Webboh Lab

Innovative, more inclusive and connected to reality: this is the ideal school according to the Webboh Lab survey

The younger generation would like an educational institution that prepares them more for life and work (80%) and allows them to express their opinions (8.5/10)

A few days before the start of the second quarter, Webboh Lab, the first permanent observatory on Gen Z resulting from Webboh’s partnership with the Sylla research institute, has analyzed the responses of more than 38,000 elementary, middle and high school students who were asked to share their opinions, perceptions and expectations about school.

The results, partly collected through the involvement of Studenti.it users, led to the report “La scuola che vorrei”, a detailed look at the school system through the eyes of the younger generation. Their goal is to have a school that is more inclusive and helpful in dealing with the challenges of everyday life.

Vision of the ideal school:

Students were asked to describe how they imagine the perfect school environment:

  • inclusive and respectful, where everyone has an equal chance to learn (9/10);
  • with beautiful and welcoming spaces, helping those with problems or difficulties (8/10);
  • more connected to reality, with useful lessons for daily life (7/10);
  • innovation-oriented, with the use of technology to make lessons interactive and engaging (5/10);
  • a place where students can voice their opinions, work together in groups, and engage in creative and fun activities (5/10).

Perception of the school

The main problems highlighted by the report concern the perception of a not very innovative school environment that lacks adequate preparation for real life and work, placing great emphasis on mental health. In detail:

  • 80% think that school does not teach topics that are useful for life;
  • 80% find their backpack too heavy;
  • 67% experience anxiety about going to school;
  • 67% believe that schools do not care about pupils’ mental health;
  • 67% spend entire days studying;
  • 68% are fairly or very happy with the level of teaching they receive;
  • for 49%, teachers are not sufficiently understanding and do not care enough about whether a subject is understood;
  • 49% of children found situations of neglect at school. Indeed, many of them do not trust the solidity of the structures and as many as 50% of the children believe there is a potential risk of the facility collapsing.

It emerged, in general, that students do not feel valued, welcomed and supported at school: “It is a place where I feel valued” received only 4.3 out of 10 and “It is a place where I feel welcomed and supported” 4.5 out of 10. In addition, the concept “Bullying is addressed and effectively managed” received 5.2 out of 10, a result that leads one to think that the educational institution is unable to deal with and manage bullying.

Identified clusters:

The Webboh Lab team identified 5 profiles that identify students based on their responses to the questionnaire:

  1. Vision and Motivation (34%): this is the group that identifies students who see school as practical preparation for the future and work, and who prefer a traditional approach.
  2. Practicality and Inclusiveness (30%): concerns children focused on professional preparation and collaborative learning in a stimulating environment.
  3. Ambition and Pragmatism (14%): they value competition and rewards, with a focus on individual growth.
  4. Creativity and Relaxation (13%): this is the cluster where creative freedom and a relaxed environment with less homework and more artistic activities are valued.
  5. Tradition and Freedom (8%): where students prefer a classical educational approach, without excessive emphasis on technology or creativity.

You can view the full research here.

Webboh is the flagship media for GenZ. Created in April 2019, it has been part of Mondadori Media since February 2023. It currently has a fanbase of 4.5 million followers across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp, 70% of which are under 24. The website receives 3 million unique monthly users (source: Audiweb last quarter 2024). It is in the top ten most influential Italian media companies on social media, as well as the first targeting Gen Z for engagement and video views (source: Italian Top Media Rankings for First Communication made by Sensemakers). The topicality, authenticity and interest generated by the content is guaranteed by a bottom-up editorial model: the community is involved in every part of the creative process.

Webboh Lab, a partnership between Webboh and the Sylla research institute, with Scientific Director Professor Furio Camillo, is the first Permanent Observatory on Gen Z. Webboh Lab’s commitment is to gather the voice of the younger generation and investigate and explore issues to convey them to those who make decisions for them, the adults of tomorrow.

Webboh Lab: 15,000 teenagers responded to a survey on glass recycling conducted for Coreve

They were divided into 4 groups: proactive, utilitarians, theorists and poets of transformation

Three out of four teenagers always separate glass.

