Sale&Pepe, the Mondadori Group brand that for thirty years has brought pleasure to the table thanks to gastronomically exclusive and refined ideas, for the first time presents its recipes in two new books: The bible of vegan recipes (Sperling & Kupfer) and Flavours of Italy. From north south, the best of our cuisine according to Sale&Pepe (Mondadori Electa).
These initiatives are a further demonstration of the strength of the brand that, thanks to the richness of content, the authoritativeness of its experts, the respect it pays to the culture of food, the territory and Italian lifestyle, has been able to spread its offer across a range of channels – the magazine, with themed specials, the web site, social networks, events and courses at the Cooking School – becoming a system that is a point of reference in the world of food with an overall audience of 1.6 million contacts per month (Source: Audiweb tda 2017/II + Audipress 2017/II).
“Over the years Sale&Pepe has tread carefully across the evolution in Italian cooking and followed the changes in the use of ingredients, quantities and preparation and interpreted innovations and trends with recipes with the reach of everyone that are never complicated or banal and with photographs that make them surprising,” said Laura Maragliano, editor of Sale&Pepe. “This long experience is today translated into two books of which I am particularly proud and through which e invite readers to taste different dishes, discover the incredible variety of products that we have and the generosity of our land.”
The bible of vegan recipes offers over 450 recipes to discover the joys of vegan cooking, from appetisers to desserts, with unique dishes and preparations for those with little time; special treats for parties, complete and seasonal recipes, preserves, drinks and smoothies, as well as a glossary of ingredients.
Flavours of Italy. From north south, the best of our cuisine according to Sale&Pepe is a tour of the extraordinary variety of Italian cooking. The ancient wisdom of the culinary arts that, in so many different iterations, criss-crosses the mountains and the plains, the east and west coasts and, of course, the islands, with a selection of 150 dishes.
In addition to Sale&Pepe also Cucina Moderna is in bookshops this month with Chef in 24 hours. A cookery course to learn all of the techniques, basics and tricks for preparing successful recipes (Sperling & Kupfer). The manual offers an easy method to work successfully in the kitchen, in the classic style of Cucina Moderna, the brand leader in the sector that reaches over 1 million readers (Source: Audipress 2017/II) thanks to its accessible, step-by-step recipes.