennial girls who are changing the way we live and see the world and becoming an inspiration for women of all ages.
Two different perspectives, represented by two exceptional personalities selected by Donna Moderna as symbols of their generations.
The star of the cover dedicated to the silent generation is Licia Fertz, known on Instagram with the profile “Buongiorno nonna”. Licia is a 91-year-old “granfluencer” whose charisma and energy have made her an authentic social media star. She posed for a fashion shoot for the magazine with a determined look, starting from the studded-leather on the cover .
The face on the cover dedicated to Gen Z is the singer-songwriter Gaia. At 23, she was the winner of the 19th edition of Amici, and is now one of the most popular young artists on the scene, with some 750,000 followers on Instagram, over 160 million streams, two platinum and one gold discs. A symbol of the young women of the new generations, on the pages of Donna Moderna she interprets vintage pieces, a cult of more mature women.
Both covers were curated exclusively for Donna Moderna by the Spanish designer Pablo Pasadas.
There are a number of in-depth themes in this special issue. From health and prevention with an interview with gynaecologist Alessandra Kustermann, the first female medical director of the Mangiagalli Maternity Hospital in Milan, who explains how, over the years, women have struggled to change their approach to such issues.
Extensive space is also given to the issue of work, with a number of stories of family businesses where the baton is passed from generation to generation. And then reverse mentoring, a tool to enhance diversity between senior and junior figures in companies.
Also in the pages of the special issue is a “dictionary of slang”, to discover the most frequently used words and expressions of the new generations and advice on the young people to follow on social networks: from the singer Ultimo to the blogger Sofia Viscardi, the fashion influencer Emanuele Ferrari (@emilife) to the YouTuber Noa Planas, and from the actress Ginevra Francesconi to the TikToker Khabi Lame.
The two visions that are the connecting thread of the two sections of the issue will intertwine at the centre of the magazine in a special feature on beauty with a test to discover the biological age of one’s skin and the most suitable beauty routine for every woman that will also be on Instagram.
Dialogue between the generations started in recent weeks on social networks with a call to action that involved the brand’s community of about 11 million users (Source: Nielsen Media Impact Data Fusion December 2020), who were invited to tell their stories, which were then also published in the magazine.
The launch of the new issue of Donna Moderna will be supported by an advertising campaign created by Casiraghi & Greco, and planned on print, radio, social media and out-of-home digital.
Beauty partner of the Donna Moderna skin test is the Laboratoire Native Group with the Lierac brand, which has always been inspired by innovation in aesthetic medicine to offer women targeted and effective solutions, Roger & Gallet, which has been producing timeless fragrances for 150 years, and Phyto, which for 50 years has been taking care of the health and beauty of hair through the use of highly concentrated plant extracts.