
Highlights 2023

  • Revenues: 199.5 million euro
  • more than 500 stores throughout Italy
  • e-commerce:

The Mondadori Group is present in Italy through Mondadori Retail S.p.A.:

  • in the physical market, with the most extensive network of bookstores: a cultural oversight present in a capillary fashion throughout national territory, thanks to more than 500 stores branded Mondadori in all Italian regions and provinces, from large cities to smaller towns, in addition to shops-in-shops and Club Mondolibri corners;
  • on-line with the e-commerce website and the Bookclub formula.

This year also saw the continued policy of developing and maintaining the physical network implemented in recent years.

There are 45 directly-managed stores. In this business segment, the network renewal and development continued through:

  • transformation of existing stores through transfer/downsizing/remodelling projects;
  • the selective development of the network, based on a format that is now consolidated in terms of dimensions and value proposition, with a clear focus on the book product.

As concerns franchisees, mainly characterised by stores near small towns, the progressive focus on the Bookstore format continued, with medium-sized bookshops offering considerable turnover, through the opening of new book stores and the refitting of existing ones and the parallel closure of the smaller “Mondadori Point” brand and sales outlet. This business accelerated further during FY 2023 for a total of more than 50,000 square metres in total of the franchised book stores.

On-line, the Group is present with the e-commerce website, whilst in the eBook/audiobook world, the partnership continues with the Rakuten Kobo Group.