“Panorama d’Italia” arrives in Milan
A super 7-day stage with 54 events around the city
From Sunday 16 to Saturday 22 October a calendar of free events open to everyone
- From the greetings of President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella to an encounter with Ken Follett, and from “art lessons” to stars from the world of music
- Showcooking and food experiences with star chefs, and meetings with ministers entrepreneurs and managers
- Inaugurating the stage on Sunday 16 October at 4.30 pm Mayor Giuseppe Sala and the Fanfare of the Carabinieri
- From the greetings of President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella to an encounter with Ken Follett, and from “art lessons” to stars from the world of music
- Showcooking and food experiences with star chefs, and meetings with ministers entrepreneurs and managers
- Inaugurating the stage on Sunday 16 October at 4.30 pm Mayor Giuseppe Sala and the Fanfare of the Carabinieri
Milan is the stage of stages for Milano “Panorama d’Italia”, the tour that the newsmagazine Panorama has made over the last three years around the country taking in information, culture, food, wine and entertainment. From Sunday 16 until Saturday 22 October Lombardy’s capital will host a special stage of the tour with a calendar of 54 events open to everyone.
“Milan is undergoing a phase of great change,” writes the Mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala, in an article in the magazine welcoming the arrival of the tour to the city. “Thanks also to the extraordinary experience of the Expo, Milan has become a model. The city is also a point of reference around the world for fashion, art, design, food, voluntary service, care for the environment: a desirable tourist destination, an example of the efficiency and quality that this country is capable of. The events organised by the “Panorama d’Italia” initiative will reflect the spirit of this Milan, as well as the originality and enterprise of its citizens.”
The editor of Panorama, Giorgio Mulè, explained the sense of this stage: “During this week we will talk to the people of Milan of all ages and we will offer opportunities to meet and exchange ideas, attempting to enrich the prospects and culture of everyone: work, food and wine, theatre, cinema and music with testimonials worthy of this great city and its international vocation.”
With lots of guests and over 30 different locations, the Milan stage of the Panorama d’Italia tour, now in its third year, after visiting 27 towns and cities and engaging thousands of people with the best of the country, arrives in the Italian city with the most international outlook.

Politics and institutions
The greetings of President Mattarella, the presence of government ministers Giannini, Galletti and Calenda; the Governor of Lombardy Roberto Maroni with the councillor of economic development Mauro Parolini and other members of the council, the Mayor Giuseppe Sala, deputy-minister Enrico Zanetti: are just some of the guests form the world of politics and institutions participating in the meetings organised by Panorama d’Italia. An opportunity to meet and exchange ideas face to face on issues of direct relevance to national development: from education to economic growth, social as well as and labour policies. Conferences, exclusive interviews and talk shows: and on each occasion a direct relationship with the public will be fundamental as participants interact with the speakers and follow the debates live.
Training, business and jobs
Central to the whole event will be a discussion on “The schools of the future”, on Thursday 20 October at the headquarters of the Mondadori Group in Segrate: the meeting with high school students involved in the competition “Il bello di Milano” will begin with an introduction by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, in the presence of education minster Stefania Giannini. During the week of Panorama d’Italia, young job seekers will have the chance to meet HR specialists from some of Italy’s leading companies and will be able to follow debates between some of the prime examples of business excellence in the city.

Culture and entertainment
A parade of stars, from the worlds of music, cinema and literature will be a feature of the Panorama d’Italia marathon in Milan, with open interviews, showcases, concerts, readings and exclusive presentations. Some of the names include: Alessandra Amoroso, Nek, Emis Killa, Fabio Rovazzi, Niccolò Agliardi, Benji and Fede, Alfonso Signorini, Dan Peterson, Geronimo Stilton, Antonio Casanova, Sofia Viscardi, and many more; as well as the presentation, in collaboration with the Festival del Cinema di Roma, of the film, “Florence” starring Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant. There will also be space for DJ sets and fashion events, thanks to the collaboration of the magazine Icon.
Panorama d’Italia will also offer an opportunity to meet prestigious authors and discover the city’s artistic delights with exceptional guides. Starting on Sunday 16 October with Ken Follett, an author who in Italy has sold over 14 million copies of his novels. The Welsh writer has chosen Milan to meet his Italian readers and talk about his future plans. Interviewed by Panorama editor Giorgio Mulè, the author will talk about his books, but also about his private life, politics and current affairs.
Also during the week will be events featuring Valerio Massimo Manfredi, Vittorio Sgarbi, Maurizio De Giovanni, Stefano Zecchi, Davide Rampello, Massimiliano Locatelli, Roberto Giacobbo and many more. The Milan stage of the tour will also give space to meetings with Focus, among the most appreciated new features of Panorama d’Italia 2016: the astronaut Umberto Guidoni, the editor of Focus Jacopo Loredan and many other guests from the world of science will accompany participants “around space” with meetings and ad hoc events, including live coverage of the arrival of the space probe Exomars on Mars.

Haute cuisine
In an anthology of excellence, it is impossible not to involve the stars of Italian cooking, one of the jewels in the crown of Made in Italy food and wine around the world. So space will be given to star chefs such as Andrea Berton, Giovanni Bon, Bobo and Chicco Cerea, Carlo Cracco, Filippo La Mantia, Davide Oldani, the famous faces of TV chefs such as Benedetta Parodi and Antonio Martino, and, exceptionally, heading the list the great maestro Gualtiero Marchesi, the cornerstone of a generation of outstanding chefs now working around the world and representing the very best of Italy’s food and wine culture.
All of the “Panorama d’Italia” events are free and the programme is available from www.panorama.it or www.panoramaditalia.it. To take part, all you need to do is register and book your place on www.panoramaditalia.it and following the instructions (any programme changes will be announced on the site). All of the events can be followed in live streaming on the site and on social networks.. At all of the “Panorama d’Italia” event locations it will be possible to buy the bracelets produced especially for the tour by Cruciani: the proceeds will contribute to the creation of a new national centre for the Lega del Filo d’Oro, the charity that assists people with aural, visual and other sensory impairments, in Osimo (Ancona).
Tour figures
Last year alone 4 million people were reached by the tour through physical events, the printed weekly magazine, its sites, social channels, television, radio and other media that used the content. The audience directly involved in the events in the various towns and cities totalled more than 110,000 with 375 guests and speakers (including 6 minsters, 8 regional presidents and 8 mayors), 500 media outlets, 191 business people in round tables and the involvement of over 600 companies, including 180 innovative start-ups.
Panorama d’Italia enjoys the support of high level partners who share a commitment to enhancing Italian excellence around the country. They include: Autostrade per l’Italia, Banca Mediolanum, Cobat, Cruciani, Eicma, Enel, Eni, IBM, Invitalia, Poste Italiane, Sicily by Car, Università Telematica Pegaso, and TgCom24 Mediaset. The charity partnership with the Lega del Filo d’Oro will be present throughout the tour.
In addition, at every town and city on the tour, media partnerships have been established with the leading local TV and radio stations and newspapers.
“Panorama d’Italia” has been organised in collaboration with Triumph Group International, for executive production, organisation and logistics.