Another 20% do it 'often' and only 5% do it rarely or never.

Young people who don't recycle list the following reasons: 38% don't think about it, 21% have someone to do it for them and 14% think there is not enough information about it.

Webboh Lab, the first permanent observatory on Gen Z born from Webboh‘s meeting with the Sylla research institute, involved 15,000 teenagers, aged between 14 and 17, to collect opinions, behaviours and perceptions regarding the topic of glass recycling and the use of packaging created with this material. The survey, conducted by Webboh Lab for CoReVe – the national consortium for the collection, recycling and recovery of glass packaging waste in Italy – highlighted some key points of interest.


The survey showed that three out of four teenagers (more than 76%) always separate glass, while only 5% said they rarely or never do it. Of these: 38% do not separate glass because they don’t think about it, 21% have someone to do it for them and 14% believe there is not enough information about recycling.

Glass recycling is very common among teenagers, as they generally prefer the use of glass packaging as it is more sustainable.

Young people are taught correct behaviours, such as separate waste collection, by their parents and schools, making it a recognised and widespread practice. Most interviewees believe that the good example of others and more information can motivate us to improve the collection of glass.

The data analysed also showed that two out of three teenagers (67%) are aware of the possibility of endlessly recycling glass without losing quality, while 65% of them are aware that incandescent bulbs and crystal glasses cannot be recycled together with ordinary glass. Finally, 85% of young people know that recycling a glass bottle reduces air pollution by 20% compared to that produced to make a new one.

As regards behaviour in Italy, 56.8% of interviewees believe that Italians pay enough attention to separating glass and that it is very important to do so (70.9%). 60% of children think that in 10 years glass recycling will be more widespread and 74.7% are in favour of penalising those who do not separate glass from other waste.


Expansion of the answers obtained with respect to issues related to glass recycling and environmental sustainability has made it possible to identify four groups of adolescents with similar answers on in-depth topics.

Proactive recyclers (34%)
They are young people with a strong pragmatic and proactive tendency towards glass recycling, and are highly motivated and hands on as regards the actions taken. They attach great importance to protecting the environment and reducing pollution: they are extremely aware of the environmental issue and are convinced that recycling glass is a great help. In general, they are consistent in their behaviour towards sustainability, consumption choices and daily practices of waste separation, reuse and recycling of materials. They actively correct other people’s incorrect behaviour and they also agree to sanction those who do not separate their waste. They ask for more information to encourage separate waste collection and the virtuous example of influencers and famous people.

Recycling utilitarians (28%)
Teenagers in this group focus on the functional and utilitarian aspects of recycling, but they are much less motivated when it comes to issues related to environmental sustainability. They recognise the importance of glass as a material that is not harmful to the ecosystem and are familiar with recycling bins. Despite this, they are not particularly motivated by the concept of recycling or by the environmental impact that it may have. They are a little less virtuous as regards separating glass than the average person. To stimulate recycling, they propose economic incentives and are against the introduction of penalties for those who do not separate their waste.

Recycling theorists (23%)
Those that are disenchanted with recycling and are the least interested in the issues of recycling and the environment.
They reveal a more poetic and symbolic vision of glass, attaching a special value to its purity and its capacity for rebirth, however, they are less virtuous in separate waste collection, finding it complicated and demanding and remaining less sensitive to the issue of environmental sustainability in general. They claim to be motivated to recycle glass for its infinite reuse but are less concerned with practical details, such as using the correct bins or removing caps.

Poets of transformation (15%)
The young people belonging to this group are very involved in the issues of environmental sustainability and are very aware of related issues. They differ from the first group, the proactive recyclers, for their more romantic and idealistic vision: they see glass as a poetic and special material, and they prefer glass packaging for its unique characteristics. They are the most informed about correct glass recycling practices. They recycle much more than the average person, they are in favour of any incentive that promotes the dissemination of good practices and they are also in favour of penalties for those who do not separate glass correctly. Finally, they adopt, in general, a sustainable lifestyle and feel like active protagonists, attaching importance to the correct management of glass, since they are motivated by the environmental value of recycling.

