Through its brands aimed at Gen Z, Webboh and The Wom, Mondadori Media delivered a range of activities and content aimed at raising awareness and understanding the views of young people on the issue of gender-based violence on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25 November).
Webboh Lab, the first permanent observatory dedicated to Gen Z, conducted an instant survey on the topic of violence against women: the 8,000 answers from girls and women aged between 12 and 20 showed that 83% of young Italian girls, when questioned on the causes of gender-based violent behaviour, believe that the main reason is the cultural environment in which they live every day.
The research shows that girls and young women think there are at least five profiles of violent men: the self-absolvers (43%), i.e. those who continually justify their violent behaviour, reflecting a culture that perpetuates it; the medievalists (19%), who are linked to entrenched gender roles and family dynamics; the amplifiers of violence (17%), who experience aggression as an echo of bad media reports about the violence in the world around them and the impact on society; the underpressured (12%), represented by those who struggle with personal stress and family pressure; the de-empowered (9%), who blame power and gender role imbalances for their violence.
For the event, the two publishing brands aimed at Gen Z have published a schedule full of social media and web content to raise awareness about gender-based violence, offering useful tools both from a practical point of view, such as emergency numbers, and a cultural point of view to help prevent and fight the phenomenon, involving the younger generations.
Specifically, The Wom, the 100% inclusive brand created with the aim of raising awareness and supporting change and which offers articles, videos and in-depth reports on a daily basis both on its website and social profiles, has delivered a dedicated publication, informative content, poems, events and calls to action, and an illustrated Instagram carousel inspired by the true stories of women and their fears that has encouraged more than 2.000 people to tell their stories publicly, garnering over 130,000 likes.
Together with Sorgenia, awareness-raising content was produced, consisting of small tips on what to do if you find yourself with a person you suspect may be a victim of violence. The project, connected to Sorgenia’s #sempre25novembre campaign, aims to keep attention focused on this social emergency every day of the year and not just on the 25th of November.
The Wom also published content in partnership with DONNEXSTRADA with the “La violenza non è solo fisica ma… (Violence is not only physical, but…)” campaign, with the aim of illustrating different types of violence, both psychological and physical. The initiative was a great success among its followers, also thanks to video interviews with 3 activists from the Association who presented topics such as gender-based violence, how to protect oneself against aggression and psychological violence, and how victims of violence can be helped.
Webboh specifically chose to highlight the anti-violence and anti-stalking number 1522, by posting on its Instagram Stories – every day for a week at 3.22 pm – the message: “Quando ne hai bisogno, chiama: è importante (When you need it, call: it’s important)”. It also spread the Italian State Police Guide that can help people recognise a toxic relationship. The motto chosen by Webboh to raise awareness, “This is not love”, has been echoed by its followers, with more than 150,000 likes and the post being saved more than 5,000 times.
The Wom and Webboh support DONNEXSTRADA, the non-profit association that offers help to victims of violence, promotes change in society, provides legal and psychological support to victims, works for prevention and has created a network of 150 Punti Viola – safe places for women to ask for help – throughout Italy.
We thank the DONNEXSTRADA group.
Webboh is the flagship media for Gen Z. Created in April 2019, it has been part of Mondadori Media since February 2023. It currently has a fanbase of 3 million followers across TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, 70% of which are under 24. The website receives 2.5 million unique monthly users (source: Audiweb Monthly Average 2023). It is in the top ten most influential Italian media companies on social media, as well as the first targeting Generation Z for engagement and video views (source: Italian Top Media Rankings for First Communication made by Sensemakers). The topicality, authenticity and interest generated by the content is guaranteed by the bottom-up editorial model: the community is involved in every part of the creative process.
The Wom is the new all-digital, social media first brand dedicated to Millennials and Generation Z, who consider uniqueness a strength and a value that enriches themselves and others. The Wom is the flagship for the younger generation on TikTok and Instagram, with a total fanbase of 9 million followers and 9 million unique users on the Internet (Audiweb Total Digital Audience monthly average 2023)
Webboh Lab, created from a meeting between Webboh (3 million followers on social media) with the research institute Sylla, with Chief Science Officer Professor Furio Camillo, is the first Permanent Observatory on Gen Z. Webboh Lab is committed to gathering the voice of the younger generation, to investigate and explore the issues in order to bring them to the table of those who make decisions for them, the adults of tomorrow.