The survey is very interesting and allows us to understand what young people think and how they behave,” stated Gianni Scotti, President of CoReVe. “In general, there is alignment among children between environmentally sustainable behaviour, environmental awareness and glass recycling. Almost all of them – as many as 90% – think that the climate crisis is a serious matter and that glass recycling is a fundamental part of reducing pollution. But CoReVe’s challenge is speaking to the 5% that rarely recycle to make it clear what a waste of environmental and economic resources it is not to recycle glass properly. The work we are doing with influencers, creators, schools and territories goes precisely in this direction. Italy’s good recycling rate is, in fact, not taken for granted but must be maintained and, if possible, improved. This is why it is essential to know what Gen Z thinks and what behaviours they adopt,” Scotti concluded.

“This research has attracted a lot of interest among children, it is a generation that is well informed on and aware of environmental issues. The analysis of the data allowed us to identify 4 groups of teenagers with similar answers to the in-depth topics, each with a different leaning towards glass recycling. This has made it possible to collect very targeted information for the customer,” says Furio Camillo, Scientific Director for Sylla. “Webboh Lab confirms itself as a very effective tool for the strategy, marketing and communication of brands and companies that find an interesting target in Gen Z.”

Webboh is the flagship media for Gen Z. Created in April 2019, it has been part of Mondadori Media since February 2023. It currently has a fanbase of 4.5 million followers across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp, 70% of which are under 24. The website receives 3 million unique monthly users (source: Audiweb last quarter 2024). It is in the top ten most influential Italian media companies on social media, as well as the first targeting Gen Z for engagement and video views (source: Italian Top Media Rankings for First Communication made by Sensemakers). The topicality, authenticity and interest generated by the content is guaranteed by a bottom-up editorial model: the community is involved in every part of the creative process.

Webboh Lab, a partnership between Webboh and the Sylla research institute, with Scientific Director, Professor Furio Camillo, is the first Permanent Observatory on Gen Z. Webboh Lab’s commitment is to gather the voice of the younger generation, investigate and explore issues to convey them to those who make decisions for them, the adults of tomorrow.

Webboh Lab and sex education: fewer taboos and more dialogue for Gen Z

Research reveals the demands of the very young: enhanced sex education with the involvement of schools, families and expert counsellors

Webboh Lab, the first permanent observatory on Gen Z stemming from an encounter between Webboh and the Sylla research institute, has partnered with Farmitalia to conduct a survey via an online smart poll involving 500 young Italians aged between 14 and 17. The results provide a picture of the perceptions, knowledge and doubts of younger generations regarding sexuality and contraception in Italy.

The results show how the very young face a lot of exposure to these issues, which is also attributed to the numerous information channels available, and how they would like to experience sex education in general, that is, with fewer taboos and more clarity.

How Gen Z stays informed

The details of the data collected by Webboh Lab show that the sources most consulted by respondents are friends (53.4%) and social media (46%), followed by school (43.2%) and the Internet (40.4%). The family is in fifth place with 27.6%, while doctors and advice centres are mentioned by only 5.6% of young people.

Sex education at school

 Sex education at school is considered a key issue by the very young. They would like it to be addressed more, with particular emphasis on certain aspects:

  • sexually transmitted diseases (importance score: 8.47/10);
  • relationships, affection and partner consent (score: 8.40/10);
  • contraceptive methods (score: 7.81/10);
  • anatomy of the human body (score: 7.78/10).

Gen Z’s suggetions for better information

The Webboh Lab smart pool also showed that the way in which this issue is dealt with could be improved through various initiatives. Besides more school involvement (score 8.36/10), the main activities identified by respondents were:

  • counselling services (score 7.87/10);
  • discussions with adults (score 7.59/10);
  • access to reliable online resources (score 7.49/10).

Contraceptive methods

The survey also highlighted condoms as the most popular method of contraception among Gen Z (98.2%), followed by the pill (88.4%). Much more limited knowledge is found, however, for IUDs (49.3%) and coitus interruptus (17%).

Emergency contraception: the concept of emergency contraception is familiar to 44.2% of young people. More specifically,86% know about the morning-after pill, while only 41.8% know about the five-day-after pill. The main sources of information for emergency contraception include:

  • Internet (25.1%);
  • social media (24.4%);
  • school (15.6%):
  • friends (12.4%):
  • family (6.9%).

Furthermore, 23.9% of young respondents admitted to knowing someone who had used the morning-after pill, while only 8.3% knew someone who had used the five-day-after pill.

The research shows a clear need for a more integrated approach to sex education involving not only schools, but also counselling services and families.


Webboh Lab, which came about after a meeting between Webboh (4 million followers on social media) and the Sylla research institute, directed by Furio Camillo, is the first permanent observatory on Gen Z. Webboh Labs is committed to hearing the voice of the younger generation, investigating and exploring their issues and bringing them to the table of people making decisions for them, the adults of tomorrow.

Webboh is the flagship media for Gen Z. Created in April 2019, it has been part of Mondadori Media since February 2023. It currently has a fanbase of 4.5 million followers across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp, 70% of which are under 24. The website receives 3 million unique monthly users (source: Audiweb last quarter 2024). It is in the top ten most influential Italian media companies on social media, as well as the first targeting Gen Z for engagement and video views (source: Italian Top Media Rankings for First Communication made by Sensemakers). The topicality, authenticity and interest generated by the content is guaranteed by a bottom-up editorial model: the community is involved in every part of the creative process.

Gen Z and mobility of the future: green and safety first

According to a Webboh survey, 1 in 4 young people are Independent Navigators

For World Earth Day, in just 24 hours, almost 9,300 young people aged between 12 and 20 answered the instant survey launched by Webboh Lab

Among the profiles that emerged was that of the Independent Navigator: young urbanites who prefer transport that allows greater autonomy, favouring sharing systems, and who would buy electric cars and scooters in return for greater incentives.

Gen Z prefers public transport and more than a quarter of respondents advocate needs such as efficiency and flexibility in mobility, as well as collective sustainability.

For World Earth Day, Webboh Lab, the first permanent digital observatory of Gen Z, interviewed Webboh’s young audience on issues related to the mobility of the future.

The research was conducted using the psychometric approach, analysing motivations, perceptions and value aspects related to emotions, in order to understand young people’s involvement with mobility and sustainability issues.

The survey, which involved almost 9,300 respondents from young Italians aged between 12 and 20, revealed 5 identikits:

  • Independent Navigator (27%): these are young urbanites who prefer autonomy and personal convenience in mobility. They generally prefer cheap parking spaces, are in favour of incentives for electric cars and scooters and support the use of sharing systems. They support affordable public transport and advocate teaching money management in schools. Finally, they promote inclusive and language services.
  • Green Pathfinders (20%): these are progressive, sustainable and social integration-oriented young people. They prefer collective mobility and are more interested in policies related to sustainability and education, like free public transport for students, which they see as part of the social and educational fabric of the city. They reject incentives for cars and scooters and the expansion of sharing systems, instead favouring sustainable mobility solutions and investments in public transport. Finally, they promote financial education in schools.
  • Urban Optimiser (19%): this group favours a wider range of measures to improve urban mobility. They support the use of public transport for cultural and sporting activities, promote its free use and would like it to be more active after sunset. They favour incentives for electric cars and scooters, but also support the use of shared transport for more environmentally friendly transport solutions. Finally, they value accessible mobility services, including those with language support.
  • Local Boosters (18%): this group supports the local economy, small businesses and accessible public services. They support offering free tickets for public transport and language support for an inclusive community. They oppose financial education in schools and transport sharing. Policies such as public transport after sunset or access to parks and cycle paths are not priorities for Local Boosters.
  • Community Curator (16%): this group falls into the category of urban youth, but are focused on more sustainable, community-centred and inclusive mobility. They support shared mobility, promote access to parks and cycle paths, and encourage using public transport for cultural and sporting activities. They are involved in supporting local shops and small businesses and support school policies on money management.

The survey showed that 2 out of 3 respondents don’t really cycle and admitted that they never (43%) use it to get around or only do so less than once a week. The situation would be different if cyclists were made safer in the city by improving cycle paths (39%), fixing potholes in the streets (38.5%) and reducing delinquency (30%).

Furio Camillo, Professor of Business Statistics at the University of Bologna and Scientific Director of the Webboh Lab, said: “Although in many cases young people’s vision will have to be liberalist and individualist, it starts from an approach that puts the common good and the growth of a society that respects diversity and favours public spending at the centre of everything, perhaps finally returning to discuss public investment for the future of our young generations”.

The 5 clusters, identified using Webboh Lab’s psychographic approach, show a generation of young people demanding a change in mobility and liveability in the city, made up of people rather than means in relation to each other.

Although public transport is the preferred solution, more flexible transport solutions are needed, perhaps favouring and incentivising sharing solutions. Young people who favour these choices embody an individualistic approach to city life, choosing solutions that allow personal independence and economic convenience, but always with a view to maximising social and environmental efficiency. On the other hand, there are groups where public transport is crucial, but always with a view to efficient mobility as well as collective sustainability.

The nod to a given territory is also very interesting: one typology in particular boosts local business and production activities, encouraging a way of life that allows inclusion and multiculturalism. Semantic affinity analyses with local policies throughout Italy could detect which ideas, initiatives, programmes and campaigns best match the 5 types of young people.


Webboh Lab, which came about after a meeting between Webboh (4 million followers on social media) and the Sylla research institute with Furio Camillo as its scientific director, is the first permanent observatory on Gen Z. Webboh Labs is committed to hearing the voice of the younger generation, investigating and exploring their issues and bringing them to the table of people making decisions for them, the adults of tomorrow.

Webboh is the flagship media for Gen Z. Created in April 2019, it has been part of Mondadori Media since February 2023. It currently has a fanbase of 4 million followers across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp, 70% of which are under 24. The website receives 3.2 million unique monthly users (source: Audiweb Last Quarter 2024). It is in the top ten most influential Italian media companies on social media, as well as the first targeting Generation Z for engagement and video views (source: Italian Top Media Rankings for First Communication made by Sensemakers). The topicality, authenticity and interest generated by the content is guaranteed by the bottom-up editorial model: the community is involved in every part of the creative process.

According to Gen Z, the Sanremo Festival’s winner is Geolier: that’s the result of an instant survey by Webboh

Over 15,000 under 25s voted for their favourite song using the instant survey conducted by Webboh Lab.

During the week for the 74th edition of the Sanremo Festival, Webboh, the first Italian community dedicated to Gen Z, asked its audience to vote for the competing singers and choose their favourite song, using an instant survey on its Instagram channel and produced by Webboh Lab, which more than 15,000 under 25s responded to in just 24 hours.

According to Gen Z, the undisputed winning song of the 74th edition of the Italian Music Festival is “I p’ me, tu p’ te” by Geolier, a Neapolitan singer, a leading artist on the Italian rap scene, much loved by Gen Z with lyrics written and sung in his city’s dialect, Neapolitan. The song is about the sweet feelings experienced after the end of a romance.

According to under 25s, this is the top five of the Sanremo Festival 2024:

  1. Geolier – I p’ me, tu p’ te
  2. Mahmood – Tuta Gold
  3. Annalisa – Sinceramente
  4. Alfa – Vai!
  5. Irama – Tu no


Interesting data emerged from the instant survey, and not only on the musical tastes of young people: Amadeus’ hosting is once again proving to be a winner for 96% of those interviewed, and 93% would like him to host the next edition of the Festival as well.


Unexpectedly, 83% of young people followed the music event on television on RAI, and 60% considered it something special that they wanted to experience with friends and family, confirming that the music festival continues to be a great group event for Italians, who increasingly use the Festival to discover new artists (85%).


Webboh is the flagship media for Gen Z. Created in April 2019, it has been part of Mondadori Media since February 2023. It currently has a fanbase of 4 million followers across TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, 70% of which are under 24. The website receives 3.7 million unique monthly users (source: Audicom November 2023). It is in the top ten most influential Italian media companies on social media, as well as the first targeting Generation Z for engagement and video views (source: Italian Top Media Rankings for First Communication made by Sensemakers). The topicality, authenticity and interest generated by the content is guaranteed by the bottom-up editorial model: the community is involved in every part of the creative process.

Webboh Lab, which came about after a meeting between Webboh (4 million followers on social media) and the Sylla research institute with Furio Camillo as its scientific director, is the first permanent observatory on Gen Z. Webboh Labs is committed to hearing the voice of the younger generation, investigating and exploring their issues and bringing them to the table of people making decisions for them, the adults of tomorrow.

Webboh Lab: one in three teenagers admits to having behaved like a bully

From the stage of Marlù Webboh Vibes in Sanremo, tinted BLUE for the National Day Against Bullying and Cyberbullying, come the results of a survey conducted by Webboh Lab.

More than 9,000 young people between the ages of 13 and 20 responded to the instant survey on bullying in 48 hours, showing how relevant the issue is for younger generations.

More than two thirds of respondents stated that they had felt bullied and that school is where most bullying and abuse takes place.

Today, for the National Day Against Bullying and Cyberbullying, the stage at Marlù Webboh Vibes in Sanremo was tinted BLUE to reflect the topic of the day. To raise awareness among young people, experts in the field were invited to the stage, and the results of the instant survey conducted by Webboh Lab were presented. Over 9,000 young people from the Webboh community between the ages of 13 and 20 responded to the survey in 48 hours.

Seventy per cent of respondents say they have felt bullied, confirming a dramatic trend already highlighted by events in the news.

When asked directly whether they have ever been a bully, 66% answered negatively. However, one in three admitted to being a bully, which expresses possible overlap between those who are bullied and those who, after being bullied, become bullies themselves.

According to 60% of respondents, bullying is not gender-specific, but a behaviour adopted equally by boys and girls, and for more than 75% of respondents, school is where bullying and abuse are most prevalent. For 68% of respondents, bullying is something that has always existed and it can affect victims of all ages.

The research outlined 4 profiles of ‘bullies’:

The Shadow (50.2%) is driven by personal insecurities and family problems and seeks acceptance through harmful behaviour. This person is a victim of bullying and shows a lack of empathy, with difficulties communicating and managing inner conflict, and requires external support to break the destructive cycle.

The Heartless Tyrant (20.9%) acts with deliberate malice and lack of empathy, motivated not by insecurities, but by a desire to dominate. This person is emotionally isolated, with a tendency not to seek support, and requires intervention to develop empathy and constructive strategies to resolve conflicts.

The Angry Fury (15.4%) is motivated by economic hardship and anger, expressing aggression not to gain fame, but as a direct result of frustration. This person shows a tendency to avoid confrontation and seek isolation, and requires strategies to manage anger and improve social relationships.

The Fake Fragile (13.5%) acts to compensate for vulnerability and lack of family support, often without intending to hurt the other person. Trapped in a cycle of anger and frustration, with difficulty managing conflicts and a tendency not to communicate problems, this person requires support to develop resilience and face challenges.


Webboh Lab, stemming from an encounter between Webboh (4 million followers on social media) and the Sylla research institute with Furio Camillo as scientific director, is the first permanent observatory on Gen Z. Webboh Lab is committed to hearing the voice of the younger generation, investigating and exploring their issues and bringing them to the table of people making decisions for them, the adults of tomorrow.

Gender-based violence: 83% of Italian teenage girls condemn the cultural environment

For the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Webboh Lab launched a survey to which 8,000 teenage girls responded.

When asked about the causes of violent behaviour against women, 83% of young Italian women believe that the main reason is the cultural environment in which they live every day.

Webboh Lab put forward an instant survey for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to which 8,000 girls and women between the ages of 12 and 20 responded. 71% of today’s teenage girls, who will be tomorrow’s adults, blame the culture of male dominance and sexist mentality for violence against women.

According to the young girls and women questioned, the cause due to “behaviour” is entirely marginal: violence, for them, does not stem from stressful states or psychological problems, but from a society that has normalised the position and social power of men, role expectations, and attitudes exalting strength for too long, without any self-criticism, looking for the cause in the ‘monster’, in order to take away responsibility.

The research shows that, in the perception of girls, there are at least five profiles of violent men: the self-absolvers (43%), i.e. those who continually justify their violent behaviour, reflecting a culture that perpetuates it; the medievalists (19%), who are linked to entrenched gender roles and family dynamics; the amplifiers of violence (17%), who experience aggression as an echo of bad media reports about the violence in the world around them and the impact on society; the underpressured (12%), represented by those who struggle with personal stress and family pressure; the de-empowered (9%), who blame power and gender role imbalances for their violence.

The identification of complex and different profiles of violent men makes it clear that multiple measures acting on different levels are needed. Solutions proposed by different experts that emerged from the interviews – from affective education to psychological counselling, from awareness-raising activities to the adoption of more restrictive measures when the first signs of aggression appear – must be applied in a targeted manner for each behavioural profile and for the individual subject.

Webboh Lab, created from the meeting between Webboh (3 million followers on social media) with the research institute Sylla, with Chief Science Officer, Professor Furio Camillo, is the first Permanent Observatory on Gen Z. Webboh Lab’s commitment is to gather the voice of the younger generation, to investigate and explore the issues in order to bring them to the table of those who make decisions for them, the adults of tomorrow.

Webboh Lab and Z Power: the two big news for Gen Z announced at IAB Forum 2023 from the stage “Regeneration from Z to Alpha”

The two big news: Webboh Lab, the observatory dedicated to the younger generation, and Z Power, the “spin-off” for Gen Z from Power Talent Agency

At the IAB Forum 2023, Mondadori Media enlivened the Vision Arena with a rich schedule focused on Gen Z and with two inspirational speeches, by Andrea Santagata and Benedetta de Luca, on the future of digital media and inclusive communication.

Mondadori Media, the leading Italian multimedia publisher on social media and in the digital world involving Gen Z, was the protagonist with the stage “ReGENERATION from Z to Alpha” in the Vision Arena of the IAB Forum 2023, the main event in Italy dedicated to digital innovation, which was held in Milan on November 8 and 9. Building on its experience of social and new generation issues, Mondadori Media took advantage of the valuable setting provided by IAB Forum to announce two great new products dedicated to Gen Z: Webboh Lab and Z Power.

Webboh Labis the first permanent digital observatory of Gen Z, which gives back to the world the authentic photograph of this new generation: a privileged vantage point to know up close and in real time the thoughts, opinions, expectations and interests of young people, thanks to the centrality of Webboh, the first Italian community dedicated to Gen Z, and the authority of the Istituto di Ricerca Sylla.

In less than 48 hours, 24,000 teens between the ages of 12 and 20 responded to the first instant survey launched in community stories on Instagram. The results showed – as professor Furio Camillo, Professor of Business Statistics at the University of Bologna and Sylla’s Scientific Director, had the opportunity to illustrate – that Generation Z is not a monolith, but is made up of five profiles of social media users: Meme Maestro, comprising 40% of young people surveyed, Creative Explorer (18%), Like Lover (17%), Social Soul (14%), and Digital Dreamer (11%).

The Meme Master uses social media through entertainment and virality, while the other four clusters use the platforms for more value-based purposes, such as exploring interests, promoting social causes, obtaining support and sharing their creativity. Another piece of evidence that emerged debunks  the belief that young people without social media are  lonely: when asked to imagine a world without social media, the fear of loneliness scored 4.3 – on a scale where 1 equals “not at all” and 10 equals “maximum” – and is one of the last most important markers (the highest marks were obtained by “I would be bored” and “I would do more sport”). A further interesting result shows that, in a world without social media, the younger generation would miss WhatsApp and Instagram, followed by TikTok and YouTube, while they would not miss Facebook, in the last position behind Twitch, Discord, and X. To learn more about all the results of the survey and the survey possibilities offered by Webboh Lab, visit webbohlab.it.

There are also important news about Power Talent Agency. Z Power is the new agency’s spin-off dedicated to young talents who relate to Gen Z and with whom they share values and themes. A roster of ordinary young creators who speak about what they believe in, including ACapoDelGlobo (aka Giulia Berettini), Ella’s Book, Webboh talents as Claudia Mariani, Arianna Madonna and Christian Candela, and so many others. Z Power aims to create a bond between creators and brands that want to connect with their audiences, creating an ecosystem of mutual collaboration and growth. Its launch enriches Mondadori Media’s proposal for communicating the world of the younger generation, thanks in part to synergies with the Webboh publishing brand.

The IAB Forum 2023 hosted, among others, the plenary panel titled “Generazioni e Rigenerazioni,” an inspirational moment held by IAB Italia President Carlo Noseda and Andrea Santagata, Managing Director of Mondadori Media Area Digital and Polo MarTec. The panel was focused not only on digital evolution in the last 20 years but also on future and its applications, starting with AI.

On the same stage Benedetta De Luca, Disability Advocacy, Gender & Inclusion Editor for The Wom and creator of Power Talent Agency, attended too. She addressed the theme of inclusion within the world of communication together with Martina Fuga, Communications Manager of CoorDown, and Nicola Acampora founder of PizzAut.

Mondadori Media enlivened the Vision Arena with a rich schedule and many guests with the moderation of Giampaolo Colletti, journalist contributor to Il Sole24Ore and StartupItalia Director: 25 professionals in this sector, 65% of them women, delved into topics related to the new generations, such as communication strategies (thanks to the intervention of media and advertising agencies Open Influence, Ogilvy, Omnicom Media Group and Dentsu Creative) and the evolution of trends, thanks to the intervention of the main social platforms such as Meta, TikTok and YouTube. The values and creativity that characterize Gen Z with panels by The Wom and Webboh were outlined too.

During the two intense days of IAB Forum 2023, there were many workshops signed by Mondadori Media: in the first one, “The Social Big Opportunity,” Andrea Santagata presented Mondadori Media’s development strategy and, in the second one, Edoardo Rettori, Sales Account Manager of AdKaora, and Betty Lasjuilliarias, Digital & Omni-Channel Manager of Alcon, illustrated the successful case study for the Alcon brand thanks to the new Impact Video format of AdKaora.

You can view the full program at this link.


Mondadori Media is Italy’s leading multimedia publisher, with a distinctive positioning and audience on the editorial market. Through its brands, the Mondadori Group’s social multimedia company caters for the passions of the Italians – food, beauty, fashion, health and wellness, science and tech – and reaches more than 26 million unique users every month (source: Audiweb Jan-Aug 2023) and a total fanbase of 100 million (source: Comscore Shareablee + Pinterest insight October 2023).

Webboh is the flagship media of Gen-Z. Founded in April 2019, it has been part of Mondadori Media since February 2023. It currently has a fanbase between TikTok, Instagram and YouTube of 3 million users of which 70% are under the age of 24, a website of 2.5 million monthly unique users (source: Audiweb Average Month 2023) . It is in the top ten most influential Italian media on social, as well as the first in target generation Z for engagement and video views (source: Top Italian Media Rankings of Prima Comunicazione made by Sensemakers). The topicality, authenticity and interest aroused by the content is guaranteed by the bottom-up editorial model: the community is involved in every part of the creative process.

Power Talent Agency is Mondadori Media’s agency that manages a roster of talents with different artistic paths. The variety of profiles makes Power a unique reality in the Italian digital world, in which the talent of influencers and creators is transformed into value for brands, reaching over 30 million video views per month.The projects developed can also benefit from integration opportunities with Mondadori Media brands, from The Wom to Mypersonaltrainer to Webboh, for the creation of content with a strong impact in message, language and style. The goal is to create authentic stories for all target segments, especially for the genZ and young millennialZ public.